

This was published 2 years ago


Vaccinating children will help to protect everyone in the community

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation’s (ATAGI) announcement that the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine will be made available to all children aged five to 11 years from January 10 next year is welcome news to parents.

The vaccine for this age group is one-third of the dosage given to people aged 12 years and over, with an eight-week interval between the two doses, as has been recommended in Canada. The US has adopted a three-week interval, which may be used in special circumstances such as outbreak settings in Australia.

Vaccination for children aged five to 11 will begin in January.

Vaccination for children aged five to 11 will begin in January.Credit: AFR

The vaccine has now been given to over 5 million children in the US, or almost double Australia’s entire primary school aged population, including more than 1.4 million kids who have received their second dose, and there has been no vaccine safety signal for myocarditis or pericarditis.

The vaccine will provide direct protection against clinical infection, especially serious illness, and potentially for any longer-term sides effects, or long-COVID. Even though most children either experience no symptoms or mild symptoms, as they would from any viral respiratory infection, 1 per cent of symptomatic children who test positive for COVID require hospitalisation, and about one in 3000 children may experience the rare but serious multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C).

Some children with pre-existing medical conditions are at greater risk and need to be prioritised. The vaccine also has important indirect benefits by reducing transmission in households, schools and the community and helping to ensure kids can attend school safely to optimise their face-to-face learning and social interaction with their peers.

This will be critical in 2022, especially for children in Victoria and NSW who have experienced long periods of home schooling and the negative impacts of lockdown on their physical and mental health.

Students in Victoria and NSW did long stretches of home schooling this year.

Students in Victoria and NSW did long stretches of home schooling this year.Credit: iStock

The vaccine will be available through participating general practices, pharmacies, Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations and family-friendly vaccination centres. Some states may also adopt school-based programs, but unlike secondary school-based immunisation programs, it is most likely that weekend pop-up clinics will be needed for primary school kids to have their parents present.

Much thought is being given to ensure that the vaccination experience is positive for children through creating family and child-friendly environments. This is particularly important to support children who may have mild anxiety about vaccination or behavioural issues, as well as children with developmental disabilities, such as autism, or sensory issues. There will also be services available for children with more severe needle phobia through hospitals.


If possible, parents should try to discuss vaccination with their child and create a plan ahead of the appointment, outlining who will be there and what the child may need, including toys and other distractions from home. Careful planning and discussion with children gives them some control over the experience and is more likely to lead to a positive and successful vaccination experience.


Parents and children in this age group need to be given the opportunity to access the vaccine voluntarily first with incentives and measures known to be effective to improve vaccine uptake, such as on-site vaccination and reminders, before any consideration is given to mandates for kids.

We understand parents have questions about the vaccines, especially around vaccine safety, and they need to have the opportunity to have these addressed and to access clear, trustworthy information to guide their decision-making. Efforts need to be made to understand and address barriers for different population groups and ensure tailored communication and strong community engagement, as we have done in the adult and teen programs.

A no-jab policy at this point has the potential to compound disadvantage and undermine community trust and confidence. Many kids have paid a high price during the pandemic, and they should not be penalised further by restricting access to school, social or sporting activities, based on the decision of their parents. Clearly, we need to continue to assess and manage risk, especially in schools, through ongoing adherence to public health strategies, particularly testing.

Australian kids have some of the highest vaccination rates in the world, with over 95 per cent of children vaccinated in the National Immunisation Program, and we anticipate most parents will welcome this announcement. We want children to get back to their lives and to doing what they love, free from the threat of illness or exclusion from school due to COVID.


Vaccinating children will help to protect everyone in the community and keep them safer and we hope many kids will be able to receive one dose before the start of school next year.

There will also be ongoing monitoring of the new Omicron variant, and we will continue to collect and learn from data on clinical severity, vaccine effectiveness and safety from other countries to continue to inform the optimal vaccine program for Australian children.

Associate Professor Margie Danchin is a paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

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