

This was published 3 years ago


Vaccinate young, mobile adults to reach herd immunity faster

By Tony Blakely, Adelle Mansour and Rebecca Bentley

Delta is concerning. We knew it would get out into Australia at some stage, and it is here now in our community.

Bear with us briefly as we delve into the maths of COVID-19 infection rates.

People queue for COVID-19 vaccinations at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

People queue for COVID-19 vaccinations at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Credit: Eddie Jim

In pre-COVID times (remember way back?) the average person with wild type Wuhan virus would infect on average 2.5 people. (It does vary a lot by person – think super-spreader.) Now, with the Delta variant, that average is 5.0 people.

Last year, we had to force that number from 2.5 people to less than 1.0 to end the second wave. That is, we had to alter the way we lived to reduce transmission by 60 per cent.

Bad news – the same restrictions and measures we used last year to get down to 1.0 will not be enough to get more infectious Delta to 1.0. A 60 per cent reduction from 5.0 gets us to only 2.0. Ouch.

So, what can we do now to get from an effective reproductive rate of 2.0 to 1.0? Good news. Our contact tracing is so much better, that helps. Is it enough? It all depends. The virus is so stochastic, or random, in its spread that sometimes this will be enough, sometimes not.

We need more insurance.

Enter vaccination. Getting vaccinated reduces your chances of being infected (about 90 per cent for Pfizer, but less at 50-70 per cent for any infection for AZ; AZ is very good at stopping serious illness, but not as good for stopping any infection). If you are unlucky enough to be infected after vaccination, it also reduces the chance you will infect another person by half (for both Pfizer and AZ). This helps.


So far, appropriately, we have prioritised vaccinating those most likely to get sick or die of COVID-19. But those people are – paradoxically – not as likely to spread it (unless in an aged care facility) as they have fewer contacts per day on average.

Who has the most contacts per day and is most likely to spread the virus? Generalising, young folk out and about. Those in the gig economy or with public-facing jobs or activities.

Should we be prioritising these people next? We argue “yes” now that Delta is here and we have made progress vaccinating the vulnerable.

How do we find these people? That is the hard part. Can you imagine the bureaucracy necessary to try to decide who these people are and then certify that this is true in the vaccine queue?

We have another idea that needs discussion.

As humans, we often cluster together in where we live based on who we are. And it just so happens that people in jobs with greater mobility tend to cluster together in Melbourne.

Below is a map of Melbourne based on an index created by Adelle Mansour. It uses data on precarious housing, as well as overseas research on whether people’s jobs allow them to work from home and, if they cannot work from home, how close they are likely to be to other people while at work. We mapped the index to Melbourne, using census and other data.

Here is the thing. It predicts the geographic clustering of COVID-19 cases last year rather well. (See the dots overlaid.)

But we can be simpler that this in Melbourne – just identify those neighbourhoods that had the highest rates of COVID-19 in the second wave last year. Two-thirds of active cases on 31 July 2020 were concentrated in the 20 per cent of neighbourhoods with the highest rates.

When we open Pfizer up to 16-40-year-olds in Victoria, we suggest it is prioritised to those neighbourhoods with high rates last time around. Not rocket science. And the attractive feature of this is it will gain us more resilience, get us closer to herd immunity, because vaccinating more mobile people gets you more bang for buck than vaccinating an average citizen.


Moreover, there are spill-over effects. Even people who are not that mobile, who live in areas that are on average more mobile, will be more likely to get and spread the virus than if they lived elsewhere. Geography matters, on top of who we are individually.

Such a ‘trick’ will make us more resilient, some weeks or months earlier than otherwise.

In other major metropolitan cities in Australia that have not had a second wave to identify priority neighbourhoods, prioritising neighbourhoods using an index such as that in the figure – or ‘just’ a measure of socioeconomic deprivation – will do the trick.

Professor Tony Blakely (Epidemiologist and Public Health Medicine Specialist), Population Interventions Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne.

Adelle Mansour (Geographer) and Professor Rebecca Bentley (Epidemiologist), Health Housing Unit, Centre for Health Policy, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne.

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