

This was published 19 years ago

The power of one in the bush

The man who says he doesn't like Liberals could turn John Howard's dreams into a nightmare, Jason Koutsoukis reports.

It takes seven hours to drive the 525 kilometres west from Brisbane to remote St George, the home of Nationals senator-elect Barnaby Joyce.

Amid the cotton fields of south-western Queensland is the man determined to remake his party in the mould of its icons, John "Black Jack" McEwen and Joh Bjelke-Petersen.

Joyce is pivotal to the Federal Government's fortunes this term, yet he delights in mocking his future Coalition partners - the Liberals.

"To tell you the truth, I have never really liked Liberals much. They all think they have something special happening in their lunchbox."


This is the man John Howard is relying on to give the Coalition a precarious one-vote majority in the Senate from July 1.

To sell the remaining public slice of Telstra - and pass all the other things the Senate has blocked over the past nine years - the Prime Minister is praying that Joyce will do what all the others on his team usually do and vote the way they are told.

But leaning back in his rural accountancy practice in the heart of this prosperous Queensland farming district, Joyce is adamant the Nationals won't be kicked around any more.

"If the vote on Telstra was tomorrow, would I vote for it? No way. Not a chance."

Looking up with pride at an autographed portrait of former Queensland premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Joyce says the Nationals have to better represent country people.

"Why are the Liberals so shocked at what I am saying on Telstra? It's my party's policy, for goodness sake. Why should I represent the Liberal view? I'm in the National Party and we have an alternative view."

Joyce says he will take a lot of convincing to change his mind on Telstra, especially if Communications Minister Helen Coonan is doing the talking.

"Helen is so typical of that Liberal elite from Sydney's eastern suburbs whose main view of the world is the harbour. Just completely out of touch with working rural Australia," he says.

Joyce relates the last time Coonan tried to get in touch with him. "I picked up the phone the other day and this very superior sounding woman from Helen's office told me that 'Senator Coonan will be on the Sunshine Coast at the weekend' and would I like to pop down and see her," he says, his tall frame shaking with laughter.

"Well, no, I couldn't just 'pop' down. It's a nine-hour drive from here to the Sunshine Coast. Did she think I had nothing to do for the next three days?

"Coonan has the ministerial jet, she is on the public purse, and she wants my vote on Telstra - I don't want anything from her - and yet here she is between sessions at the opera and her beloved French restaurants telling me to drop everything to rush to see her. The arrogance is breathtaking."

He's sick of being jumped on by Liberals for expressing party policy. "They want to kick me out of the Coalition. They say I'm unsophisticated, irrelevant and they are going to wipe me out. If your wife told you that, you'd be asking for a divorce."

So who is this enigmatic figure who has emerged from nowhere to loom as gatekeeper to the Federal Government's legislative agenda?

"People say I'm a maverick. Wrong. A maverick is someone who represents himself - not a constituency... anyone who thinks I am going to become an independent like Bob Katter has completely misread me.

"I have not joined the Nationals to tear them down. I am passionate about this party - and the conservative Coalition - and I am going to help rebuild the National Party by standing up for the things our supporters - working rural people - believe in."

The issues that top his list of priorities are: getting the same phone services for the same price in the country as in the cities, different tax rates for people in regional zones, ethanol in every petrol tank, and weakening the power of Coles and Woolworths.

"That's what the 324,000 people who voted for me want. So get used to hearing about it."

Joyce also wants to emphasise his different in style to other Nationals, such as fellow Queenslander Ron Boswell who he believes is a "lost cause".

"Bosi's way of doing things are over, I'm afraid. We can't afford to run around like puppy dogs panting that we get things done 'because I'm friends with John Howard'. Country people want to see a little more muscle. You think Black Jack McEwen and Doug Anthony ran around fawning over Robert Menzies and Malcolm Fraser?"

Barnaby Thomas Gerard Joyce, 38, grew up in the northern NSW township of Danglemah. His father, James Joyce, was a New Zealander who moved to Australia to study veterinary science at Sydney University where he met Barnaby's mother, Marie, and they made their living as farmers.

"My father was injured in the Second World War, and he came to Sydney on a scholarship," Joyce says. The Joyce family has a proud history of military service. His grandfather John landed at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915, and finished World War I on the Western Front. He also fought in the Second World War, and in between the wars served as bodyguard to the future King Edward VIII. Barnaby served in the Army Reserve.

One of six children - he has four brothers and a sister - Joyce describes his upbringing as austere and intellectually rigorous - "totally enthused by each other's company, they ooze brains. The family home was wall-to-wall books. Every dinner time a political argument of some kind."

His parents' politics are different to his own. His mother would vote for Kim Beazley before John Howard - Joyce says she believes Howard has brought Australia down - and both his parents are staunch republicans whereas he is a monarchist.

On social issues too he is more conservative. "I'm a strong Catholic. I'm anti-abortion, I'm anti death penalty and I'm going to be standing up for conservative family values."

By the time he was born, Joyce's parents could afford to send him to boarding school and they chose Riverview, the exclusive Catholic boys school in Sydney. "It helped me in many ways. I was very good at rugby, I made friends, but I knew that I was not that kind of person. I didn't have much in common with that privileged class of people. It will help me get into the Canberra groove, but... really, the Liberals remind me of Riverview."

He studied accountancy at the University of New England in Armidale, where he met his wife Natalie, who is part Lebanese. Joyce's parents were against their marriage. "I remember entering the church to be married and on her side every pew was taken by family and friends. On my side only two pews were taken. None of my family came... It was very hard to take at the time, but I always kept the door open and now that is far behind us. We are fully reconciled."

After graduation, Joyce moved around northern NSW and southern Queensland - working for a time as a nightclub bouncer in Moree, which earned him 26 stitches on his face, and later as a rural banker in Charleville - before settling in St George eight years ago.

"It's remote here, only 3000 people and 200 kilometres from the nearest town. But my wife fell in love with the place so we decided to hang out the shingle and see what happened. We had no money. My desk was a hand-me-down from St Vincent de Paul, the chair a Westpac Bank reject. But we worked hard. We've made a good living."

He and Natalie have four daughters, and live in the house they built behind his office - an old bank building.

Joyce joined the Nationals in 1995, and has hankered for a life in politics. The 2001 election was his third as a candidate. This time he got lucky.

"Now I just can't wait to get my hands dirty. This is an exciting time for people in rural Queensland. I hope I can live up to their investment in me.

"I may not succeed, but I'm going to give it everything I have."

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