It may have been 34 years ago but the newspaper headlines have a familiar ring. They tell of high-ranking police masterminding an abortion protection racket, demanding and receiving massive bribes from prominent Collins Street specialists and engaging in an extensive conspiracy to pervert justice.
Three senior police (the then chief of the homicide squad, Inspector Jack Ford, the head of the traffic branch, Superintendent Jack Mathews, and a former detective constable, Martin Jacobson) were charged, convicted and sentenced to lengthy jail terms in Pentridge.
In sentencing the men, Justice Starke remarked: "By your conduct, you have severely shaken the community's confidence in the Victoria Police Force and, inevitably, I think the morale of the force itself must have suffered."
The 1970 Abortion Inquiry, headed by William Kaye, QC (later Justice Kaye), rocked Melbourne and shattered public confidence in police and the rule of law. For the first time, highly respected members of the force were found to be not only corrupt but to have been running an illicit industry, which had flourished under the ban on abortion.
Apart from the three officers, whose otherwise distinguished careers were served out at Her Majesty's pleasure, another 10 police and former policemen were implicated in the racket but managed to avoid prosecution because of a lack of evidence.
An Age editorial at the time concluded: "It would have been naive to suppose that responsible ministers and officials, and successive police chiefs, had no inkling of what was going on."
Despite disturbing revelations that cut a hole through police integrity, the Kaye inquiry recommendations were viewed positively, a necessary purging of "bad apples". To restore confidence, the then premier, Sir Henry Bolte, called in Colonel Sir Eric St Johnston, a former chief inspector of constabulary for England and Wales, to restructure the force and advise on the establishment of the first official police complaints body.
Few senior police, judges and lawyers believe police corruption in Victoria started with the abortion protection racket, the origins of which were traced by Kaye back to the mid-1950s, but it was the first time that police corruption had been unearthed on such a massive scale.
Sir Eric's reforms restored confidence in the force and created a community conviction that police corruption had been eradicated. But that was to prove to be a massive bout of wishful thinking. Dr Ian Freckleton, who served on the short-lived Police Complaints Authority in the 1980s, believes it was around this time that the myth of Victoria's "clean" force first took hold. "The truth was that Victoria was no cleaner than any other state in Australia. The fact is, there is endemic corruption in the force that is long-standing and exists at disturbing levels today," he says.
Tom McGrath, a former commander of the Victoria Police Ethical Standards Department, believes that there is, even after the recent arrests of some 20 members of the drug squad, still a brotherhood of corrupt police in Victoria who remain in the force not because of indifference, but because there is not enough evidence to root them out.
McGrath, who is now the chief investigator with the Police Integrity Commission in NSW, believes the upper echelons of Victoria's police are clean, adding: "I was involved in some of the biggest major corruption investigations in the last 20 years and I never once saw or got pressure to back off. I got all the resources I wanted, including people with particular skills, cars and the latest computers."
Five years after Kaye, the force was again rocked by fresh allegations of corruption. A St Kilda physician, Dr Bertram Wainer, who had been a central figure in the Kaye inquiry, presented the solicitor-general with a secretly made tape recording of a senior sergeant talking to a minor criminal. Wainer claimed the taped conversation indicated that the policeman had accepted a bribe. After some initial inquiries were made, the Hamer government set up an inquiry headed by Barry Beach, QC, who was later belatedly promoted to the Supreme Court.
The Beach inquiry was markedly different to the Kaye inquiry. It did not involve police running an illicit industry like abortion, gambling or drugs, but a litany of complaints about assaults, verballing, bending the rules and stitching up suspects on false charges. The inquiry sat for 15 months, took evidence from 204 witnesses and found that the health of the force was "not well". Only 33 of the 55 police named by Beach were charged and all of them were acquitted.
The inquiry had little apparent impact on the careers of those who appeared before it. Many continued to rise through the ranks; two becoming deputy commissioners. Neil O'Loughlin later became deputy commissioner for policy and standards. Paul Delanis, a former deputy commissioner, was mentioned in relation to three matters investigated by Beach, but this did not slow his career. He was appointed assistant commissioner for crime in 1981 and deputy commissioner in 1986.
Apart from a lack of reliable evidence, the Beach inquiry ran into other serious political problems. The Police Association turned on the inquiry, waging an aggressive campaign to have the report shelved. A meeting of 4200 officers threatened to strike, rather than accept Beach's recommendations. The association achieved an important victory when the Hamer government caved in to the threats and appointed the Norris inquiry to review the Beach report. It overturned all but four of Beach's recommendations. Since then, the association has continued to resist calls for an independent police integrity commission to investigate corruption and has provided millions of dollars to defend allegedly corrupt police.
Freckleton, who has written books on policing, sees the association as a dangerous, reactionary force that has impeded reform and indirectly allowed corruption to flourish. "It ran a high-profile campaign against the police complaints board, objecting to almost everything we did. In those days, the role of the Police Association was more unhealthy than it is currently, in that every member of the police force, save for a handful, were members. It was the most unique fusing of management and rank-and-file. It was a powerful political lobby group that has held politicians captive."
Robert Richter, QC, agrees that the association is a negative force, suggesting the Bracks Government's recent refusal to set up an independent police integrity commission to investigate corrupt police was made out of fear of the association. "I suspect, even though I hate to say this, that the only reason we are not getting a police integrity commission is because the Police Association has enormous clout in Victoria and they resist it."
After Beach, there was no let-up in the incidents of corruption or their level of seriousness. One officer, mentioned by Beach for conspiring to give false evidence, re-emerged in the 1980s as a major target for anti-corruption investigators. Paul Higgins, a former wrestler and highly decorated officer, had close links to massage parlour boss Geoff Lamb. Higgins had progressed through the force, even though senior officers, including then police commissioner Neil Comrie, had serious doubts about his honesty and had attempted to sideline him on several occasions.
Eventually Higgins, by now a senior sergeant, was suspended along with two other policemen in 1987 on corruption charges as the result of an internal investigation, code-named Operation "Cobra". Catching and convicting Higgins turned into the longest-running and most expensive investigation ever carried out in Victoria, with a final cost to the taxpayer of more than $30 million.
During the '80s, the licensing, gaming and vice squad was purged after two taskforces, Zebra and Zulu, uncovered widespread police corruption involving illegal starting-price bookmakers. Allegations against 18 members of the squad led to one, Cecil Gray, being convicted and sentenced to six months' jail, one acquitted and five disciplined by the Police Discipline Board.
In the 1990s, the pattern continued but this time on a massive and unprecedented level. Allegations by police whistleblower Karl Konrad led to yet another major investigation into kickbacks to police, this time from window-shutter firms. Led by McGrath, Operation Bart, as it was known, uncovered 1819 such incidents at 56 police stations. One in 10 metropolitan-based police were implicated. Ten police were dismissed. One hundred resigned, 18 while under active investigation. Seven quit following the delaying of disciplinary charges, and 244 more police were demoted, transferred, reprimanded or fined.
In his final report into the investigation, the then ombudsman, Dr Barry Perry, revealed how Operation Bart was obstructed by many in supervisory positions within the force.
Looking back over half a century of corrupt behaviour by some police, the trends are all too evident. Where there has been vast illegal industries present - abortion, prostitution, gambling and drugs - police corruption has thrived and the links between organised criminals and police cemented. The recent associations between the drug squad and Melbourne's crime gangs are just the latest examples.
As a police investigator told The Age this week, a high level of social ambivalence about the industries, a perception that there are no victims and a strong community demand for the "products" encourages police not to enforce the law.
"Faced with difficulties in sometimes getting convictions, bribes are an attractive and easy alternative," he said.
The current Ombudsman, George Brouwer, wrote in his Ceja report last week: "If the community expects police to enforce drug laws rigorously, it must also refuse to tolerate the notion of 'recreational drug use' and to see it as a victimless crime. Society's ambivalence can make the wrong choices easy."
But is also clear that since Bart and Beach, police behaviour overall may have improved. Senior police and the Ombudsman's office report a drop in the number of police assaults - a fall from around 1500 to around 400. This is due to closer regulation and monitoring of violent incidents between police and the public.
Investigators are also adopting new tactics, focusing not so much on individual complaints, but looking for patterns of behaviour in police squads that may suggest criminal intent. Phone records are matched with police diaries and petrol receipts to confirm that police are where they say they are. There is now a debate over how best to combat corruption, but the fact is there are more than 200 police in the ethical standards department investigating crooked cops and the Ombudsman office is about to engage another 100 investigators.
Many, like Richter and Freckleton, still believe a police integrity commission or an independent crime commission would deliver better results.
Looking back on his decades of service with Victoria Police, McGrath applauds the anti-corruption efforts of senior figures, including former chief commissioners Mick Miller and Comrie and former deputy commissioner Mal Hyde.
"There is no question that Victoria Police go at these things and they have done so since Mick Miller's day. I told Neil Comrie and Mal Hyde that they would regret resourcing Operation Bart because it would succeed and end up embarrassing them. But Comrie, despite the fact that he'd been under enormous pressure with the shooting inquiry, stuck with it." Even so, McGrath still believes that an independent commission is the surest way to combat police corruption.