

This was published 1 year ago


‘The Liberals’ future is in doubt’: Kerry O’Brien on politics, racism and (not) going grey

Kerry Michael O’Brien, one of Australia’s most respected broadcasters, won six Walkley Awards in his storied 30-year ABC career. He recently co-authored a book with Thomas Mayo, The Voice To Parliament Handbook, which is now riding high on the bestseller list.

Fitz: Kerry, you seem as busy since retiring eight years ago as you were when working. And yet whenever you show up in the public domain you never look any older?

KO’B: [Laughs] I wish that was true on the inside. But I must say, Peter, that it’s reached a point, at the age of 77, where I’m beginning to feel a bit embarrassed that people must think I dye my hair because it refuses to go grey or white.

Kerry O’Brien: “I think that our democracy is in an unhealthy state.”

Kerry O’Brien: “I think that our democracy is in an unhealthy state.”Credit: ABC

Fitz: OK, let me shoot some quick-fire questions at you, before we get to the heart of it. After 30 years with the ABC, we can assume that institution is in your bones. It seems to be under attack right now as never before.

KO'B: For 20 of the last 26 years, when the conservatives have been in power, it has been under attack and has sustained damage. I find it very sad that dedicated staff have to deal with those kind of attacks on a daily basis. I think it’s still got its mojo, but with huge challenges ahead it’s in danger of losing its way.

Fitz: Do you think there is endemic racism at the ABC and lack of ability to protect and support its diverse presenters, as Stan Grant has charged?

KO’B: When you look at Stan Grant – who has witnessed and experienced racism not just targeting him, but targeting family and targeting friends – I am very conscious that as a somewhat privileged, white Australian, I can never begin to understand or measure the kind of hurt that people carry from that sort of life experience. I don’t think racism is endemic in the ABC today but I accept the views of Stan and others that it exists in the place and, given its leading role in exposing racism in stories over decades, the ABC has a special responsibility to put its own house in order.

“How can [the Liberals] survive? Their position ... doesn’t get close to 50 per cent of the voters.”

Fitz: A lot of the attacks on Stan and others come via social media – and your successor at 7.30, Leigh Sales, stood down from that position pretty much from exhaustion from trolls. Am I right in saying you never seemed to suffer that much from criticism, social media or otherwise?


KO’B: Social media really only started to develop its legs in the latter part of my career, but of course, at the ABC I became a target for people’s criticisms. Some of those criticisms were pretty wild and nasty but I saw them for what they were, and mostly I shrugged them off. But I have to acknowledge the worst of Twitter is particularly ugly.

Fitz: You used to be accused of being an “inner-city, latte-sipping lefty” – when I knew for a fact you were actually living five doors down from me, when we both lived at Mosman!

KO'B: [Laughs] I do remember a friend and neighbour of mine, telling me that somebody had complained that I brought the tone of the suburb down.

Fitz: I was told that I was single-handedly lowering real estate prices every time I wore my Ugg boots down Mosman’s main street! Do you Tweet now?

KO’B: Since I left Four Corners in 2015, I have probably used Twitter about five times. There was one time actually when one of my kids rang me up and asked me to look at something on Twitter, which I did while I was making a curry. And about half an hour later, he came back to me and he said, “Dad, why have you posted one of Rick Stein’s curry recipes on Twitter?”

Fitz: Your primary journalistic endeavour was in the realm of politics. What do you make of the state of federal politics right now?

KO’B: I think that our democracy is in an unhealthy state. I think it’s accelerated with social media, but it was already happening. The two major parties have kind of lost their way. Albanese is trying to lead Labor back to a modern version of the traditional Labor Party. I think the Liberals are in a terrible mess and if they can’t work out how to find their roots again and reconnect to the Australian community, their future is in doubt. They are far removed from the party of Menzies.

Fitz: Really? They face an existential threat?

KO’B: Well, just take it through to its natural conclusion. If they can’t find a way back to the centre right, as opposed to where they are – the right/far-right – how can they survive? Their position does not reflect the make-up of Australian society, and it certainly doesn’t get close to 50 per cent of the voters – particularly women and younger generations. I think a lot of traditional Liberal voters have become increasingly uncomfortable with their party and that was shown with that extraordinary result in the last federal election with the teals, which I don’t think was a one-off.

Fitz: In the course of your journalism career, you went long and deep on Indigenous issues. Did you come to some profound conclusion as to why, despite all such programs as Closing the Gap, and myriad others, the gap appears to be closing very little if at all?

KO’B: I’ve closely observed Indigenous issues for more than 50 years, and the history absolutely underscores the need for a Voice enshrined in the Constitution. Indigenous people have been trying for more than 200 years to be heard. The failure to listen to them has been at the heart of the failure of policy concerning them. In far too many cases, Indigenous voices that were allowed to speak to parliament and government were not respected by white bureaucrats and white politicians, many of whom had never visited an Indigenous community. When one government was voted out, the new government came in and the structures of Indigenous advisory groups were either changed or watered down. In the case of ATSIC with John Howard, it was abolished. It is why the Voice should be enshrined in the Constitution, so it becomes much harder to ignore.

“I’m at a stage in my life where I want to get satisfaction from the process, not just the outcome, if that makes sense.”

Fitz: Which brings us to the book, The Voice to Parliament Handbook. I note that our mutual friend, Indigenous activist Thomas Mayo, approached you rather than me to co-author it and it’s now a phenomenal bestseller – and they’ve just pressed the print button for another 40,000 copies! Congrats, I think. What was the writing process?

KO’B: We worked out who would write which chapters, and we exchanged notes from a distance because Thomas was constantly travelling. It was a very tight deadline, and we wrote the bulk of it in not much more than a month.

Fitz: One particularly strong chapter is on what happens when Indigenous people are listened to.

KO’B: We have Professor Marcia Langton and Dr Fiona Stanley both speaking from a bedrock of knowledge about some of those success stories. The failures are often laid at the door of Indigenous Australians when in fact they are failures of government and failures of parliament. Professor Langton has described how everywhere she went into Indigenous communities, people would talk about the “Fly In, Fly Out” bureaucrats who would take copious notes; sometimes make promises, climb back on their planes, never to be heard from again. Or a policy would come back as a result of those conversations that had absolutely no bearing on the advice that had been given. And in the end those policies would fail.

Fitz: Are you frustrated by all the nonsense built up around the Voice – that it’s a third tier of parliament, that it’ll have veto power; that it’s a land grab; that it’ll destroy our Westminster system of government?

KO’B: Yes, and don’t forget they’re going to engage in everything from parking fines to submarines. It is just specious nonsense. I respect people who feel they don’t know enough about it and are asking what I would say are legitimate questions. But I shake my head at the irresponsibility, the shallowness and the self-serving nature of people who are trying to use this referendum for their own political gain or to support their own prejudices. And I have contempt for people who deliberately and consciously spread lies in order to destroy this referendum.

Fitz: The major criticism of the Voice, and it also comes from supporters, is the lack of detail on how it’ll work.

KO’B: I don’t think we need to know the mechanics of it. We didn’t need to know the mechanics of how Australia’s defence force would be put together when the Constitution was being written in 1900. We didn’t need to know how the taxation department would be set up. We didn’t need to know any of those kinds of things in detail. What we needed to know was what the institutions would be and what purpose they would serve. So what we need to know about the Voice is, why is it necessary? Then it is in the hands of the parliament to determine its structure. All they’re being asked to do is to consider the advice of Indigenous people on policies that will affect them.

Fitz: This sounds very personal for you?

KO'B: When you come to understand the effort and the time that has gone into creating the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the nature of what the Voice might be, and what it could achieve for us all, and you look at the pain behind the Uluru Statement, the dispossession and the racism – how can you not agree to this? This is an opportunity to be celebrated and I think the majority of Australians are already getting there. I think the impetus is just going to grow from here. I really believe that, Peter.


Fitz: If we can agree that writing and promoting this book on The Voice is exhausting, do you have a next project in mind, once you can draw breath?

KO’B: I have ideas that run through my head all the time but I’m at a stage in my life where I want to get satisfaction from the process, not just the outcome, if that makes sense. But I will certainly be spending time enjoying our newest grandchild, Sasha.

Fitz: Thank you Kerry, and more power to your quill.

Quote of the week

“Today is a day of justice. It’s a day of justice for those brave men of the SAS who stood up and told the truth about who Ben Roberts-Smith is.” – Investigative journalist Nick McKenzie after the judgment in the defamation trial brought by Roberts-Smith came down in his favour.

Riddle of the week

Q: How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

A: Once. The next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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