

This was published 4 years ago


The greatest human rights violation on the planet is the harm men do to women

By David Leser

It is no small task trying to unpack the history of any kind of hatred, especially if that hatred is misogyny.

For the past 10 days – ever since the horrifying murders in Brisbane of Hannah Clarke and her three children, Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4 and Trey, 3 – I’ve been trying to come to grips all over again with what it is that men do to women with their fists, their guns, their knives, their petrol containers, their unspeakable acts of violence. And why?

Rowan Baxter with Hannah Clarke and their children, Aaliyah,  Laianah and Trey. Baxter killed them all, but before Hannah died she detailed his crime to police.

Rowan Baxter with Hannah Clarke and their children, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey. Baxter killed them all, but before Hannah died she detailed his crime to police. Credit: Facebook

All the women killed on their way home, or in their homes, or just anywhere they happen to be – stabbed in the chest, shot in the head, viciously bashed, set on fire, found in a park, dumped behind a hedge, slumped against a wall, stuffed into the back of a ute – and all this documented with heartbreaking regularity by researchers for an organisation that should never exist: Destroy the Joint’s Counting Dead Women Australia.

During these past 10 days, I've gone through my own hopelessly incomplete rollcall of dead women: Jill Meagher, Eurydice Dixon, Amanda Harris, Larissa Beilby, Qi Yu, Aya Maasarwe, Hannah Clarke … and, yes, I've thought, too, about the Serbian "rape camps" during the Balkan wars, and the millions of girls sex-trafficked every year. I've thought about bride burnings, honour killings, forced marriages, female feticide, genital mutilation, date rape, gang rape, women left bloodied, broken and homeless in their own bodies.

I’ve spent the past 2½ years trying to investigate the historical causes of these universal crimes against women, not – as Bettina Arndt suggested when my recent book was published – because I was trying to "virtue signal" to women. Rather, because in the wake of the #MeToo movement, I’ve wanted to understand better what millions of women were testifying to: stories of being slapped, stalked, groped, assaulted, raped, degraded, silenced and disbelieved.


I wanted to understand – as a man, a father, a son, a brother and friend to many wonderful women – what causes this murderous male contempt to rage across the world. And I wanted men – even those who profess to be good men – to join me in this investigation, for the simple reason that it is men who are perpetrating most of the violence.

This is the greatest human rights violation on the planet, with the World Health Organisation reporting that a billion women will be raped or beaten in their lifetime. Here in Australia, according to the Australian Institute of Criminology, 1.2 million adult women have experienced an incident of sexual violence since they were 15 while, according to Our Watch, one woman a week on average is killed by her current or former partner.


Add to this the hundreds of thousands of women requiring medical attention or hospitalisation, who fear daily for their lives, who are controlled menacingly by partners and former partners, whose children are weaponised by their fathers, and this is the national emergency we can no longer ignore, if ever we could.

In his masterful book Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice, the late Irish journalist Jack Holland wrote that “on the depressing list of hatreds that human beings feel for each other, none other than misogyny involves the profound need and desire that most men have for women".

“Hatred co-exists with desire in a peculiar way,” he wrote. “This is what makes misogyny so complex [because] it involves a man’s conflict with himself."


Moved by the murder of Hannah Clarke and her three children on February 19, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said family violence would be on the agenda for the upcoming meeting of state and territory leaders, while opposition leader Anthony Albanese renewed his calls for a national domestic violence summit.

I would like to offer another suggestion – a national education program that starts with boys, perhaps as young as two or three, that teaches them skills such as empathy and self-regulation, and unpacks the crippling stereotypes that socialise boys to feel superior to girls so they grow into men who objectify women and see them as their property.

A program built around a new model of manhood that embraces the work of men such as Tom Harkin at Tomorrow Man, Hunter Johnson at The Man Cave and Arne Rubinstein at the Rites of Passage Institute, as well as the Jesuit Social Services 2018 "Man Box" study, all of which address how boys and young men might be taught to treat girls with the same respect and kindness that they would wish for themselves. A program, that explains to them there is nothing "manly" about dominating others, nothing impressive about pretending not to be in pain, and nothing meaningful in this world without the capacity to be vulnerable.

You start out in life sensitive and full of wonder, open to the world and all its possibilities, but, then, after a certain age, these qualities are shamed, beaten, bullied out of you by the culture and, often, by the men who run our nations, corporations, legal firms, sporting clubs, schools, advertising agencies, film industries and media outlets. Is it any wonder that men are never taught to deal with their emotions in a healthy way?


Perhaps this is at the heart of men’s rage, whether expressed through murder, rape, domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, reckless driving or simply sullen withdrawal from the world. If men attack – or are in conflict with – women in the outer world, it is because they are at war with their inner world. Don’t be a sissy. Suck it up. Stop your crying now. All the stock definitions of masculinity that prevent boys from dealing with – as Steve Biddulph puts it – “the storms and subtleties” inside our hearts.

Centuries of patriarchy have raised boys to reject and scorn the interior world where our deepest feelings are lodged. Why should it surprise us, therefore, that boys might grow into men who view women as less than fully human?

Women are right to feel exhausted and terrified. The body count is rising and there will probably be another woman killed next week, and the week after. What are we men going to do about it?

David Leser is the author of Women, Men & the Whole Damn Thing (Allen & Unwin, 2019) and a former staff writer with Good Weekend.

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