

This was published 3 years ago

The ethical hotline that can help with your COVID conundrums

By Julie Power

If you’re in a dilemma about dobbing in a friend who attended an anti-lockdown protest, or wondering whether to prioritise home-schooling over work, this free hotline may be of help.

But don’t expect them to tell you what to do. The 20 volunteer counsellors who answer The Ethics Centre’s Ethi-call helpline do not give advice, says director Michelle Bloom. Instead, they ask questions that 92 per cent of callers said assisted them to find a better way to think about an issue, and made 90 per cent feel better.

“It is so empowering,” said Ms Bloom. “I really love our absolute assumption and belief that the best answer and advice sits in the person themselves.”

A wave of pandemic-related inquiries has resulted in a 600 per cent increase in the number of hour-long consultations, from about 20 a month to 120 in August, when the call line relaunched with 11 extra counsellors to handle the additional demand.

Ethical questions relating to the pandemic account for more than a third of calls to the hotline, the only independent helpline of its kind in the world.

These include questions about whether to report a neighbour doing the wrong thing, and increases in domestic violence during the lockdown. “There are more calls from people who are overhearing neighbours fighting,” said Ms Bloom.

10 tough ethical questions

  1. Do I report a friend who attended the lockdown protests? 
  2. A beloved grandparent refuses to get the vaccine and now my husband won’t let them into our house or see their grandchildren? What do I do? 
  3. Do I tell my partner that I am cheating, knowing it will affect my relationship with the kids?
  4. Do I place my mum or dad in a nursing home even though it is against their wishes?
  5. My small business is struggling. Do I let employees go? 
  6. I don’t feel my workplace has adequate safety measures to protect me. What should I do?
  7. My colleague has lied or pull strings.  Do I disclose their misconduct?
  8. I am currently looking for a new job and I am pregnant. Do I tell my prospective employer? 
  9. Do I report a friend who is lying to Centrelink about welfare payment. Do I report them?
  10. Do I tell my friend that their partner has been flirting/cheating with others? 

The pandemic has added complexity to other issues, such as whether to place an elderly relative in a nursing home, given the deaths last year among residents in aged care. Non COVID-19 dilemmas included questions about wills, whistleblowing, conflicts of interest and parenting.

Ethi-call’s counsellors are supposed to be neutral and unbiased. They are trained to ask about the caller’s values, duties and responsibilities, challenge their assumptions and seek to define what’s non-negotiable. They try to help the solution become apparent to the caller.

“Most people fail our training because they want to give advice,” said Ms Bloom. “It is asking questions without me saying ‘this is what you should do’.”


Most people who ring the hotline feel they have come to a decision by the end of the call, or are confident they have the tools to overcome their decision paralysis, Ms Bloom said.

The Governance Institute’s 2020 Ethics Index found about 44 per cent of people surveyed thought balancing freedom of movement and individual freedom with efforts to stop the spread of COVID was a key ethical challenge. Nearly 60 per cent of respondents believed it was ethical to force employees to wear masks at work.

Megan Motto, the Governance Institute’s chief executive, says the pandemic has raised new ethical issues for business and changed attitudes about the trade-off between health and economics. And as the country returns to work, Ms Motto expects ethical expectations about working from home will also shift.

In a new book on ethics, Newington School headmaster Michael Parker includes new topics that would have been unthinkable 10 years ago when he started writing about ethics for young people.

Talk with Your Kids About Things that Matter, to be released in October, includes chapters on truth, fake news and the coronavirus.

He said pandemic ethics were a “practical stream into the ocean of personal liberty, choice and the limits of government. They also ask hard questions about the ways we value human life”.

Michael Parker, headmaster of Newington College, has a new book on ethics coming out in October. It covers how to talk about the ethics of the vaccine, fake news and truth.

Michael Parker, headmaster of Newington College, has a new book on ethics coming out in October. It covers how to talk about the ethics of the vaccine, fake news and truth.

Like Ethi-call, Mr Parker says his book is a prompt for parents to ask questions of their children instead of declaring what he or she believes to be right or wrong.

He provides prompts and topics to get the conversation flowing. “You can ask them how [their view] is different from something their brother or sister has just said.” The single word ‘why?’ is more likely to fan the flames of a discussion than anything else, Mr Parker says.

In the pandemic, educators were forced to make decisions where there was no clear right or wrong. For instance, Newington recently had to decide whether to count marks in online trials towards the HSC.

“Some kids were saying, ‘We want to show what we know’,” Mr Parker said. “But we had other kids saying ‘Zoom is hard’, and ‘I work so hard, but the wheels are falling off, please don’t make them count’.”

The school decided to make them count because it wanted to honour those students who had tried to do their best in tough times. “Many schools went the other way. I don’t know if there was a right or wrong approach,” he said.

Every option came with a big cost, said Mr Parker, who acknowledged this decision may be right for Newington, where children have access to online learning, but not for schools where students don’t have the same access.

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