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This was published 3 years ago
The Doherty reopening report: all your questions answered (hopefully)
By Liam Mannix
Examine, a weekly newsletter written by national science reporter Liam Mannix, is sent every Tuesday. Below is an excerpt - sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.
G’day, Liam Mannix here. Welcome to Examine.
On August 4, the federal government released modelling it had commissioned, led by the Doherty Institute, that looked at the path toward reopening Australia.
This modelling has been endlessly debated, dissected and criticised. You can read some of that coverage here.
Whatever you think of it, it’s an important scientific document on which our reopening plans rest.
A lot of that debate has been filtered through the media. In today’s Examine, we’re going to let the scientists speak for themselves, as they answer the big questions about the report.
Most of this comes from an excellent video Q&A with several authors of the report hosted by the Australian Science Media Centre, heavily condensed (a group on whose board I used to sit; I remain involved as an advisor). Michael Lydeamore was kind enough to answer a few follow-up questions. I’ve annotated the transcript where useful.
Q. The Doherty report models a range of different scenarios, based on different levels of vaccination, restrictions and contact-tracing effectiveness. Based on the plans announced by the states, which scenario is most likely to occur when we reopen?
A. Dr Michael Lydeamore, Research Fellow, Infectious Diseases at Monash University: “The road maps that have been announced correlate most with the 80 per cent partial test, trace, isolate, quarantine scenarios, with a medium caseload for the initial condition.”
Liam: This 80% scenario Dr Lydeamore refers to would equate to, according to the most recent modelling, there being 914,357 cases Australia-wide with 35,322 cases hospitalisations, 7611 ICU admissions and 6402 deaths.
Dr Lydeamore: “The health system will be very stretched, but it is within capacity. Don’t forget those are cumulative over a six-month period, so there won’t be 7611 people in ICU at once, they’re spread out.
“For states with no cases, we’ll have to wait and see but probably the 80% optimal scenarios would be a good starting place.”
Q. The Doherty’s scenarios generally only run for six months. Why is this? Can we assume peak effects will occur within those first six months?
A. Dr Lydeamore: “We only showed plots of scenarios to six months out because the future is very uncertain. It’s highly likely that states will change their policies reactively to case numbers to keep in check, and these haven’t been included in the modelling.
“Almost all of the scenarios peak within six months, and for those that don’t, we have run them for longer for the purposes of reporting clinical outcomes like hospitalisation and mortality.”
Twelve-year-old Eve, accompanied by her mum Narelle, having his first coronavirus vaccination at the Heidelberg Repatriation HospitalCredit: Eddie Jim
Q. The Doherty report talks about 70 per cent and 80 per cent vaccination thresholds for the 16+ population. Seventy per cent of the adult population represents about 56 per cent of the whole population. How big a difference does vaccinating kids make to the modelled outcomes?
A. Professor Nick Golding, Telethon Kids Institute and Curtin University: “This is the thing that surprised us about COVID when it first emerged: it is surprisingly unable to transmit among kids. They can transmit it, but the numbers are much lower.
“Also, when you vaccinate the parents of those kids because they are not particularly able to transmit to one another … you don’t get that much transmission in schools, or sustained transmission. A lot of kids we see getting infected are getting infected by their parents at home.”
Professor Jodie McVernon, Director of Doherty Epidemiology, Doherty Institute: “When we looked at adding 12 to 15-year-olds over and above that target, at the whole population level, they made a relatively smaller contribution [to reducing transmission]. At this point in time, if we had vaccination rates tracking with the 16-plus population at target percentages, anything else is a bonus.”
Q. Do the Doherty’s modelled scenarios assume vaccination rates stop at 70 or 80 per cent, or do they continue to rise after reopening?
A. Professor McVernon: “In our simulation, vaccination coverage continues past 80 per cent to about 90 per cent. And that’s obviously really important in the final control of disease.”
Q. Many of the Doherty’s modelled scenarios assume either optimal or partial test, trace, isolate and quarantine-system (known as TTIQ) effectiveness. Given we’re going to open up and allow large numbers of infections, how realistic is this? Could these systems break down?
Liam: The modellers are very bullish we could maintain partial TTIQ, although optimal TTIQ is unlikely under high case loads. As states get better at contact tracing, especially getting better at contact tracing during large epidemics, the TTIQ improves. They emphasise it’s not a heroic assumption, but based on real-world performance data.
A. Dr Freya Shearer, Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne: “We’ve seen, even in the last few months, states that have had higher caseloads have been adapting, changing their strategies, trying to find efficiencies in the way they do TTIQ. There are probably ways we can achieve similar levels in reductions of infectiousness with different strategies that are more efficient.”
COVID-zero - no longer the goal in NSW or Victoria.Credit: Getty
Q. When the report was published, in August, case levels were low. Now, NSW and Victoria have both abandoned their COVID-zero strategies in the face of Delta outbreaks. How big a difference does this make to the findings of the report?
A. Professor McVernon: “We undertook a sensitivity analysis (presented to the national cabinet on Friday and published here) where we seeded our outbreaks at 70 and 80 per cent [vaccine coverage] with hundreds, or thousands, of cases. Overall, our conclusions were robust. However, there was one important distinction. At the 70 per cent threshold, starting off with thousands of cases meant - because in all our simulations vaccine coverage was ongoing - in this window between 70 and 80 per cent, when the system was more robust, we did see there was the opportunity for cases to grow more rapidly.
And that led to overshoot - the ultimate size of the epidemic was bigger. The logical conclusion was jurisdictions should look at the situation they are in, they should look at how their infections are being controlled, and those who are coming into the 70 per cent mark with thousands of infections should aim to keep case numbers as low as possible by continuing to suppress epidemic growth. We showed how medium restrictions were able to do that, until they got to the 80 per cent threshold.”
Liam: At 70 per cent there are predicted to be 977,638 cases, 38,301 hospitalisations, 9143 ICU admissions and 7043 deaths Australia-wide. Also worth noting in this model, vaccination rates continue to rise to about 90 per cent.
Professor James McCaw, Professor in Mathematical Biology, University of Melbourne: “NSW is not having a complete open-up freedom day. We don’t recommend that, and I don’t see any evidence that’s how states are approaching this. All the discussions in NSW and Victorian road maps are about a staged step-down of restrictions. That’s compatible with the work we’ve got.”
Q. Will we still need to wear masks once we pass the 80 per cent vaccination threshold?
A. Dr Lydeamore: “I think masks are probably here to stay, even indoors. And I think the reason for that is they are a relatively low-cost impost that reduces transmission by some amount.”
Q.Is the NSW epidemic curve bending? Is that linked to vaccination? Given Victoria is only a couple of weeks behind on its vaccine journey, is the state likely to see the same effect?
A. Professor McCaw: “You can see a slow and steady decline in transmission potential (the modelled ability of the virus to spread, based on population behaviour, restrictions, and vaccination level) in NSW, and that’s almost entirely due to the vaccine rollout. There has been some small changes in behaviour and mixing within NSW. But it’s mainly a vaccine effect. We’re seeing the transmission potential reduce in Victoria as well, due to the vaccine - it’s just a little bit higher. The vaccine is a little behind in Victoria compared to NSW. And there are some slight differences in Victorians’ mixing behaviours compared to NSW. But I would anticipate, over the coming weeks, Victoria’s transmission potential would get very close to 1, if not drop under 1. And with that, it makes control that much easier.”
On herd immunity...
Professor McVernon: “What we showed was, even at very high levels of vaccine coverage, we won’t stop COVID in its tracks. We were seeing back in July many countries opening back up with freedom days and seeing escalating case counts.”
On the economic effects of lockdowns ...
Professor McVernon: The first piece of work we did was in partnership with Treasury. It was the joint position of health and Treasury that keeping case numbers low was good for health and for the economy. Treasury gave the example of the US, where they didn’t want to have restrictions for the sake of the economy, but at high caseloads people were too afraid to go outside.”
Q. There are different models, showing different outcomes. How should we make sense of these differences?
A. Professor McCaw: “What’s important to consider … over a period beyond about a month, epidemiological modelling is really giving you a list of possibilities and scenarios, as opposed to predictive forecasts, in the sense of like a weather forecast. You need to look at all the assumptions, and say ‘if this happened, and if this, and if this’.
“But the national plan, and the way the states have responded throughout this pandemic, is responsive and adaptive. If restrictions are eased, and cases started to grow faster than we expected, we would be measuring it and advising, and I would hope governments would respond.
“We need to keep measuring and monitoring the situation, particularly at a sub-regional level. That is to me by far the most important part of this, rather than ‘is this compatible with some abstract scenario or not?’.”
Liam: A quick note from me: in an analysis on Sunday, I compared modelling to soothsaying. A lot of people have contacted me to complain, and fair enough - comparing science to charlatanism is unfair, I apologise.
I was trying to find a way to signal that models are predictions, and we shouldn’t treat them as gospel. I asked Dr Lydeamore for a better way of putting it:
“Of all these models, none will accurately predict the future. These models can be thought of as an exploration of possibilities. If we think of the weather, we can pretty safely say it will be warm and sunny in December, but it would be foolish to say it will be 31 degrees on Christmas Day until we’re very close to it. These models are the same: we can pretty safely say cases will broadly go up, down or stay the same (depending on what restriction setting we’re in), but we can only precisely predict cases a week or so in advance.”
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