

This was published 5 years ago


The 'cruel and shallow money trench' that is TV claimed another victim

“The music business,” Hunter S. Thompson once famously wrote, “is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.” It is a quote often equally applied to television, and so it proved for Channel Seven’s chief executive Tim Worner this week. Despite having presided over six years of winning ratings in his time in the big chair, Worner was rather brutally let go on Thursday.

The Channel Seven board met on Wednesday to make the decision, and it was left to chair of the board Kerry Stokes to administer the coup de grace. Worner was in Melbourne when Stokes called and asked the entirely unsuspecting TV executive to visit him in his private offices in Woolloomooloo on Thursday evening, and the job was done. Still, Stokes was so gracious about it – throwing in a year’s pay to go with long-service leave – that Worner is actually not bitter and twisted at all. His view is that he lived his dream, and had the time of his life, so what’s to regret? His next step will likely be forming his own production company.

Outgoing Seven West Media chief executive Tim Worner, left, and incoming head James Warburton.

Outgoing Seven West Media chief executive Tim Worner, left, and incoming head James Warburton. Credit: Louis Douvis, Louise Kennerley

As to his replacement, James Warburton was the very one Kerry Stokes had offered the gig to nine years ago, before Warburton was lured away by Lachlan Murdoch to Channel Ten instead – resulting in an ugly court case, which saw an injunction preventing him from taking up the post for nine months. But now, here he is again!

The seasons change, the execs come and go, the game in “the cruel and shallow money trench” goes on. And a helluva game it is!

#Straya: proudly a milk-crate nation

The week that was? In this town it will be remembered as proof positive that, as a reader put it, “the best thing to stop a bad man with a knife is a few good men with a milk crate. #Straya.” As deeply upsetting as the entire episode of the mentally ill man with the knife loose on the streets of Sydney was on Tuesday – with particular thoughts to the loss of the young woman, Michaela Dunn – it was still a reminder that we are fortunate in this country not to have American gun laws. All countries have mentally ill and sometimes dangerous people. It is a great thing to be in a country where they cannot get their hands on automatic weapons, and we still have citizenry who can unite to subdue them with only chairs and a milk crate, and they can be stopped without being killed in turn.

John Bamford, one of the citizens who intervened with a cafe chair to subdue stabbing suspect Mert Ney on Tuesday. 

John Bamford, one of the citizens who intervened with a cafe chair to subdue stabbing suspect Mert Ney on Tuesday. Credit: Nine News

Gentle jockeying in NSW

I don’t say there is a putsch underway to topple Gladys Berejiklian as Premier. Such a putsch would be absurd and perilously close to undemocratic only a few months after an election where she was installed in the post by the people. I do say, however, that in all the deep upset over the abortion bill – with accusations that the Premier and her team have mismanaged things in a shocking manner – there has been a reckoning on what would happen, and who would lead, IF such a coup was mounted in the future. For the moment it is no more than relatively gentle jockeying for position and a gauge of the mood rather than anything so dramatic as a counting of heads, but I am reliably informed that right now the cab at the front of the rank just outside Parliament House on Macquarie Street has Treasurer Dominic Perrottet’s name on it and there are plenty of his fellow parliamentarians climbing on board for the ride. (I know – in the realms of “strained metaphors” we may have a post war record, but it will have to do.)


Joke of the Week

Jesus is wandering with his followers through Jerusalem when they come across a crowd about to stone a thief. Jesus proclaims, “Let whoever is without sin among you cast the first stone.”
Silence falls, but then a stone comes hurtling through the air – THUNK! – and hits him right on the noggin.

Jesus: “Yes, yes, yes, Mother, but apart from you!”

Quotes of the Week

“She is a joke, this woman, an absolute and utter lightweight . . . I just wonder whether Scott Morrison is going to be fully briefed to shove a sock down her throat.” - Alan Jones’s latest atrocity.

“Alan Jones continues to be seriously triggered by women in power. His rage immediately goes to calling for violent acts towards them. We just want all his microphones to be disconnected.” - ACTU president Sally McManus.

“I think at the present moment, then the likelihood is that Boris Johnson's prime ministership will be the last prime ministership of the UK as it presently exists.” - Mike Russell, Scotland's constitutional secretary, responsible for Brexit negotiations with Westminster, on the likely impact of a no-deal Brexit at the end of October.

“The 65-plus age group is caught between a transition to a new retirement system, a changing labour market and an economy which still values their skills. And also, they’re not dying. Their health is pretty damn good. They are not going anywhere.” - Workplace diversity expert Conrad Liveris gives the good news among the bad, as unemployment among 65-year-olds looking for any type of work has jumped by almost 28 per cent but they face trouble getting jobs.

“And I want to acknowledge those people, those members of the public, who got involved. They were brave. These people were heroes.” - Detective Superintendent Gavin Wood of the NSW Police, thanking the people who restrained knife-wielding Mert Nay in central Sydney before the police arrived.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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