This was published 5 years ago
Strata rules need to catch up with kids in pools
By Dr Cathy Sherry
Residents in a large Sydney strata complex are dismayed by their children being banned from their pool. While this might seem a clear case of illegal age discrimination, strata schemes may not be captured by discrimination law.
Discrimination law has its roots in an ancient common law duty imposed on inn keepers and common carriers to serve all. However, the common law was inadequate, as became obvious during the Civil Rights era in the United States. The common law did nothing to protect African Americans from widespread discrimination in employment, voting, education and housing. The United States became the first country to enact far-reaching discrimination legislation in its 1960s civil rights acts. Other countries followed suit, often prompted by ratification of international treaties.
The purpose of discrimination law is to ensure equal participation in civic life, and as a result, it operates in the public, not private sphere. While it might be morally questionable to choose one’s friends, spouse or house guests on the basis of age, religion, race, ability, gender or sexuality, it is not illegal. In liberal democracies, we can live our private lives in accordance with our own values. Residential strata schemes are private homes, and unless they include shops or significant open space, they are not publicly accessible. In theory, just as I could ban children from my backyard pool, so too can the collective owners in a strata scheme.
This conclusion is clearly unacceptable. Strata schemes now house millions of Australians, and they give majority owners power over all residents. As no one has unlimited choice in housing, the decision to live in an apartment cannot be equated with agreement with all existing or future rules. Housing is not an optional consumer item. A home is a basic prerequisite for any decent life, and we must take what the market offers.
The question is: how might an owners' corporation be captured by discrimination law? The few cases that have succeeded have argued that an owners' corporation provides "goods and services". However, in NSW, those services only relate to the provision of accessible entrances and exits. A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision was broader, finding that in managing common property generally, an owners' corporation provides goods and services, but the court reasoned with reference to parts of the scheme that were publicly accessible. Most strata schemes contain no publicly accessible space. The difficulty with relying on goods and services provisions is that they arguably only apply to those provided to the public, which residents of a strata scheme are not.
The problem is that when discrimination legislation was drafted, strata schemes were small, and legislatures did not realise that owners' corporations could have power over many people, making them entities with capacity to infringe civil rights. Legislatures understood that housing needed to be covered, but they only perceived potential discrimination in the sale or leasing of homes. Owners' corporations do neither. In contrast, US civil rights legislation has a wider ambit, including "services and facilities" associated with housing, which captures owners' corporations. This is not simply because large owners' corporations were common in the US in the 1960s, but because they had been chief architects of housing discrimination, routinely using their rules to exclude "non-Caucasians". They led Martin Luther King Jr to describe African Americans as exiles in their own land.
Australian legislatures have been naive about the power and responsibilities thrust on private citizens by urban consolidation. Large swathes of our cities are now governed by privately created rules, which must be made to conform with socially agreed standards of equality.
Dr Cathy Sherry is an associate professor in the faculty of law, University of NSW.