

This was published 4 months ago


Stop! This is not about a squabble at a rally, this is about women’s bodies piling up

I just cannot stand a replay of what happened the last time we had a moment in the movement. Yet here we are, with thousands rallying in the streets to stop violence against women; and yet again a chance for national transformation has become a lunatic lightning rod for political brawling. That must stop right now.

If, by some miracle, this will really be the moment governments fund community legal centres and refuges, fund prevention and intervention, recognise that women’s lives matter, then we all need to get along. Put all this bullshit aside and fix this right now. New figures from Gender Lens Australia reveal that, at a national level, Australia spends only 3.2 per cent of the expense budget on women, gender equality and violence prevention. So let’s not spend our time working out who said what on the stage at a rally. Let’s go!

Rally organiser Sarah Williams looks away as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks at the event calling for an end to violence against women.

Rally organiser Sarah Williams looks away as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks at the event calling for an end to violence against women.Credit: AAP

Please, media organisations, social media mavens, no more videos of the entitled prime minister and Sarah Williams, Australia’s newest women’s advocate and the founder of What Were You Wearing? before crowds in Canberra arguing, crying. Whose fault was it all? I no longer care, although as reflex, I tend to blame entitled men.

It is an undeniable statement of fact that men, many men, are gormless when it comes to dealing with the anger of women. That’s particularly true of men who are politicians, desperately trying to hold the attention of some voters without alienating others. It’s awkward. Frightening. And the compulsion to wield power is hard to resist. Anthony Albanese won’t be the last to be thoughtless and foolish. It’s been just a hot minute since Scott Morrison told Australian women we were lucky we weren’t being gunned down on the streets for demonstrating to protect our right to stay alive. Of course, we could have been home ironing. At least that’s what another former prime minister Tony Abbott implied when he described women as the “housewives of Australia”.

But it was that very last moment in the shared history of the women’s movement, when Brittany Higgins gave voice to the smothered voices of unnamed rape victims, that nearly became derailed because of the politics. We cannot have another three years with contested accounts, one undermining another, destroying lives along the way. Destroying hope along the way.


In despair, I called Marilyn Lake, legendary feminist historian, academic, author and all-round goddess. Can we move past this hurdle in the national conversation? She has some empathy for Williams, a young advocate with newly-minted experience in channelling a need for change.

“Her emotions were right there under the surface. I felt sorry for her, 23, so young to be out there. She thought she’d done a good thing. She was successful. She and her friends had thought about the five demands and had a huge amount invested in it,” says Lake.

And then, the cameras tell us after the altercation with the prime minister, that she burst into tears.


As Lake explains, it’s the juxtaposition of Albanese’s entitlement and this youthful activist’s intensity that’s become the story. Newspapers love conflict. Me too. Been raised on it. But Lake says we must, in the first place, move on to fixing the problem.


So far this year, 28 women have died violently. That’s what you might call the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the bodies of those women are the thousands of women hospitalised, the thousands of women stalked, the thousands harassed at work, the many thousands too frightened to walk home alone at night. And Lake has a suggestion which fits in with the body of work she has done over her lifetime. Teach us all to be better citizens. That’s not just about how to vote but also how to emote. How do we deal with anger? How do we resolve conflicts? How do we talk to each other? How do we manage our relationships?

Men’s violence against women has gone on forever. It’s not new – and the battle to build and maintain women’s refuges is at least 50 years old. And Australia was very – very – successful in bringing down the rate of fatal violence against women. It’s been in decline since the late ’80s.

But last year, that rate increased by nearly 30 per cent, say new figures from the Australian Institute of Criminology. And if this year continues the way it began, it will only be worse.

Put aside the bickering. The prime minister should apologise to Williams and Williams should accept that apology without caveat. Neither has to say they were wrong. They just have to move on. We urgently need them to do that, otherwise the story will be about them and not about the bodies piling up.

Jenna Price is a regular columnist.

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