

This was published 3 years ago


Speedy changes to defamation laws needed for a free press

By The Age's View

Australia’s ostensibly free press is regulated by a complex and controversial set of rules – none more so than our defamation laws, which are arguably more rigorous than in any comparable democracy. Nine, the owner of The Age, has just fallen foul of those laws in relation to a joint investigation into Chinese-Australian billionaire and enthusiastic political donor Chau Chak Wing.

The Federal Court ordered the ABC and Nine to pay $590,000 for defaming Mr Chau by suggesting he paid ″⁣bribes″⁣ in the form of donations and carried out the work of a secret lobbying arm of the Chinese Communist Party.

The media outlets say they are deeply disappointed by the judgment and have urged state and territory MPs to speed up defamation law reforms already agreed upon by a national working group. Without in any way questioning the court’s application of defamation law, the case is a reminder of some areas where the law needs to be improved.

Defamation law is crucial to regulating a free press. Citizens must have access to the courts to demand compensation from the media for malicious damage to their reputations. Media companies should not hide behind legal arguments when genuine mistakes are made.

The Age also accepts some readers may find this editorial self-serving. But all states and territories agreed last year that the law should be changed in all jurisdictions to reduce the costs and risks for media in certain cases and to provide new protections to facilitate public-interest journalism where reports are published responsibly.

NSW, Victoria and South Australia are so far the only states to pass what is supposed to be a template national law. One of the key changes gives media organisations new grounds for defence in cases where they can prove a publication was in the public interest and they have acted responsibly.


This defence was not available to the ABC and Nine in the Chau Chak Wing case. An existing defence of qualified privilege, which is also aimed at protecting publications of public interest, was not pleaded by the ABC and Nine at the trial and has almost never been argued successfully by a mainstream media company.

While it is not yet known how the new responsible journalism defence will operate in practice, it may provide some protection in cases such as this. Judges will still have to decide what counts as responsible publication. The defence operates where a publication concerns an issue of public interest and a defendant reasonably believed the publication of the matter was in the public interest.


The defence sets out a non-exhaustive list of factors a court may take into account in assessing whether the defence has been established, including steps taken to verify the information and the sources of the information in the matter published, including the sources’ integrity.

The updated defamation law will also clarify the cap on general damages, a change which is expected to put downward pressure on some defamation payouts.


The case involving Mr Chau also raises questions not covered by the template law about whether defamation trials could be conducted more efficiently. The enormous legal costs are often greater than the judgments. The Age believes judges should rule on what defamatory imputations have been made in a publication before the parties argue over whether they were true or other defences are available.

In the Chau case, the plaintiff said the ABC and Nine had made six defamatory imputations against him. The media outlets were forced to defend themselves against all of them. But it was only at the end of the case that the judge ruled the article only made four of the six imputations. The ABC and Nine never alleged for example that Mr Chau was a Chinese spy.

The media faces a formidable task breaking difficult stories given all the other constraints such as weak freedom-of-information laws and the lack of whistleblower protection. Defamation law should not add to that burden.

Note from the Editor

The Age's editor, Gay Alcorn, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.

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