

This was published 4 years ago

Share houses strain under pressure of social distancing regulations

By Amelia McGuire

Primary school teacher Chris Jackson has spent the past week planning ways to occupy himself without frustrating his housemates during the school holidays next week.

Normally he’d spend the time at the beach or gym but, since COVID-19 restrictions have kicked in, he’ll be confined to the house where his housemates are working. “I’ve bought a 1000 piece puzzle, an Xbox to play with headphones and a whole lot of books,” he said.

Mr Jackson lives with three housemates in Coogee in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Two of them now work from their shared home. His girlfriend Brienna Anderson is a solicitor and has commandeered a corner of their bedroom as her office. Housemate Emily Logan has taken over their kitchen and living space leaving Mr Jackson with their outside area and television as entertainment for his time off.

Emily Logan, Wally, Brienna Anderson and Chris Jackson are all adjusting to the new dynamic in their share house.

Emily Logan, Wally, Brienna Anderson and Chris Jackson are all adjusting to the new dynamic in their share house. Credit: James Brickwood

Their fourth housemate Pat McNamara is a physio and is beginning to feel the strain of fewer patients as people are encouraged to remain indoors. The house has decided that if he becomes unable to work they will cover his share of the rent for as long as it takes him to get back on his feet. “We’re all in this together,” Mr Jackson told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

They’ve confined their outside contact to walking their dog Wally each day, twice weekly grocery shopping and a daily run to keep them sane. “It's lucky we get on so well because we’re not really seeing anyone aside from each other. For me and Patty, we’re in the danger zone with our jobs,” Mr Jackson said.

Sophia Maalsen, a lecturer in human geography at the University of Sydney, believes that living in a shared environment will put “increased tension” on residents and encourages all who live in shared environments to be aware of the need for “emotional as well as physical space”.

Flatmates Emily Logan, Chris Jackson and Brienna Anderson at home in Coogee.

Flatmates Emily Logan, Chris Jackson and Brienna Anderson at home in Coogee.Credit: James Brickwood

Dr Maalsen predicts there will be an increased rate of people who will choose to move from their current share house when this is over despite some emerging “more bonded than ever” for both “financial and interpersonal reasons" she said.

This trend is already being realised on, where executive manager Steve Caddy has seen a 17 per cent increase in properties listed from the start of March to the end of March. has also seen a reduction in international student members and backpackers since the quarantine began but an increase in new members renting out their spare rooms.


James Penman had to make the "extremely frustrating" decision to pull out of a rental agreement in a six person share house in the inner west Sydney suburb of Enmore after he couldn't fill the other rooms. "We had lots of early interest but it all dried up," he said. He's concerned about what this will mean for his rental record, as he and his remaining housemates broke their lease before the recent eviction moratorium was announced.

COVID-19 restrictions are also putting strain on landlords. On March 27 a Bondi landlord evicted his two tenants from his Bondi Beach property after they ignored social distancing restrictions put in place by the federal government and “continued to host parties with other backpackers” the landlord said.

He believes the situation has improved in Bondi since the introduction of fines and potential imprisonment for violating social distancing regulations but believes house parties in apartment blocks of up to "20-30 people" remain a "grey area" as the attendees often technically live there.


He does not think he will be able to find new tenants during the coronavirus crisis. This time last year he received $560 a week in rent. Mr Henry is now advertising at $440 a week and is expecting to drop the price “even further”.

For Andrew Lewy and his two housemates in Lane Cove on Sydney's lower north shore, COVID-19 has caused some unwelcome developments. His housemate was working as a full-time DJ before losing his job earlier this month and is now struggling to pay his rent. Their other housemate works in IT support and is busier than ever as his company adjusts to working from home.

Mr Lewy owns a small printing business and has had to make adjustments to stay open. “We’ve put in a working rotation so that no one is at the office at the same time,” he said.

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