

This was published 3 years ago


Sex and power: the human resources that toxify workplaces

Many laughed at Malcolm Turnbull for declaring, when prime minister, that ministers who had sex with their staff would be dismissed. Some wondered why his successor, Scott Morrison, didn't ditch the offensively titled "bonk ban". It was derided as an intrusion into the private lives of ministers and staff members. The very real risks in these romances that the ban was trying to address were entirely overlooked, until Four Corners decided to take a look.

The ALP must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when its own members’ affairs, or canoodling in Canberra bars, didn’t get a mention in the program. I watched with my experience in three occupations in mind. I was a journalist in the Canberra bubble. I was a minister in the NSW government. And I was the nation's sex discrimination commissioner.

Rachelle Miller and Alan Tudge in 2017, the year the couple had an affair.

Rachelle Miller and Alan Tudge in 2017, the year the couple had an affair.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

As a journalist, I knew there was a legitimate story to be found in Canberra. Sadly, it wasn't the one Four Corners told. It failed to establish substantive wrongdoing on the part of the two federal ministers it highlighted, Alan Tudge and Christian Porter, nor did it establish the systemic case against Canberra. It focused on Tudge's consensual relationship with a staffer, Porter’s pre-parliamentary history and eyewitness accounts of Porter kissing a woman in a bar, details of which the minister has denied.

Some might suggest it is the Liberal in me leaping to the defence of two Liberal ministers. I can only say you're wrong. I would have been no less uncomfortable with the journalism had it been about two Labor ministers, although the program would have been more defensible had it been more bipartisan. In fact, the legitimate story is the very clear failure of the nation's parliaments to do what much of corporate Australia has done: recognise the risks associated with sex at work and manage them. Worse, the Turnbull/Morrison attempt to do so was laughed at by insiders.

Neither sex at work nor unacceptable conduct are unique to Parliament House, Canberra.

Unacceptable conduct occurs wherever people work together but is more prevalent in places with job insecurity, high ambitions, significant power imbalances, poor cultural management regimes and limited options for complainants. Not hard to work out why there need to be special protections for underlings in the High Court, parliaments and the entertainment industry.


When it comes to unacceptable conduct between workmates, it’s not just about them. The vicarious liability provisions of discrimination law make employers partly responsible. As a result, most employers, including parliaments, have adopted “unacceptable conduct” policies, including requisite grievance procedures and mediation arrangements – anything to demonstrate they have recognised their responsibilities since courts apportion blame accordingly. Courts also distinguish between large and small employers.

To avoid expensive settlements, large employers such as parliaments need to do more than take an off-the-shelf grievance procedure, dress it up with a few bits of industry jargon and stick it on the intranet. They should also include unacceptable conduct policy in their induction training for new staff members, including MPs; provide regular reminders of company expectations; monitor practice; and conduct staff satisfaction and exit surveys.


I would be very surprised if there is a parliament in the country that does some, if any, of the not-so-optional extras they would need to protect themselves if ever lawyers got involved. A sweep of the websites of state parliaments suggests that if MPs are given clear and comprehensive instruction it is well hidden and not featured on 'induction day'. For federal MPs, there appears to be no process they need to be aware of, while the hapless staff member must wend their way through the Department of Finance’s policies and procedures to work out what to do.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

Parliamentary staff anywhere are highly vulnerable. They work at the pleasure of the member. If a staff member complains of unacceptable conduct, there are rarely other jobs to go to; meanwhile, the MP can’t be sacked until election day. The imbalance of power is so great most employees put up with it or go quietly. Whatever the policy, fear of reprisals is too much for most people; they just want it to stop.

However, office romances also need to be part of workplace conduct policies. As the Herald and The Age’s report on companies who include consensual workplace relationships between bosses and staff in their not-to-do list confirms, it’s not just Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison who believe it’s important.

It is sage recognition that when there are significant power imbalances between the parties, MPs and senior executives should understand there is a risk they are imposing intimacy on a staff member who might otherwise be unwilling.

They cannot know the staffer’s thinking about their job, career or marriage prospects, let alone what they’re prepared to do to keep their job, and they should not risk a misjudgment. As commissioner, I saw cases where women allowed their boss to fondle their breasts, or performed sexual acts on them, but only took action when they could stand it no longer and left.

Outgoing Nine chief executive Hugh Marks.

Outgoing Nine chief executive Hugh Marks.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Then there is the risk of compromising the minister or executive and the need for transparency, including with your boss or the prime minister. Clearly, Nine chairman Peter Costello was uncomfortable with the disclosure, in the Herald on Saturday, of his chief executive Hugh Marks’ being linked with not one but two women on his staff. The story was followed by Marks’ resignation.

No doubt the rules on fraternisation will now be a topic for further discussion at Nine, the owner of this masthead, but it is recognised good practice in the corporate sector that bosses should disclose consensual relationships with their staff, especially since these so often result in conflicts of interest. Pay negotiations are a case in point.

As a former journalist in the Canberra bubble, I recall the incredible intoxication of being locked up in that building with the country’s elected leadership. There were plenty of naughty dalliances between MPs and the press gallery and that appears to have continued in a way I have never encountered elsewhere since. The predator here is not always clear, but dalliances with journalists aren’t a good idea either.


None of this can be guaranteed by policies and procedures alone. Mostly because victims so rarely report. Which is why a strong focus needs to be on prevention – and that takes leadership. The smart thing for all our political leaders to do now is put the safety of female and male workers who work for them first, demand their elected members do the same, announce their own fraternisation policies and loudly back them. Being a member of Parliament, anywhere, does not mean sex at work is a perk of the job.

Pru Goward is a former sex discrimination commissioner and NSW Liberal minister. She is a professor at Western Sydney University.

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