

This was published 2 years ago


Secrets from the teals’ digital war room: we created a direct line to voters and now TV political ads are dead

There’s one piece of negative feedback that every political campaigner loves hearing: “I’m sick of opening my phone and seeing your ads”.

It was frequent feedback we heard inside the “teal” independents’ digital war room as we served an unprecedented amount of advertising on social media to voters in the inner-city Liberal strongholds. All told, digital ads (on social media, YouTube, Google search or websites) promoting independents were seen more than 100 million times. The voters in Kooyong, for example, saw an online ad promoting Monique Ryan an average of 251 times each over the course of the campaign.

But this is just part of the story. To focus on raw numbers alone would be to miss the real reasons behind the success of the teal campaigns.

Sophie Scamps, Zoe Daniel, Monique Ryan, Allegra Spender and Kylea Tink all ousted Liberal men from parliament.

Sophie Scamps, Zoe Daniel, Monique Ryan, Allegra Spender and Kylea Tink all ousted Liberal men from parliament.Credit: Jessica Hromas, Penny Stephens, Luis Enrique Ascui, James Alcock, Getty Images

Below the iceberg is the story of an advertising campaign that borrowed from both corporate marketing and cutting-edge US political campaigns to upend several campaign orthodoxies in Australia. And it worked, beyond any pundit’s expectations, and despite the protestations of the Liberal Party via the media: that these seats were theirs, in Peta Credlin’s words, “by right”.

The first convention the teal digital war room threw out was the use of traditional TV advertising. This was not only out of necessity (these campaigns were not as well-resourced as their incumbent opponents, despite the media narrative suggesting otherwise); it was by design. The major parties in Australia have been much slower to grasp what many others have, including US politicians and the corporate world: that TV advertising is dead.

Only digital advertising allows for a highly targeted and tailored campaign that seamlessly pairs the right message to the right audience, tracked in real time. This was the second convention the teal campaigns exposed: that traditional research alone should guide your message. Whereas a focus group asks eight to 10 people their opinion, our digital war room built an online message-testing system that would not consider the results until a message had been seen at least 5000 times.


This is how we ended up with the narrative of “vote [Sharma, Zimmerman, Falinski, Frydenberg, etc], get Morrison”. We had assumed heading into this campaign that “get Barnaby Joyce” would have been the most brutally effective message. Our digital testing in late 2021 uncovered the insight that Scott Morrison was even more toxic in these seats than Joyce. That became the narrative platform for these campaigns.

Perhaps the most powerful convention thrown out was the timeline. Campaigns have long allocated their resources to build and then peak in the final days of an election. They hold the vast bulk of their spending in reserve until, in their estimation, voters have “switched on”. This is an enormous strategic error.


In reality, opinions are formed over the long term, by osmosis. By reserving the advertising until the final weeks, campaigns miss what we call the persuasion window. Teal campaigns took full advantage of that window, which was the foundation of their success. While the major parties fell dormant over December and January, the teal campaigns went into overdrive, regularly spending thousands per day to the Liberals’ conspicuous silence. As they napped, previously unknown candidates quickly became household names.

But spending a lot of money at the right time is not enough – just ask Clive Palmer. If ad spend translated into votes then Craig Kelly would be prime minister, as those ads implausibly suggested. Palmer spent about $100 million this election, without much impact. When the counting is done, he will have spent over $200 for every vote that went to his party.


By comparison, the major teal campaigns spent less than $4 in advertising for every vote they earned. This is the hallmark of an effective, targeted campaign delivering the right message to the right people.

Sitting Liberal MPs in what came to be known as the teal seats were either slow out of the blocks or did not appreciate until it was too late that the war was being fought and won digitally. Take Facebook, for example, where independents outspent their rivals from August 2020. In Mackellar, Sophie Scamps spent $126,000 compared with Jason Falinski’s $44,000. In North Sydney, Kylea Tink spent $117,000 compared with Trent Zimmerman on $69,500 and Wentworth where Allegra Spender spent $147,000 to Dave Sharma’s $123,000.

This was possible through a digital advertising program that made every dollar work hard. Every wasted impression on Facebook was a wasted opportunity to convince a voter. That meant each ad impression had to reach the right ear, which was achieved in this election by throwing out another convention: that you use demographics to target a message (or worse, that you “spray and pray”: showing your ads to everyone hoping the right person sees it). Instead, we used a sophisticated system that defined and reached voters according to their values - as sourced from data normally only used for commercial applications - rather than the traditional demographics of age, sex or income.


For an election won on values – climate action, the treatment of women and integrity – this proved key to unseating MPs who had fallen way out of step with their constituents. Corporate advertisers should pay heed: just as voters have recalibrated their values sets, so too have customers who are much more likely to look beyond the price tag to the social and environmental values a brand espouses.

Australia woke up to a new era of politics on May 22. It was made possible by the embrace of a new era in political advertising.

Ed Coper is a director of Populares, the communications agency responsible for the digital advertising for the major teal independent campaigns.

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