

This was published 8 years ago

'Scared and scary': how trauma changes a child's brain

By Miki Perkins

The first thing Sally did when she walked into the room was ask the curly-haired, bespectacled American if she could give him a hug.

She hadn't met him before, but this grandmother of four made the trip into Melbourne from her home near Geelong to tell him he had changed her life.

Dr Bruce Perry.

Dr Bruce Perry. Credit: Pat Scala

And - most importantly - the life of her young grandson Harry*, who was born drug-addicted to brutal and neglectful parents that he lived with before he was removed and taken into her care.

"I heard you interviewed on Radio National while I was driving, the kids were all jumping around in the car, hitting me on the back of the head, and I thought, this man is talking about my Harry," Sally* said as she hugged Dr Bruce Perry.

You might not have heard of Dr Perry, but if you work with vulnerable children or people recovering from terrible events, your training is probably based on his research.

Dr Perry, a psychiatrist, is a world expert on the long-term effects of trauma in children.

His advice has been sought in the wake of 911, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine High School shootings and the Waco siege.

And he has also treated children suffering extreme neglect in everyday settings, the ones that make us turn away from the television in horror; children kept in chicken coops, locked in cupboards, starved of all human affection and touch. (One of his books is The boy who was raised as a dog: and other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook).

His research has shaped our understanding of how traumatic events in childhood change the brain's biology. It shows trauma and prolonged stress can literally shrink the brain and alter its functioning.

The brain scan of a six-year-old boy who experienced severe neglect and abuse in the first two years of his life. The areas in red show where the brain is not functioning normally.

The brain scan of a six-year-old boy who experienced severe neglect and abuse in the first two years of his life. The areas in red show where the brain is not functioning normally. Credit: Source: Dr Bruce Perry

Dr Perry, who has a long association with Victorian foster agency Berry Street, was in Melbourne holding a series of workshops with social workers, policy makers, and even Family Court judges, from all over Australia.

In unpredictable and dangerous environments - a family where violence is used, for example - the stress response in children becomes so stimulated their neurological "baseline" becomes elevated, he says.

"Certain parts of their brain function, but other parts shut down. The more threatened you are the more primitive you become in your behaviour and your thinking and how you view the world," says Dr Perry.

The more threatened you are the more primitive you become in your behaviour.

Dr Bruce Perry

These kids get labelled as disruptive, says Berry Street chief executive Sandie de Wolf, the ones unable to sit still, quick to fly off the handle, impossible for teachers and other adults to handle. Both "scared and scary".

Sally's grandson came to her as a four-year-old but developmentally he was much younger. Diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, Harry still finds unexpected events, or transitions between situations, very difficult.

He hates car trips (and tries to jump out of the vehicle), becomes aggressive if Sally tries to get him to leave the house, and was so volatile at school he has not been for two years.

Understanding his unpredictable behaviour as a response to trauma, rather than a "naughty" child, has helped immeasurably, but Sally still struggles to care for him.

Her experience is, sadly, not an unusual one for kinship and foster carers of vulnerable children. They are often neither appreciated or supported in the difficult job they do, says Dr Perry. But there is hope: even children who have been severely traumatised from a young age can recover.

Berry Street, which is one of the largest providers of out-of-home care for children in Victoria, use Dr Perry's research in their Take Two program, a statewide therapeutic program from children in child protection that has worked with over 3000 kids.

The first step is to help carers establish predictable, regular sleep and play routines, and a calm - and safe - environment.

"Having access to tertiary care mental health services, for example, is not a predictor of good outcomes," says Dr Perry. "It's about connection to community, culture, family."

*Some names have been changed for legal reasons.

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