By Daniel Flitton
KEVIN Rudd has been left red-faced by a mischievous Australian official briefing note describing New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark as a left-wing control freak.
The embarrassing biography was among background papers handed to Australian media travelling with Mr Rudd during this week's flying visit to Auckland.
Facing the music: An abashed Kevin Rudd with Helen Clark at a media conference at Government House in Auckland yesterday.Credit: John Selkirk
Apparently prepared three years ago and intended only for private use inside the Australian government, the frank and unflattering portrait of Miss Clark labels her views "generally left wing, with foreign policy perspectives forged during the Vietnam War".
It adds: "Clark is renowned for her managerial skills, the discipline she demands from those around her and her tight control of all things Labour undertakes under her leadership.
"She does not trust those outside a small circle in Labour and her chief of staff, Heather Simpson, is known as the second most powerful person in NZ."
Confidential sketches of foreign leaders are often prepared before meetings with Australian senior politicians.
But in the interests of good diplomatic relations, public versions are usually stripped of any insider gossip.
Miss Clark laughed off the disclosure, describing it as a "hoot", and said she also had a batch of political profiles on foreign leaders.
"If I was to have my CVs on other leaders fall off the back of trucks, you would all have a lot of laughs as well," she said.
But she refused to engage in a tit-for-tat release of the New Zealand biography of Mr Rudd.
La Trobe University foreign affairs specialist Nick Bisley said that the incident was unlikely to cast a pall over trans-Tasman ties.
"But equally, it's hardly productive, and the bigger point is it shows a considerable lack of professionalism among key parts of the foreign ministry," he said.
A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the biography of Miss Clark was an "outdated internal draft" prepared by the High Commission in Wellington and that Australia very much regretted its circulation.
High Commissioner John Dauth, who is soon to take up a the post of high commissioner to the UK, has apologised to Miss Clark.
The Australian comments echo a pen portrait of Miss Clark written by a Wellington lobbyist in 2006, which described her as "intelligent rather than brilliant" and a "control freak".
New Zealand political blogger, Tracy Watkins, wrote: "It's ironic that Rudd is also considered something of a control freak."
It is not the first time sensitive official Australian biographies have reached the public realm. Then treasurer Peter Costello was similarly embarrassed in 1997 when staff misplaced stinging written briefings on South Pacific leaders.
The confidential paper marked "AUSTEO" (for Australian eyes only) described then New Zealand deputy prime minister Winston Peters as as an opportunist who was erratic and spent a lot of time at nightclubs.
Mr Rudd's spokesman said the Prime Minister did not approve of the content of the briefing on Miss Clark and had asked to ensure this did not happen again.
Associate Professor Bisley said the Australian Government was lucky the mistake had not occurred on one of Mr Rudd's earlier overseas visits.
"Just be very grateful it wasn't Malaysia," he said.