

This was published 2 years ago


‘Ring of fire’: Pandemic and war deliver devastating food price shock

Bowser prices have been grabbing headlines. But another knock-on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is stoking a calamity: rising food prices.

Even before Vladimir Putin’s war, the pandemic’s disruptions had pushed international food prices to record levels. Now the effects of COVID-19 are overlapping with the effects of war to make food even more expensive.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to  push up food prices.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to push up food prices.Credit: AP

Almost every aspect of the food system was interrupted by the pandemic. It played havoc with the supply of basic agricultural inputs such as fertiliser; it slowed harvests and hindered the transportation of food. The dislocation of international shipping helped to push food import prices sky-high. Aid agency World Vision estimates poor nations saw food import costs jump by 20 per cent last year. More than 370 million children worldwide missed out on vital school meals. So, COVID-19 was not just a global health and economic crisis; it also caused a global hunger and nutrition crisis.

The United Nations’ Food Price Index, which monitors the international price of a basket of basic food commodities, has been on the rise for two years and reached an all-time high last month.

As international food prices climbed during the coronavirus crisis, so did the number of hungry people. Before the pandemic 27 million people were in regions “teetering on the edge of famine” according to the UN’s World Food Program. But that has now ballooned to 45 million people across 43 countries.

COVID-19 disrupted food production  around the planet.

COVID-19 disrupted food production around the planet. Credit: AP

That devastating food price shock is now set to worsen.

Russia and Ukraine play a crucial role in global food production and supply. Russia is the largest exporter of wheat and Ukraine the fifth largest. Together they make up more than one-third of global cereal exports. Russia is also the world’s biggest exporter of fertiliser.

The upheaval of war, along with sweeping sanctions imposed on Russia, is bound to interrupt agricultural output from these two big staple food suppliers.


Rising energy costs, also triggered by the Ukraine war, will put additional upward pressure on food prices because agricultural production relies heavily on fuel, gas and electricity. The cost of other products important to farming such as fertilisers, pesticides and lubricants are also set to jump.

Last week the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) warned food and feed prices could rise by up to 20 per cent above the already elevated levels due to the war.


The organisation’s director Qu Dongyu warned the conflict “could seriously escalate food insecurity globally when international food and input prices are already high and volatile”.

The upheaval caused by the Taliban’s sweep to power in Afghanistan last year has escalated the international hunger crisis. The nation’s economy is in collapse and an estimated 22 million Afghans, more than half the population, don’t have enough food. At least 130,000 children in the country could die from malnutrition and other hunger-related causes this year.

But Afghanistan is just one of many acute hunger hotspots – starvation also threatens large populations in South Sudan, Yemen and Ethiopia. In South Sudan alone the UN estimated 8.3 million people will face “extreme hunger” in the coming months as the 2022 lean season peaks and food becomes even more scarce.

Last month the World Food Program’s executive director, David Beasley, said, “a ring of fire” was circling the earth from northern Africa to Afghanistan and all the way around to Haiti and Central America driving millions of people to the brink of starvation. Without swift action the crisis could trigger widespread political unrest and mass migration.


“If we don’t do something we are going to pay a mighty big price,” said Beasley.

But the factors driving food prices higher are unlikely to be resolved quickly. FAO’s simulations show a prolonged reduction in food exports by Ukraine and Russian would increase the global number of undernourished people by 8 to 13 million in 2022-23.

Dane Moores, policy manager at World Vision Australia, warns the Ukraine conflict may be an unwelcome tipping point.

“This unfortunate confluence of circumstances may be what pushes some regions struggling with food scarcity and malnutrition over the edge into full-blown famine,” he says.

Humanitarian organisations have ramped up efforts to assist millions of people facing starvation, but they face major constraints. The soaring price of staples has made it much more expensive for aid agencies to deliver food aid.

“As global hunger rates and humanitarian needs shoot ever higher, the resources required to meet them are levelling off,” Beasley said last month.

The World Food Program was recently forced to reduce food rations for millions of aid recipients in Yemen due to a lack of funding. Now the mass exodus of refugees from Ukraine threatens to put the global humanitarian system under even more pressure.

The growing food security crisis will test wealthy nations like Australia which have provided crucial financial support for relief work during past food emergencies.

When this century’s worst famine hit Somalia in 2011 Australia was among the world’s top five country donors in both absolute terms and relative to gross domestic product. Most of this emergency relief was channelled through UN agencies including the World Food Program.

Australia must again be ready to do its part.

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