

This was published 4 years ago

Readers find silver linings to life in lockdown

By Mex Cooper

Life in lockdown for many of our readers has meant a slower pace, time with family, and small surprises and new experiences that have brought unexpected joy.


Others have been touched by acts of corona kindness as communities pull together while keeping their distance.

We want you to keep sharing your thoughts, stories and photos and we'll keep updating this article.

Keep in mind that some older answers may relate to a time when social distancing measures were not as restrictive as they are now.

One reader's art course was cancelled but they continue to create and has found lockdown has its upsides.

One reader's art course was cancelled but they continue to create and has found lockdown has its upsides.

With my art course cancelled, I am still creating work each weekend and I have connected with some of the other participants in a WhatsApp group....I have been meeting with a bunch of people to play the ukulele online and I am determined to ‘work’ my way through my DVD collection. I am mending my landlady’s garden and in return she’s feeding me with wonderful Greek food. All my teaching jobs have gone online which has been stressful at the beginning, but I have the best and supportive group of colleagues at uni. We are better connected than ever. My regular contact to students doesn’t make me feel lonely at all. It’s a very welcome distraction and the fact that I had to learn so many things very quickly has given me a lot of confidence and satisfaction. I have been cooking a lot, which I don’t do at all, usually. It’s pretty boring what I put together, but I have been losing weight. So that’s a nice side-effect. Overall, I don’t mind the lockdown at all. I don’t think I have ever slept so much and can be lazy with a good conscience. Stay well everyone and my heartfelt best wishes to nurses and doctors. - Anonymous

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The silver lining is knowing that I live in a sane country where, when the chips are down, the majority are prepared to make sacrifices for the common good. Very glad and proud to be Australian. - Birdie

Usually as I am 15 there is a lot of things I don’t care about and I defy my parents to the best of my ability. However lockdown has brought us all together and we are having way more conversations than normal. - Aidan

I am really enjoying spending more time with my family and not having to commute into the office! I also like that I know what my children are learning at school. - Anonymous

Playing video games helps a lot. I don't get bored at all. I've been working for years without playing video games seriously and now I've got time all the time in the world to play. My stress level has gone down a lot and I'm happy! - Anonymous

Was always an introverted homebody. This 'new' reality isn't challenging. In fact, I've found a sense of joy in venturing out in the city (for exercise or food) due to the lack of crowds. Those of us who are 'neural-atypical' actually thrive in these sort of conditions...Those of us on this side of the coin, we normally don't go to the pub, or the footy and rarely do the whole 'group activity' thing. In fact, as an older, single, successful, independent immigrant, I am getting on splendidly. My apartment block has nearly emptied out rendering it quieter and more peaceful than it has been in years. In this regard, I couldn't be happier. All this stated I am actively engaged with strictly following the mandated protocols and care tremendously about those who are losing their lives and the loved ones left behind. Wishing you extraordinary health and mental well-being. - Tom

I've been working as a nurse in aged care. At home, I have a husband, and adult child who's work has been suspended, a 15-year-old who hasn't been getting shifts in Subway and a sporty 14-year-old who is basically bouncing off the walls without friends to play with. I have been tending to my indoor garden, watching them grow and just doing the tiny mundane things that slip by in a busy life. I think the world just wanted us humans to stop and rest, and take stock of what's important in our lives. I have decided to take up yoga, something I've always wanted to do but was always too busy. I'm still busy but I'm making time. - Elise

It's the best thing ever. I tell my daughter everything is closed and we spend quality time together. - Matt

Our big Sydney house has been let out on Air BnB for the last three years while we travelled the world. After this long, it was in need of lots of little repairs and a very thorough deep clean. We had planned for a tradesman and cleaning company to do this, but as we're now isolating here for goodness knows how many months to come, we decided to do everything ourselves and are really enjoying it. And we're just doing one task a day to spin it out. Loving the little things in life, and my pot of Gumption! - Lynda

The residents on our block have started a WhatsApp group, where we talk about any produce we can share, whether people need anything, and we've just started discussing having a street party once restrictions are lifted. Currently, we're working on our quarantini skills to serve at the party! It's nice to be connecting with the people who live around us, which is something I feel we've lost a bit since I was a kid. - Barclay

A lockdown birthday celebration.

A lockdown birthday celebration.

Here is a photo of how an 83-year-old celebrates his 83rd birthday at the start of the CV 19 pandemic- surrounded by a toilet paper trophy, an ear thermometer and an information sheet on tips for the elderly. (basically the tips say,” Stop Enjoying Yourself”.) The cake was very thoughtfully supplied by...daughters of our friends, who live downstairs. They just put it in our apartment's lift. How kind was that? - Robert

Life is a lot more quiet. The neighbourhood is quiet. Even hooners have decreased and are not racing around anymore, which is a relief. I continue giving singing and piano lessons online. I’m also doing telephysiotherapy twice a week, which works quite well...In the area, I find that people are friendlier. We connect in the parking lot in front of Woolies, we say hello to each other as we pass each other on our walks. People seem to be gaining an appreciation for the things our current society had lost touch with. There seems to be a silver lining with this virus and I think we’re going to come out of it as better people, as we regain our sense of purpose in life. - Lorraine

I am teaching my 13 and 10-year-old children more cooking skills; how to make everything from scratch: a chicken stock, bread, pasta, pizza base, hot cross buns! I finally have the time to take the time. Also enjoying saving two hours a day not commuting. Our family meals, which my partner and I share, have never been better. Still working a full day remotely, but the slower pace of life suits us well. - Justin

Heather has set up an exhibition of her are in her own front yard for passersby to enjoy.

Heather has set up an exhibition of her are in her own front yard for passersby to enjoy.

I am staying at home as 70+ with lung issues. I am pursuing my hobbies one of which is art. I have set up a display space in my front garden and have a daily, changing exhibition of my works, as I live on a relatively busy road near a bus stop. It has provided interest and interaction, safely distanced. Now other neighbours are keen to use my front garden gallery to display their art works to allow the space to continue to provide a variety. I love that the postman and delivery people are also keen art critics - Heather

Being locked up together in the house has meant that I'm having better conversations with my teenage kids than ever before. They are interested in not only what's going on, but the maths, economics and psychology behind the story too...Best of all, the kids are sharing with me what they are learning during their remote schooling, and asking for help where I can. Lots of questions, and lots more conversations. We are also sitting around the TV together, watching movies together as opposed to everyone heading off to their bedroom after dinner to play on their computers streaming personal content and using social media. It's great. - Anonymous

Sami with his pregnant wife.

Sami with his pregnant wife.

My wife is pregnant with our first child. The baby is due in April. She stays and works from home whereas I have go to work. She has cut her interaction to zero...The other day I was talking at work about how it is so hard to find baby wipes, nappies etc. The very next day one of my colleagues bought two boxes of them. This virus has killed and upended many lives. But it has also brought out the humanity that is deep within every one of us. - Sami

I am a stay at home Dad with two kids under 10. They're being wonderful under the circumstances, really enjoying the time to get to hang out with them. My wife is busy working from home, it's difficult but doable. She's been amazing so far. We make a great team & I'm so honoured to be her husband, this is teaching me how lucky our love is. Home recording studio gives me my own space, and time to fulfil my interests. It's a bit sad and depressing to be isolated, but it will be worth it if we can slow the infection rate. - Anonymous

I'm actually enjoying my time socially distancing from people. Besides working from home, I actually have more time to pick up a language, continue where I left off my reading and follow up with some knitting projects I left off. Also inspired by new recipes to try, although the only problem is getting the full ingredients that I need. Also having a lot of time for self-reflection, about what and how I want my life to be, about being grateful for the little things in life and the connections I have. - Lilian

Instead of going to the Pub with mates to watch the races, we now do Zoom sessions from home. Great! - Christian

Today I saw more bees and butterflies than I've seen for years. The drop in air pollution is really making a difference. - Liz

My lovely seaside neighbourhood is even quieter than usual, generally, the streets are filled with little ones playing. Now you see the occasional family going for a daily walk together. Everyone is doing a great job and I'm really proud of my community. For me, I now work from home full time whilst trying to entertain my kids and their mental health which is something I worry about after all this is done. It's not easy but we will get through this.... - Anonymous

A collection of goods to be donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

A collection of goods to be donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

My playgroup and neighbours did a quick doorstep collection for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. It was good to remind ourselves that many people in Melbourne live without support systems at the best of times- Anonymous

We installed YouTube on the TV and watched "Exposing Piaf", part of the Morning Melodies season from the Victorian Art Centre. It was stupendous, we hadn't worried about parking and could have a little glass of something. I am returning to knitting at the same time. Very relaxing. - Jane

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Lucky enough to be working from home with great employer support. Spending a lot of time watching Netflix, baking (so many blueberry muffins) and delivering to friends (with social distancing), walking around the block and reading. Probably too much news! Parents live next door so grateful to be able to see them when I can. Also very happy to support my local F45 [fitness service] via online classes - Ingrid

I’ve been dog sitting a gorgeous border collie puppy this week, Alfie. His mum Trish is an anaesthetist and every time my housemate and I have cared for him she has brought us something from her garden. Eggs, cherry tomatoes, zucchini and flowers. She is just such a lovely person, and even though her work is particularly difficult at the moment, she still has found time in her day to think of us. #kindnesspandemic. - Alice

This gave Ray a chuckle during his walk.

This gave Ray a chuckle during his walk.

Saw this on our walk with the kids this morning. In Elsternwick - Ray

I'm staying home and hunkering down by myself, due to age and health risk factors. As an IT worker just affected by redundancy, I'm using home isolation as an opportunity to increase my skills at in-demand technologies via online classes on Coursera...It provides structure to my day to "attend class" for at least 4 hours a day. I call or skype with another unemployed former teammate every second day or so, for human interaction beyond text chat...spend the last couple hours of each day watching escapist shows/movies...I plan to finally master baking the perfect ANZAC biscuit. - Anonymous

Cathy on her horse who, like many pets, is getting some extra care and attention.

Cathy on her horse who, like many pets, is getting some extra care and attention.

I'm spending quality time with my horse every day, he's being brushed so much, he'd glow in the dark! Also, I'm taking him out on solo rides, just the two of us, practising social distancing! I live in a small rural town in North West Qld, wide, open spaces and enjoying the serenity and solitude, now more than ever. - Cathy

My wife and I now wake up at 5am together to do two hours of working from home before the kids wake up. I get to have breakfast with my kids every day, then I keep working from 8-4, but with a nice one-hour break to spend time with the kids and tend to our very recently installed veggie garden. Straight after finishing work (from home) at 4 we all go on a walk around the block or kick the footy (well away from anyone else). There are many downsides for sure, but right now I'm just trying to focus on the positives, in the knowledge this could last many months - J

I am a general dentist. We have closed our doors to routine patients and have had to call to reschedule our patients to July (hopefully) It was nice to hear the patients tell us how much they appreciate our care and how much they would miss coming in to see us. Every one of them wished us well and asked us to take care of ourselves while this pandemic rages around us - Marie

More people out walking, especially after dinner. - Anonymous

Best time to pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill from home. For example, experimenting with that recipe you've always wanted to try, do a bake-off/cook-off, learn a new song on an instrument (if you have one), read a book, play online games - something that stimulates the mind - chess, draw, do a fitness challenge, binge on your favourite series/movies. - Julia

Michele is enjoying seeing what her cat gets up to at home while she's usually at work. Not much it seems.

Michele is enjoying seeing what her cat gets up to at home while she's usually at work. Not much it seems.Credit:

Working from home is a chance to re-set the work-life balance; celebrating not having to commute, using the lunch hour to eat something healthy you make at home, actually taking the breaks from the computer you never do at the office, and seeing what the cat gets up to when you are under her feet all day (nothing much, it turns out, as the photo suggests). Using the garden or verandah as a workspace while on your computer helps keep you connected with the bigger world out there and staves off cabin fever! Get out the extension cord and start loving it. - Michele


Planting winter vegies. And having a go at summer vegies too such as zucchini. I’ll put them under plastic cages to stretch out the season. Think I might get some chooks too ... - Anonymous

There’s a girl and her dog who live directly across the lightwell from us in our building. Our windows and doors are frosted and usually shut. I just realised as she is isolating she is stuck in there looking at our closed windows and brick walls all day long. It’s also very dark down there. I just threw open our window doors and introduced myself to her. Then I realised that if I leave them open on a beautiful day like today she can actually see right through our apartment out the front of ours to the green trees on the street. I’m glad I reached out to her. Feeling better already. - Kim

Well, I impulse bought a guitar. Gonna find some Sufjan Stevens tabs. - Max

Life is simpler, fewer choices. Which is just as well because most of my super pension income has been lost. I miss my grandchildren but we have started writing (real letters) to each other, much more special than email. This stripped-back life reminds me of the 1950s and its less consumption-driven, slower pace. Not such a bad thing. - Jen

I can spend more time cooking my own food which I rarely have time when I spend 2 hours on commute every day. - Jia

Download a language course. You'll be fluent by the time you get the opportunity to travel to the country of your choice. Hasta la vista! - Anonymous

Jim, a model railway enthusiast, has a project ready to go.

Jim, a model railway enthusiast, has a project ready to go.

As a retiree with a model railway itch to scratch, I just need time to get to my local hardware store and stock up on dressed pine, screws and white glue. If this sucker takes six months to subside, at least I'll have all the benchwork finished! All the other stuff I need to finish the layout I've been hoarding for years! - Jim

Read heaps of books. Take the time to read those on your list that you've been meaning to a for a long time. - Anonymous

Rhonda has been spotting more birds and flowers.

Rhonda has been spotting more birds and flowers.

I have set up a chat group with friends, sending acts of kindness, cuteness and natural beauty. - Rhonda

My sister is immune suppressed and has had to stop her extremely busy life, working, minding grandchildren, and stay at home. She suggested we have a coffee date each day via Skype. We arrange a time, make a coffee, and have a chat face to face. We started yesterday and it was a great success! Even though I couldn’t get a word in! - Julie

Husband and I are both working from home now, we are lucky we have our own spaces to set up a home office so we can do calls etc without disturbing the other. We've stepped up our home exercise routine to make sure we get breaks and fresh air and tend to have "lunch dates" now too :) Around the neighbourhood I've seen more people out and about than ever before - people walking or running but all obeying the rules of keeping their distance. Missing our friends and family but keeping connected with apps and by phone. - Anonymous

I"m listening through my wall-to-wall vinyl collection, back-to-back. Should keep me indoors for a good while, and add a new dimension to working from home. - Warwick


I’m a confirmed case and am quarantined with my two brilliant, caring housemates. I’m doing relatively well and we’re all working remotely, but every day about 5.30pm we sit in our yard for an hour of power where we talk about anything but the virus. My housemate has found a set of ‘getting to know you’ questions online so we use those to keep our minds off it. I’m really grateful to be stuck with two amazing women. It’s been a roller coaster ride and they’ve not wavered once in front of me, they’ve been practical, cheerful companions. I’m sure privately they’ve had the odd moment of fear or sadness or anger but they’ve kept their game faces on for me. I couldn’t have asked for better company. - Anonymous

We'll need to exercise patience if we're going to get through this intact. That's something many of us have forgotten as we make our way in this fast-paced world. The pace has now slowed for many, and demands increased on others. We're going to have to restore that powerful trait, patience, quietly waiting and keeping our head - which is deep down a natural path for us to follow. - Frank

It has saved me $160 a week on parking, myki, lunches, fuel, snacks and coffee. My employer has 100% WFH, I am managing a team of 30 working the same way. It's not all doom and gloom people. Hang together and we will get through. - David

Rainbows around Mount Eliza are brightening the neighbourhood.

Rainbows around Mount Eliza are brightening the neighbourhood.

A Rainbow Trail brings some colour and happiness to the daily 30 minutes of exercise around the block. Here are some examples from Mount Eliza. There are also various bear hunts and scavenger hunts so that community can feel connected while keeping a distance. - Josie

Having arrived from Switzerland a week ago, to face a 2-week quarantine. We were amazed by the kindness of friends who stocked up our kitchen with non-perishable food to get us over the first few days. Like in any situation of crisis there are people who are amazing and there are people who are disappointing. - Anonymous

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