By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised, in this age of incivility, that big-time cyber criminals might step outside the bounds of polite discourse as they go about their business.
Hacked off.Credit: Shakespeare
But CBD’s delicate sensibilities were nonetheless offended when we learnt how the suspected Russian hacking group Blackcat responded last year when it found out that high-end law firm HWL Ebsworth would not pay a $4 million ransom demanded by the crooks for a massive trove of the firm’s data purloined from its Melbourne servers.
“F--- you f---ot,” the crims emailed to Ebsworth after the firm took legal action to restrain the use of the data instead of handing over the cash that the criminals had demanded.
On the upside, we were delighted by the wry take on that exchange by NSW Supreme Court judge Michael Slattery this week, as he made permanent a temporary injunction on use or dissemination of the material stolen from Ebsworth.
“The court infers from the terse three-worded message, “f--- you f---ot”, in the response, that some of the threat actors were displeased that HWLE had taken legal proceedings [rather] than paying the ransom,” Slattery wrote in his judgment.
Maybe those hack cats might like to take some tips from Slattery J on conversational deportment.
We just can’t look away from the fascinating subplot to the Dunkley byelection, revolving around the City of Frankston’s mayoral robes, left empty – for the duration of the campaign at least – by the Liberal candidate for the seat, Nathan Conroy.
Conroy’s deputy mayor, Liam Hughes, who made history at the age of 18 in 2021 as the youngest ever Frankston councillor, has been acting in the role since Conroy stepped up to take on Labor’s Jodie Belyea for the parliamentary seat left vacant by the untimely death of the ALP’s Peta Murphy.
Trouble was, the young councillor had an overseas trip arranged when Conroy announced his leave of absence in mid-January. The trip took Hughes out of the country for the vital Australia Day period when a council kind of needs a mayor around, for citizenship ceremonies and the like.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton with Liberal Party candidate Nathan Conroy.Credit: Eddie Jim
Hughes’ fellow councillors were not a bit happy with the mayor-shaped hole in the operation and passed a vote of no confidence in Hughes at the council’s last meeting, as well as writing to the acting mayor asking for his resignation.
But Hughes refused to go anywhere, and the legal advice from high-end firm Maddocks was that if Hughes wouldn’t go voluntarily, then he couldn’t be forced out.
A resolution to all this – in the form of the return of Conroy – might be at hand, according to venerable psephologist Malcolm Mackerras, who confidently predicted this week that the 6 per cent swing needed for a Liberal triumph when Dunkley votes on March 2 would be too high a hurdle for the man from town hall.
Well, maybe. But byelections can be tricky to pick, so we won’t be making predictions.
We’ll give you this tip though: if Conroy snags the seat and Frankston needs a new mayor, then don’t ask Hughes, who told us that he was enjoying acting in the job but wasn’t interested in taking it on full time.
On Wednesday, CBD encountered mop-haired entrepreneur Phillip Kingston as a side character in the colourful business history of “doping Olympics” dude Aron D’Souza.
But Kingston’s own recent travails deserve a whole column of their own.
To recap, Sargon Capital, the fintech superannuation company he founded in 2015 with D’Souza – featuring ex-Labor minister Stephen Conroy and then Crown Resorts boss Rob Rankin as board members – spectacularly immolated five years on.
The unravelling began in early 2020 when Chinese state-run financier China Taiping, one of Sargon’s creditors, put the firm into receivership. According to documents tabled in parliament by then Liberal MP Tim Wilson a year later, China Taiping had allegedly misdirected payments to engineer a receivership and take control of Sargon.
This narrative was blown up by the Victorian Supreme Court, which found the receivership wasn’t wrongful, with Justice Jim Delaney ruling that Kingston was “just not a credible witness”.
Kingston was bankrupted over the $154 million he owed to China Taiping following the Victorian judgment. Facing such financial straits at home, Kingston has found two zeitgeisty foreign causes to keep him busy – the battle for Ukrainian freedom, and artificial intelligence.
He’d been living in Kyiv throughout 2023, and is listed as an executive director of Cyber Diia, a not-for-profit which aims to unite innovators to “build a resilient and safe digital future of Ukraine”.
In late December, he listed as a foreign agent on the transparency register over his role as the executive officer for something called the Cyber Action platform, which is affiliated with the Ukrainian government’s wartime fundraising efforts.
Seems like Kyiv wasn’t forever – according to LinkedIn, Kingston, who couldn’t be tracked down on Wednesday for comment, has since moved to the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi for a gig at an outfit called the Applied Artificial Intelligence Company.