

Smaller is not necessarily better when it comes to class sizes

By Felicity Caldwell

It’s not always true that smaller is better when it comes to how many kids are in a school classroom, but an expert says Queensland’s current targets are too relaxed.

Overcrowded classrooms could be a coalmine canary for underfunded and understaffed schools, so what is the magic number for the perfect class size?

Education Queensland sets class size targets of 25 students in Prep to Year 3 and Years 11 to 12, and 28 children for Years 4 to 10.

How many students should be in each classroom? Classroom targets are 25 and 28 in Queensland, for different year groups.

How many students should be in each classroom? Classroom targets are 25 and 28 in Queensland, for different year groups.Credit: iStock

This target has been in place since 2019.

But as revealed by this masthead, six Brisbane state schools – all primary schools – failed to meet those classroom size targets, on average, in 2023.

That is actually the minority, and no high schools made the fail list, but University of Queensland education expert Professor Robyn Gillies argues the targets are too high to begin with.

“The class sizes that Queensland has at the moment could be reduced by about three or four for each class,” she said, pointing out the OECD average was 21 students in primary and 23 in secondary.

“Teachers feel highly stressed when they’ve got large classes.”

Gillies said big classrooms made it difficult for teachers to give extra attention to children with special needs, neurodivergent children and those who might not be keeping up with their peers.


And this is becoming an increasing issue in Australian schools.

In 2023, 24.2 per cent of students received an educational adjustment due to disability – up from 18 per cent in 2015.

However, there is no consensus, even in Australia, for exactly how many children should be in each classroom.

In New South Wales, Years 3 to 6 classes should not exceed 30 students, while Year 11 to 12 classes should not be bigger than 24.

Victoria aims for Year 7 to 12 classes to have groups of up to 25 students.

Some studies show smaller class sizes in the first four years of school can have a lasting impact on academic achievement, especially for children from culturally, linguistically and economically disenfranchised communities.

But Melbourne researcher, Professor John Hattie, argued reducing class size was an innovation that appeased parents, teachers and school leaders, but it had just a small positive effect.

“Parents see reducing class size as a proxy for more attention being paid to their children,” he said in a 2015 paper.

“School leaders see it as a proxy for more resources … and teachers argue it is less stressful and more effective to deal with fewer students.”

Hattie said teachers rarely changed how they taught when they moved from larger to smaller classes, but if they changed how they taught to make the most of having fewer students, the effects would be larger.

Class size can’t be the only litmus test, as students from countries such as Japan, with larger classes, consistently perform better academically than Australian students.

And a reduction in class sizes means more teachers would have to be hired – and more money spent on the Queensland education budget which is already at $21 billion – amid a nationwide teacher shortage.

But as Gillies pointed out to me, if we want to look at economics, if we allow children to fall through the cracks, we will end up with a generation of young people who are disengaged with education and ultimately disadvantaged.

Class sizes are less of an issue for the smart kids who stick their hands up and more problematic for those who are struggling to keep up or have stopped caring.


A classroom of 30 highly engaged youngsters and a skilled teacher will likely get better results than a class of 15 disengaged kids with a burnt out, unsupported educator.

With small classes, a teacher can understand what motivates each young person and spend more time with the ones who need it.

But when you divide up those students, and the total lesson time, three or four more kids – or less – does not equate to a substantial increase in time available to spend with each individual student.

If you ask teachers if they’d prefer a pay rise, or smaller classes, what would they choose?

There are so many nuances to the debate, but I think these questions are worth asking to find our magic number.

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