

This was published 2 years ago

Big trouble on a small Queensland hill

A mining company has flagged the destruction of a sacred Gulf Country hill. Is it Queensland’s own Juukan Gorge disaster, or a chance to raise a community out of poverty?

By Zach Hope

Until the emergency gathering of senior men last week, it had been almost two decades since Glen Willetts came to this place – the cave on the sacred hill – where generations of newly initiated men had sought shelter and secrets.

Back then he was one of 17 Waanyi men who accompanied archaeologists investigating what the early Europeans, for reasons lost to history, named Magazine Hill.

That mission in 2002 was important, for the hill, rising 30 metres from north-west Queensland’s Gulf Country, sat at the edge of one of the world’s greatest deposits of zinc.

The famous Century mine, one of the first negotiated agreements after the 1992 High Court Mabo native title decision, yielded its first 10,000-tonne shipment of zinc concentrate for then-owner Pasminco in late 1999.

Today, under New Century Resources (NCR) – the mine’s owner since 2017 – both cave and hill are tagged for destruction.

The company says the hill is unstable because previous miners dug too close. But the claim masks its intentions, already promoted to investors, to get at the rich body of zinc and lead below.


The ongoing fight for Magazine Hill simmers under a complex matrix of culture, power, Aboriginal disadvantage, native title and cash.

On one side, defenders of the sacred men’s site make comparisons to Rio Tinto’s egregious blasting of ancient Aboriginal caves in Western Australia’s Juukan Gorge in May 2020. They say most Waanyi want Magazine Hill protected and any discussion to the contrary is contrived.

On the other, advocates say opening Magazine Hill to the bulldozers is the majority decision of a poverty-stricken people wishing for one last chance at the elusive promise of Century mine jobs, money and futures.

Another complicating matter: Magazine Hill, on Waanyi country, is culturally significant to some non-Waanyi groups, particularly the Alyawarre of the Northern Territory, leading to uncomfortable accusations about a tribe trying to speak for another’s country.

Precious archaeological trove

The archaeological excavations of 2002 retrieved scores of Aboriginal stone artefacts and charcoal from 1700-year-old fireplaces, without even reaching the bottom of the sediment.

Most significantly, it turned up a rounded stone “bearing swirling patterns” with deliberate flaking, the kind of object typical of rituals and ceremony.


The consultants, at first sceptical about what could be retrieved from the cave, had uncovered a precious trove that confirmed what the Waanyi men on site already knew: “Magazine Hill [is] a place with ceremonial and ritualistic significance.”

“The stories and legends told on such occasions [at the cave after initiations] would be reinforced by display of the stone object containing … symbolic depictions of the journeys made by the relevant ancestral heroes,” the report concluded.

“It is therefore recommended that the major portion of the hill and the shelter remain undisturbed.”

Gilbert Corbett (Alyawarre Elder) and Glen Willetts (Waanyi and Alyawarre).

Gilbert Corbett (Alyawarre Elder) and Glen Willetts (Waanyi and Alyawarre).

It would be culturally inappropriate for Mr Willetts to elaborate on the stories for public consumption. But they were of the Dreamtime, he said, with songlines reaching 1000 kilometres to the Alyawarre people of the Sandover Desert.

Such were the sensitivities last Saturday when Mr Willetts and about 40 senior men of Waanyi, Garawa, Alyawarre ancestry gathered on Magazine Hill to talk.

“It wasn’t the place to argue and fight,” he said. “Everybody walked away with it all in their heads, why it was so important.”


‘We want a hand up’

Among them, listening quietly to the stories, was actor, filmmaker and businessman Alec Doomadgee, the man more integral to the mine’s expansion than anyone this side of NCR’s Collins Street office.

Beyond the Gulf Country, Mr Doomadgee may be best known for directing and producing the acclaimed Zach’s Ceremony, a documentary filmed over 10 years about his son’s initiation into tribal lore.

His role in the unfolding drama of Magazine Hill is as chairman of the prescribed body corporate, the Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (Waanyi PBC).

Chairman of the Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Alec Doomadgee.

Chairman of the Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Alec Doomadgee.Credit: Peter Rickards

As the native title holder for the country surrounding Magazine Hill, it is his organisation, representing the interests of the Waanyi people, that is negotiating with NCR.

Mr Doomadgee partly explained the situation in July at the Juukan Gorge Senate Inquiry, which took an interest in the Queensland dispute as a case study in sacred-site protection.


“Under no fault of our own, we’re stuck in a situation where a sacred site on our country is about to fall into a pit due to 20 years of mining where we didn’t have the veto to stop it,” Mr Doomadgee told the senators.

“We decided, under great duress, that the best way forward for Waanyi people [was] to go for a contract, so we don’t have some big company ... coming in and taking away financial benefits that could go back to Waanyi people to help our people out of abject poverty, out of suicide rates, incarceration rates, health problems.

“We want to look at a way of not getting a handout – we want a hand up. We want to become businesspeople.”

Community approvals to destroy Magazine Hill were given “under great sadness”, he said, but “to the letter of the law”.

Mr Doomadgee would not answer specific questions from this masthead, citing the matter’s cultural sensitivities.

In any case, a clause in the Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) that he signed with NCR stipulates he must not “object to, make any adverse public comment or undertake any protest action” in relation to the sacred site’s destruction.

Likewise, if requested to do so by the miner, Mr Doomadgee must “speak in favour of the decision made at the community meeting”.


The meeting in question was on May 17, 2018, in the small tourist park of Adels Grove. The most significant item on the agenda for the near-100 Waanyi people present was to vote on the fate of Magazine Hill.

Waanyi elders claimed to the same Senate inquiry that the gathering, by the edge of the Boodjamulla National Park, was so tense, it was shut down before any show of hands.

Mr Doomadgee denied anything underhanded.

The firm taking the minutes of the meeting, Chalk & Behrendt, did not respond to requests to set the record straight.

Operations at the Century mine, 250 kilometres north-west of Mount Isa.

Operations at the Century mine, 250 kilometres north-west of Mount Isa.Credit: New Century Resources

Whatever the truth of the Adels Grove meeting, the newly signed CHMP recorded a 57-6 majority to blast Magazine Hill in exchange for $2 million to Mr Doomadgee’s organisation, and a joint venture with Downer EDI to mine the zinc closest to the sacred site.

Mr Doomadgee is also the joint venture’s executive director.

Speaking in May at the Juukan inquiry’s Mount Isa sitting, about 250 kilometres south of Century, Waanyi elder Clarence Walden said the communities thought NCR was going to rehabilitate the old pits, not dig.

“They’re the biggest thorn in our side at the moment, the mining companies that want to desecrate Aboriginal heritage,” he said.

“That’s our life; if you take that, you are taking us all ... and the mining company will not stop. They play the divide-and-conquer game and are making it look bad, that we’re the problem – black fellas fighting over the bone all the time.

“But we’re in the back seat, they’re driving the car.”

At risk of damage

The sacred site is not labelled on the aerial photos sent to business reporters and NCR investors, but it’s the solitary patch of darkened and untouched earth surrounded by the churned landscape of 16 years of mining from 1999.

To its north, the main pit – 350 metres deep and about 1.5 kilometres wide – is one of Australia’s biggest holes.

Nestled in between Magazine Hill and the original pit is South Block, the orebody at the centre of the sacred-site dispute.

Elsewhere in the Century lease are deposits known as Silver King and East Fault Block. NCR is also scouring valuable leftovers from the tailings dam to the south of the original pit.

Unlike South Block, there were no announcements of joint ventures with Aboriginal organisations to reap the profits of these less controversial resources.

“That’s how smart these guys are,” Mr Willetts said. “They’re not going to go and do it [bulldoze Magazine Hill]. They’ll get Indigenous people to do their dirty work for them and offer them a lot of money.”

While not publicised, a spokesman for NCR said the Waanyi PBC-Downer joint venture would, in fact, participate in Century’s other resources.

He also said NCR was giving the Waanyi-Downer joint venture $2 million a year to provide education, training and sustainable development throughout the Gulf of Carpentaria.

One example: a children’s bus service and teaching support for the remote Bidunggu community, more than 100 kilometres from the nearest school in Burketown.

As for South Block, the official NCR line holds that it is not “presently” part of the life-of-mine plan. But this is semantics.

NCR managing director Patrick Walta told an online investor forum in September, “naturally, we see South Block ... in years to come being part of it”, possibly from 2027.

Magazine Hill defenders (left to right) Barry Dick, Len Cubby, Gordon Douglas, Perry Bell and Kevin Cairns.

Magazine Hill defenders (left to right) Barry Dick, Len Cubby, Gordon Douglas, Perry Bell and Kevin Cairns.

Confusingly, he also said NCR was not contemplating the removal of the hill “in any way, shape or form”.

If not, why would the company pay $2 million and seek Waanyi approval for its destruction, the elders ask.

Even NCR’s submission to the Juukan inquiry said the hill – which sits at a fault line – should be removed, framing it as a matter of safety rather than mining.

Fresh geotechnical investigations, it wrote to the senators, “determined that the rock mass of Magazine Hill was at risk of damage from historical mining activities”, and the best way to address the instability was to “excavate and remove the hill and buttress the pit wall”.

Neither Mr Doomadgee nor NCR would release the geotechnical report.

‘Talking in riddles’

New Century Resources’ Juukan submission gives passing mention to the precious orebody below and next to Magazine Hill. The investor material screams it from the headlines.

“South Block Resource Provides Significant Potential for Century Mine Life Extension & Production Increase,” it declared in a 39-page announcement to the ASX in January 2018, four months before the Adels Grove community vote.

A video published in March that year illustrated in 3D how the miner could expand South Block by sinking the north edge of Magazine Hill. It also claimed the orebody was only partially mined by previous owners because of low zinc prices.

In fact, zinc prices increased after resources company MMG acquired Century in mid-2009.

Mr Willetts, who called for Mr Walta to sit down with the Waanyi men on Waanyi country, said the real reason mining did not go further at South Block years ago was to ensure no damage to Magazine Hill.

“They stood by their words those guys [previous mine owners], and you can see it in the design of the pit,” he said.

“South Block is the pillar of zinc that’s holding Magazine Hill up. It’s as simple as that.”

Responding to questions from this masthead, NCR said the video was a “very early concept” and did not reflect the “company’s current intention”.

“NCR is investigating whether the South Block resource could be mined in future without impacting on Magazine Hill,” it said, confirming its longer-term ambitions.

“This could include approaches to mining only part of the known orebody.”

NCR acquired the Century mine in 2017 after it was mothballed by resources company MMG.

NCR acquired the Century mine in 2017 after it was mothballed by resources company MMG.Credit: Tony Walters

Referring to Magazine Hill’s fault-line instability – the publicly stated reason for why it was to be removed – a spokesman also said: “[NCR] must ensure there is long-term structural stability of all land forms in the post-mining environment.”

The contradictory and seemingly chicken-or-egg logic does not wash with hill defenders.

“They’re talking in riddles,” Mr Willetts said.

“I explained to one of the blokes [on the Magazine Hill visit] that this is what they’re going on about, that it’s in danger of falling in, and everybody looked at it and sort of thought, ‘there’s no way in the world that was going to fall in – not by accident, not by nothing’.

“Unless they start drilling and blasting around there.”

For its part, the miner said it was unrealistic to get unanimous agreement in a community of about 2000 people, but that the process was conducted in full compliance with the rules set out in the Gulf Communities Agreement.

It also suggested other matters, including corporate jealousy from rival Waanyi Aboriginal organisations left out of the spoils, fuelled the outrage.

“NCR does not doubt that the people who now object to the outcome reached are motivated by distress at the prospect of the loss of the Magazine Hill site,” it said.

“However, there are also a range of intra-community divisions within the Waanyi Native Title Group that play out across a range of less culturally significant arenas.

“It is NCR’s observation that these are also relevant to the opposition to the Magazine Hill site process.”

Piece of history

The Century mine has been a conflicting source of trouble and benefits for Aboriginal communities in the Gulf Country for almost 25 years.

As Australia’s first mining-related agreement struck under the framework of the Native Title Act’s “right to negotiate” provisions, it was also a piece of history.

The Gulf Communities Agreement (GCA), signed in May 1997 between Century Zinc Limited and the Waanyi, Mingginda, Gkuthaarn and Kukatj people, allowed for the blasting of the Century mine, as well as a 300-kilometre slurry pipe to the port at Karumba.

Mr Willetts’ mother was one of the last GCA signatories following years of bitter community fighting, along with threats from the Queensland government to compulsorily acquire the land needed for the mine’s operations.

The offer by late 1994 was the equivalent of $60 million – including pastoral leases – over 20 years.

Many in the gulf saw the deal as an opportunity for jobs, careers and economic development. Others called it exploitation.

By 2015, when MMG ceased its operations, more than 900 Aboriginal people of the lower gulf had worked at Century over the previous 16 years. For a third of them, it was their first mainstream employment.

But the jobs were mostly entry level, with limited prospect of career progression, and more jobs were going to people living outside the lower gulf region, the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining found, among a raft of GCA shortcomings.

Mr Willetts said a drive through the remote community of Doomadgee, about 120 kilometres north of Century, told the story of the historic Gulf Communities Agreement.

“It’s worse than what it was 25 years ago,” he said. “Indigenous people are still living in squalor.

“You would not believe that mine has produced so much money.”

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