

This was published 15 years ago

Pressure puts lobbyist register on list

By Royce Millar

THE Brumby Government is preparing to introduce a lobbyist register as pressure intensifies around the ALP over mates, money and influence.

For some weeks a group of advisers and bureaucrats known as the accountability committee has been working on a package of measures including codes of conduct for MPs and bureaucrats.

But well-placed sources say a lobbyist register is now the committee's priority amid growing public disquiet both in Victoria and interstate about the role of lobbyists, and companies buying access to government.

The committee is expected to finalise a recommendation on the register this week and an announcement is likely soon after.

Government insiders say an announcement is likely to be co-ordinated with the Rann Government in South Australia.

The Federal Government along with Western Australia and NSW have already introduced registers. Former premier Steve Bracks had promised to establish a register in the lead-up to the 2006 election.

Premier John Brumby has since avoided full commitment to the idea but has repeatedly said it was under consideration.


Insiders say the introduction of a register, like other issues, had been delayed by major events including February's bushfires. But there is growing concern among senior Labor figures that controversy around lobbyists and donations is threatening to damage Labor across the country.

Last night Government spokesman George Svigos refused to comment directly about the register proposal. He said the Government was working on ''priority'' policies including community safety, bushfires and government accountability.

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