

This was published 10 years ago

The emperor of Geelong

Darryn Lyons surprised many when he was elected mayor of Geelong. But the former paparazzo is winning new fans with his can-do attitude. By Susan Chenery.

The Geelong town hall, with its imposing portico of ionic columns, is a stately building. An elegant edifice designed for men of rectitude and probity to carry out their civic duty. Fittingly ornate for the starchy timber merchants and wool barons who once presided over the region.

But recent developments have seen a seismic shift within these municipal walls. You can almost see the building rocking on its foundations. It now seems that such a grand structure is required to accommodate the ego of its newly resident mayor, Darryn Lyons.

Man with a plan ... Darryn Lyons says he used to party like a rock star, but his focus is now on "opening Geelong up to the world".

Man with a plan ... Darryn Lyons says he used to party like a rock star, but his focus is now on "opening Geelong up to the world".Credit: Julian Kingma/The Weekly Review

Startled visitors are greeted by Lyons before they even hit the city limits. There he is on a giant billboard on the Princes Freeway, resplendent in his mayoral robes and chains, his peroxide Mohawk, expensive dentistry gleaming. Here is a love whose month is ever May. "Giddy Up", it says on the billboard, echoing the battle cry Lyons took with him when he left Geelong at the age of 22 to conquer the world.

Now, 26 years later, he is back - lounging with his silver-buckled, patent-leather boots on the mayoral desk. During last November's election campaign, business leaders were so alarmed at the prospect of Lyons as mayor that they took out advertisements in the Geelong Advertiser suggesting that citizens should not vote for him under any circumstances.

Young entrepreneur ... Darryn Lyons in Geelong in 1974.

Young entrepreneur ... Darryn Lyons in Geelong in 1974.Credit: courtesy of Darryn Lyons

Out beyond the floor-to-ceiling mayoral windows are the ailing Shell oil refinery, the Ford motor factory, which is closing down, and the Alcoa aluminium smelter, bracing for closure. It was felt that a man known around the world as Mr Paparazzi, with all the associated razzmatazz; a man who boasted that he couldn't be "managed", which was the antithesis of collegiate council behaviour; a man who was known to the reality-TV-viewing public as a buffoon and an outrageous cartoon character with fake abdominal muscles, was not what was called for at a time of such economic uncertainty. Yet out of 16 candidates, he took almost 30 per cent of the vote and, after preferences, won easily. Former colleagues in London are incredulous that he is mayor of a city.

If Darryn Lyons were a bird, he would be a sulphur-crested cockatoo. It is there in the challenging look in the beady eye, in the plumage. Brash, bombastic, conspicuous, perched at the top of the tree, ready to pillage the lower branches.

The whole fancy mayoral robe, with its white fur trim and medallion, is a relatively conservative look for Lyons. (When he first put them on, his mother, Lorraine, thought he looked like a king; his father, Graham, thought he looked more like a queen).

The colours of the plumage can change on a daily basis. Hair extensions can be added. But today the quiff is toned down to a more magisterial bleached white. Strangely, the eyebrows shoot skyward like wings on a suspiciously smooth forehead. The portly frame is encased in a retina-detaching matching pink shirt and tie. The Savile Row suit is accessorised by a huge, diamond-encrusted Cartier watch. Soberly dressed public servants come in and out trying to keep him on schedule.

Just papping out … Lyons at work on the streets of London in 1992.

Just papping out … Lyons at work on the streets of London in 1992.Credit: Big Australia

Mingling on the wall with government-issue aerial photographs of Geelong are photos of the luscious, partly clad Lady Mayoress to be. The 30-year-old Elissa Friday is an exotic beauty and, naturally, a model. But, says her fiancé, she is far more than yet another dazzling accessory.

"She has studied politics and economics," Lyons says. "She is in London studying journalism and Mandarin. She is a thriving educationalist; she just loves building that brain." He, on the other hand, admits that "apart from the odd Wilbur Smith years ago", he doesn't really do books. "I just don't have the time." He looks distastefully at the folders of government Acts piled on his desk. "Oh, my god."

In the frame ... With actress Lindsay Lohan in London in 2006.

In the frame ... With actress Lindsay Lohan in London in 2006.Credit: Big Australia

The 48-year-old Lyons is counting down the hours until "the Girl Friday" finishes her journalism degree and moves back from the UK to be with him; he visibly misses her. Certainly, Geelong will not know what hit it when she turns up for her first ribbon-cutting.

Elissa Friday is, in a way, the embodiment of the many contradictions that Lyons himself would appear to be, and why it would be a mistake to underestimate him. "He has always been a divisive character," says Greg Dundas, a journalist at the Geelong Advertiser. The British journalist Piers Morgan, currently the host of Piers Morgan Live on CNN, has known the colourful Lyons for 20 years. "He is a very smart, very determined and creative guy," he says. "He will bring chutzpah to Geelong."

On display ... Lyons with Elissa Friday at Ascot Racecourse in the UK in 2011.

On display ... Lyons with Elissa Friday at Ascot Racecourse in the UK in 2011.Credit: PA

Whatever I do, if I love it, I want to go to the top … I might have a crack at federal politics.

But the bling, and the seeming attention-seeking, has been there from a young age. His school friend Mario Gregorio, who now runs Lyons' Australian pub, club and pizza businesses, recalls him wearing fur coats to school, and having a live snake around his neck when he was a DJ in a hotel while still a student.

After leaving East Geelong Tech, Lyons' first job was as a photographer at the Geelong News. Glen Quartermain, now sports editor at The Sunday Times in Perth, recalls meeting the teenage Lyons. "I went for a job interview [at the Geelong News] in 1985. I looked down this long corridor and there was a guy standing there in a double-breasted pink suit. He looked at me and blew me a kiss. When I got the job, he said, 'Good, I need someone to drink with.' He was always very flamboyant. If it wasn't a double-breasted pink suit, it was a double-breasted yellow-and-black suit."

Says Lyons today, "I don't see what is wrong with the clothes I wear."

According to Lyons, a triumphant life was assured from the very beginning. "My first taste of success was when I was born," he says. "My mum had her appendix out at the time of the birth. I shouldn't have survived.

"It didn't take much to wake up that this man was going to be an unrivalled competitor in anything he did in his life. And a man who was completely and utterly driven. I am a classic Leo, so I am extremely sensitive underneath, but I am also determined."

Gregorio says that, even as a schoolboy, Lyons was competitive. "For four years he was dux and I was second dux. He always wanted to beat me and he worked hard at it."

Born in Geelong, Lyons is the youngest of the three children of Baptists Graham and Lorraine Lyons. His father was an architect who helped design Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital and Carey Chapel, and at 83 is still choir master of the Aberdeen Street Baptist Church in Geelong. "He has been huge in the community," says Lyons. "He has designed a lot of Baptist aged-care facilities. I had a wonderful upbringing, best family in the world."

Quartermain agrees: "It was a strong family environment, a good foundation."

"I am not a practising Baptist," says Lyons. "I am not an atheist, I am very middle of the road. Sometimes I pray, yes. But I am not sure who I am praying to."

In his book - well, his extended ode to himself and his legend - Mr Paparazzi, published in 2008, he writes of this idyllic childhood as well as his early entrepreneurial flair. At the age of nine, he wrote to his hero, the cricketer Dennis Lillee, and received autographs that he then sold to his school friends. He had a picture of a Lamborghini Countach on his bedroom wall, and told his friends he would one day own one. Needless to say, years later he would buy an identical one from Rod Stewart.

Encouraged by his art teacher, Mal Donnelly, the young Lyons discovered his "massive passion" for photography while still at high school. By the age of 18, the legend of Darryn Lyons was being created, the absolute single-minded focus already in play.

Quartermain remembers being called out to cover a siege in Geelong. "We were all behind police cordons, and Darryn was next to the window taking photos, much to everyone's chagrin," he says. "The guy ended up having a broom [not a gun], but Darryn didn't know that. He always went to the edge to get the shots." Another time, Lyons stood behind the finish line to get a photo of a horse race and was bowled over getting "a great shot".

Lyons next moved to the Geelong Advertiser as a photographer. According to Lyons' book, the newspaper's then editor, Graeme Vincent, realised that "underneath all that bravado and bullshit was a fairly complex character".

In 1988, when Queen Elizabeth II was visiting Australia during the Bicentenary, Lyons got his first taste of a page-one photo going global. Departing from the press pack, he hid in a flock of sheep during a shearing demonstration and captured a rare photo of Her Majesty with her head thrown back, laughing. "I knew she loved animals," Quartermain recalls Lyons as saying.

In September 1988, Lyons arrived in London in his early 20s with $500, having lost the majority of his severance pay from the Geelong Advertiser in a card game the same night he got it. According to his book, here the legend gains momentum. Running out of money, he walked for four hours with all his luggage from Victoria Station to News Corp's Wapping headquarters. The door of the lift opened and there was Rupert Murdoch, with his "immaculately turned-out henchmen".

"G'day, Mr Murdoch," he cried, producing a T-shirt with a caricature of Murdoch from the News Corp-owned Geelong Advertiser's dragon-boat racing team - Rupert's Rangers - and informing Murdoch he was here to make it big on Fleet Street. Later, during a meeting with the News of the World's photo editor, Frank Hart, who was showing little interest in him, a call came down from on high. Lyons started his first shift the next day.

Fuelled by adrenalin, monumental ambition and the lure of money, he worked and worked. "It was guts, determination, work ethic and resilience," he says now. "Traipsing the streets of London, talking and getting in. I had a work ethic the Poms couldn't compete with. They wanted a nice tidy life; this bloke was working 18 to 20 hours a day. Sometimes I would go for treble shifts, I would work through 24 hours for a couple of days. I have always had it in me to push that extra distance."

Lyons' toughness and tenacity eventually brought him to the middle-market Tory tabloid Daily Mail. It was a perfect marriage. "Send the Aussie in - he'll kick their arses," the editor David English is reported, in Lyons' book, to have frequently commanded. In 1989, the Mail sent him to cover the revolution in Romania. Here, the paparazzo transforms into heroic war photographer - although, by his own admission, his fearlessness had more to do with the numbing affects of alcohol than bravery. Infected by the "war bug", Lyons was first on the plane to the Czechoslovakian revolution later the same year.

Between travelling to war zones and using practised subterfuge tactics, Lyons took the last photo of the dying Rudolf Nureyev. In October 1992, acting on a tip that Nureyev would be at La Bayadère at the Palais Garnier in Paris, he nailed a perfect car shot as the maestro left the theatre.

In the same year, newly ensconced with former Casanova Club croupier Melanie Whitehead, who would become his wife, Lyons covered the horrors of the Bosnian conflict in two tours. Here, he witnessed barbaric violence and the results of the "ethnic cleansing" program.

Now, in the relative safety of the mayoral office, he speaks of the dissociation the war photographer develops to get the job done. "When there is so much killing and rape and so much blood and so much hate, basically your mind as a journalist focuses on the job at the time. You switch off and focus on recording the images of history."

Work is Lyons' comfort zone and his compulsion. And here the legend evolves into media tycoon. Lyons would make his fortune with his UK-based paparazzi company Big Pictures, which he started in 1992; ruthlessly hunting people down for photographs was a booming business and Lyons saw his opportunity. "I saw this niche in the market."

The natural human urge to gossip over a back fence had become a burgeoning global commodity. "He changed everything because he was a proper cowboy," says Joe Alvarez, a photographer who worked for him. "He didn't follow rules, he did his own thing. He was very tabloid, very supermarket and he didn't give a shit, so he pushed many, many things."

Another photographer, John Gordon, says: "He is a chancer, a hustler, he always has been. He can persuade anyone to do anything."

David Morgan, who worked at Big Pictures for 16 years, agrees. "He can sell anything," he says.

On the ethics of being a paparazzo, Lyons is emphatic. "The people who deserve privacy are people who don't buy into it. I think privacy is important, but I don't believe you can turn it on and off when you want to. And I don't believe you can manipulate things to make millions, if not billions, and expect people not to be interested. Voyeurism is built into our culture."

Both J.K. Rowling and Sienna Miller would successfully sue Big Pictures for harassment and invasion of privacy.

Lyons says he had a chequered relationship with Diana, Princess of Wales, whom he describes as "an unhinged woman". According to Lyons, one morning as he was leaving his house, which was very close to Kensington Palace, she spied him and went over to complain that his photos of her weren't flattering enough. Long before her husband Prince Charles' affair with Camilla was publicly known, she then asked, "Why are you chasing me, and not my husband and that woman?"

"Yes, I knew the Princess of Wales very well," he says now. "She talked to the media on a regular basis. She colluded a lot and she was a worker, but she was also working an agenda against her husband and his family, and they were working one against her."

Lyons famously has the last shots of the dying princess, taken by photographers in Paris, which he says he withdrew from the market and locked in a vault when he heard she had died in the hours after the accident. After Diana's death, he was mauled in the media and by the public - many of whom blamed the paparazzi for causing her fatal car crash - and he received death threats and unwelcome visits from Scotland Yard. The Yard wanted the photos, but he refused to hand them over.

At its peak, Big Pictures had 27 staff photographers, more than any UK national newspaper, and it used agents all over the world. Photos of Angelina Jolie and her new baby, or David Beckham leaving a nightclub with his then mistress, Rebecca Loos, would sell for £400,000, then keep selling and selling around the world.

Certainly, Lyons was making enough money to live like a potentate. He had all the toys: the boat, the plane, the art collections, chauffeurs, polo ponies ("Polo is like Aussie rules, cricket and golf all on the back of a horse"), the Savile Row suits and the houses all over the world. "The boat was a business decision because Saint-Tropez in the south of France was so busy with celebrities in summer, and you had to get around," he says. "The big bucks were the beach pictures."

It appears Lyons had all the trappings of extreme wealth without ever troubling himself with the taste, refinement or niceties that are generally conferred on the privileged. Especially the taste. As it turns out, you can't buy class.

Quartermain remembers visiting him at his huge house in London's exclusive Kensington. "He had the only garden in this court. We would be in the front yard with a barbie having a few beers, and the neighbours would come and tell him he was bringing down the tone of the area. He would not hold back on the language in telling them where they should go." One of them was Alan Bond, who lived down the road.

He had offices all over the world, he was rich, he was a winner, flying in the jet stream. He also acquired a fondness for cocaine, which kept him awake for the 24-hour news cycle. When his wife, Melanie, left him for the photographer John Gordon in 2000, it "was the start of my descent into the world of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll", he writes in his book. He and Melanie managed to continue to run the company together until it became insolvent in September 2012.

"He took it hard," says David Morgan of the break-up. "Mel was stunning, absolutely gorgeous, so you can imagine the heartbreak. It broke him, basically."

Epic, chauffeur-driven, coke-fuelled nights with Lyons on the town are indelible to anyone who experienced them. "In the early days, he was a good boss, hard but fair," says Morgan. "He was respected. The cocaine was one of the things that changed the whole dynamic. He started making money, going to parties, mingling with celebrities, and the lifestyles of the rich and famous kicked in and the celebrity image kicked in. Darryn ate, drank and slept celebrity."

"I partied like a rock star," Lyons admits candidly. "I had a lot of fun. I was there in the boom days. There are good parts about the exhilaration and there are bad parts. It takes you into dark worlds, it takes you into bright worlds, it takes you into rich worlds, it is all an education.

"I used to be obsessed by money. It controlled my life. But it never made me happy and it actually brought a lot of bad things into my life, too." He also admits he would shout and scream and throw chairs in the office. "I was a rock-star boss, without any question. I need things moving and a hundred things going through my head to have had a proper day."

Says Neil Warner, who freelanced for Big Pictures, "The turnover of staff was unbelievable."

Joe Alvarez, who worked on-staff and freelanced for the company, agrees. "He was a complete nightmare. He used to have female staff crying. He had a red velvet throne in his office with his initials on it, and a leopard or tiger skin with its head on as a rug in his office. It was hilarious sometimes; it was this comical cartoon character who didn't really know what he was doing. But he still did extremely well to do what he did with that agency."

Everyone agrees that Lyons wanted to be famous, to become the essence of the celebrity that gave him his living.

"I am no shrinking violet when it comes to commerce," he writes. "That's why people in television have latched onto me - to give their shows some serious colour."

His first reality-TV program was the BBC's Paparazzi, a behind-the-scenes documentary about the Big Pictures agency that was broadcast in 2005 and 2006, in 56 countries. That program, says Morgan, "gave away too many secrets of the trade". Lyons agrees: "I certainly don't regret doing it, but it certainly hurt the business. Every Tom, Dick and Harry popped up wanting to do it."

In 2005 Lyons came to Australia for Dragons' Den, which flopped. In the UK in 2007 there was Deadline, in which celebrities were required to produce a celebrity magazine. Then, on the UK's Celebrity Big Brother in 2011, he unveiled "the Abs", which appeared to be fake and moulded onto a not-insignificant pudding of a stomach. This photo was flashed around the world, stunning for its vulgar display of the lengths he was prepared to go for male vanity. "He looked like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle," noted The Guardian recently. Says Lyons: "There are no implants, no fake abs. They are mine. It was through sculptured lipo [suction], where they take away all the fat from around all the muscles."

Celebrity Big Brother was, he says, "hard stuff. I really re-thought the prison system when I went in there. You were in prison for a month. Very hard psychologically. You had to keep yourself busy all the time. I was with a bunch of pretty low-IQ individuals and I get bored very quickly."

In 2012, he was again in Australia for the weight-loss show Excess Baggage, which rated poorly and fizzled out. Through all this, he continued to be ubiquitous as a celebrity expert, and online with his weekly gossip show, Mr Paparazzi.

"What many Australians and Geelong people don't realise is how high profile a television career I have had in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, the UK and America," Lyons says. "I interviewed Barbara Walters at the 2011 royal wedding of William and Kate. On the day, that would have had an audience of 30 or 40 million people." But it was while he was away doing all this that his Big Pictures business began to fail. "I left the business for someone else to run. Yeah, it was a mistake."

David Morgan says, "In the end, he did become a celebrity, but it was at the expense of the company and the loyal people who worked there."

In 2008, around the time he was being distracted from his Big Pictures agency by his TV career, the global financial crisis struck. "The GFC knocked me about," he says. "All of a sudden, everything I had touched that turned to gold turned to manure. I won't miss the glamour and I won't miss the celebrity world, really.

"The other reason for the decline in the business in the UK was that I was over it. I was tired of it, exhausted. I loved TV and everything about it."

The boat and the plane and some of the houses had to go. "Nearly everything went. The boat is the greatest toy I miss. It was a big, two-deck Sunseeker in the Riviera. A private plane is overrated, I think. But the boat was very special. I used to get there most weekends."

It should be noted that two former Big Pictures photographers claim they are owed significant amounts of money from the collapse of the company in 2012. When I put this to Lyons, he says: "When the GFC hit, there were tears, there was depression, loneliness and everyone blaming me, and not blaming the banks. Life is made up of a planetary jigsaw puzzle. You have to get the pieces in the right spots and they don't always fit."

"People were left in a really bad way," says John Gordon. "I have lost a lot of money because Darryn was spending more than the company was earning. People worked so hard and were so loyal to him, but the only person who made money out of Big Pictures was Darryn. "

"Absolutely incorrect," counters Lyons. "When Big Pictures went, I was not involved in the company in any way, shape or form. I had resigned from the company and put a CEO in charge. I did everything I could to save the company."

Morgan says staff were forced to go to the government for vastly reduced redundancy packages because none was forthcoming from Big Pictures. "We had sweated blood and tears for that company," he says. "We were left with nothing. It has affected livelihoods up and down. It is out of order."

"That was the receivers," explains Lyons. "They were coming in whether I liked it or not. I had no power and no control."

From the street, Lyons' Geelong house looks like the palazzo of a Roman emperor. Looking out across Corio Bay, "Lyons View" has statues of lions at the gate, more by the front porch, and a bust of himself with a camera on the step. At the back is what looks like a Roman bathhouse, with arches, grottos and water running down a glass wall. "Or Hugh Hefner's playboy mansion, a cross between the two," Lyons says.

In Australia now are the Ferrari, the Lamborghini, Range Rover and Jag - the status cars he had dreamed of owning as a child in Geelong, and "which I hardly drive now". The house is loaded with his collection of art and antiques. "I am a bit of an art junkie, you might say. I have got a nice little collection of Warhols, which is my pride and joy. But also Stuart Semple, Damien Hirst and a few others. I am a mad collector of photography: Norman Parkinson, Eve Arnold, all sorts of wonderful photographers over the last century." His taste, however, is more in the Idaho Bordello school of interior design.

Lyons has interests in a number of pubs, nightclubs and restaurants in Geelong: the Elephant and Castle Hotel, the Eureka Hotel, Home House nightclub, Pizza With Attitude, the Hub Bistro. Mario Gregorio confirms that Lyons has "millions" invested in his property and business portfolios.

And now we come to the current phase of the Lyons legend, which is legacy. "In your last gasp, it is not going to be how much money you have got in your bank account, it is going to be your legacy to the world, or Geelong, or your legacy to yourself," he says. "Whether you are a bloody good bloke and whether you have worked hard."

No one disputes Lyons' enthusiasm for his hometown. "He used to phone once or twice a week from wherever he was in the world; it was 100 per cent his dream to come back," says Gregorio. Lyons has always returned to Geelong for extended periods at Christmas. "My parents were getting older, my mother had cancer, and I had been away for 25 years," he says. "With the economic crisis in the UK, I just really had had enough of it and wanted to give back to the place that I love and update it to the 21st century."

Says John Gordon, "Darryn always said he would be mayor, then a senator, then prime minister."

"Whatever I do, if I love it, I want to go to the top," Lyons says. Describing himself in his book as a "Tory through and through", and telling me he voted Liberal in the 2013 federal election, he admits now with that beady cockatoo look in his eye, "I might have a crack at federal politics."

Certainly, he showed himself to be an astute political operator by blitzing the other 15 candidates in the mayoral election, via streams-of-consciousness rants on the campaign trail about energy, vision and youth, and via the dazzling use of social media. It was, everyone says, presidential, barnstorming, extravagant. He had a plane tow a "Vote 1 Lyons" banner when people were in the streets for a Geelong Hospital fundraiser. "I was exhausted after five weeks of electioneering, 16 hours a day, 87 committee organisations."

He says that his triumphant visit to meet the prime minister last December, shortly after his election win, was like "Lady Gaga storming in, the Mad Mohican from Geelong with a landslide victory". Tony Abbott noted that Lyons could teach his team a thing or two about social media.

Three months in, and it seems everyone is absolutely delighted with their new mayor. Even prominent local businessman Frank Costa, who was behind the campaign against Lyons, is impressed. "He is getting publicity for Geelong and putting it on the map," he says. Lyons has nearly a million Twitter followers, who receive daily updates on the doings of Geelong, and more than 36,000 followers on his Facebook page.

Since Lyons' old friend Piers Morgan tweeted his election victory to his millions of followers, the place once known as "Sleepy Hollow" has woken to find itself famous. Front pages around the world greeted the news of his election success. Geelong no longer views itself as a dying manufacturing city: it is being rebranded as a "21st-century smart city". Now there are free parking signs painted pink and yellow in the city centre on weekends and flowers being placed in planter boxes. "We are engaging with the youth and the elderly," Lyons says. "People actually get an answer on social media. The amount of requests we are getting is unprecedented.

"We are focused on Geelong for the next century. There is no doubt it's going to be a rocky 18 months. We have to be a smart city. I want a central park, a place for kids to play while their mothers go shopping. The Yarra Street pier is absolutely key to getting the cruise ships in. You have to have a 50-year plan for jobs and growth. The only way I can leverage possibly 1500 jobs lost at Alcoa, Shell and Ford is an easy transfer for that kind of worker into hospitality and services."

"We talk about transformation for Geelong," says Rebecca Casson, executive director of the Committee for Geelong. "Darryn is picking up our language. If we talk about the loss of manufacturing from Ford and Alcoa, there are thousands of jobs being created in other areas.

"I am trying my best," says Lyons, whose latest billboard has challenged Denis Napthine, Victoria's Premier, and Daniel Andrews, the Opposition Leader, to "Get Out Your Wallets" to build the new pier that will be big enough for cruise ships to come to Geelong. "So brash," says Casson. "So out there; it is absolutely fantastic."

"I am certainly not the saviour and I haven't got the magic wand," says Lyons. "There is a shakiness about Alcoa, there is shakiness about Shell, there is shakiness about Jetstar out of Avalon airport. The thing I can do ambassadorially is open Geelong up to the world for international business. I am an international brand. Geelong has been industrial and it has got to be reinvented.

"We have got to harness new technology areas where jobs are created. We need to be like Silicon Valley or Boston or other smart cities around the world. Deakin University has had a 35 per cent increase in students over the last year. It is a very fast-growing university with two campuses here in Geelong. A university city, that is one area that is booming. Our health area is booming and the other area that is booming is an incredible retail business called Cotton On. Lion Brewery is investing $60 million."

Darryn Lyons has come full circle. "This is the start of the next life," he says. "My whole life has turned around. So does everyone's. It is just that people look at me more."

However, he is still struggling with cigarettes and knows he needs to give up, if only to cope with his new workload. "Elissa will have me running all over the shop when she gets here. I will go home and have a couple of glasses, but sometimes I don't drink at all." But he does understand the rock-star shouting style of management might not go down too well at Town Hall.

"I am certainly calmer. I call it the 'w' word. More wisdom today. If people upset me now, I would probably go silent."

Still, a regional bureaucratic council hardly goes at a rock-star pace. "I have come in at 100 miles an hour where everything around here is at about 30," he says. "I think I have picked it up to 40, but it has got to get to at least 80 before I will be happy."

Lead-in photograph of Darryn Lyons and Elissa Friday. Photograph by Julian Kingma. Lyon's grooming by Sylvia Ura.

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