

This was published 2 years ago

People are still dying from COVID. But who? And are they vaccinated?

By Craig Butt and Melissa Cunningham

For almost two years, Australians adopted a daily ritual of checking statistics for new infections, hospitalisations and, most alarmingly, deaths from COVID-19. As the economy opens up, masks are removed and life returns to something approximating normal, we have largely stopped worrying about the numbers.

But that has not stopped the deaths. In NSW and Victoria, the daily tally of those who’ve died still veers from one to a dozen per day. These are people’s parents, grandparents, siblings and children.

People who’ve died with COVID-19 are someone’s parent, grandparent, sibling, or child.

People who’ve died with COVID-19 are someone’s parent, grandparent, sibling, or child.Credit: Anne de Haas

So, what do we know about who is still at risk? Who is dying and suffering from severe illness? Who is being hospitalised and at what rate?

Most states report only the barest details, but one Australian health service, NSW’s, provides in-depth weekly reports tracking the Omicron outbreak. There is every reason to believe its data reflects similar patterns in Victoria, at least. This is what it shows.

The overview

Between November 26 last year and February 12, about one in seven people in NSW tested positive for the virus, or 1.1 million people. The true number who contracted COVID-19 over this 11-week period is likely significantly higher considering the difficulty of getting either a PCR test or a RAT test at the time.

That led to 11,603 people ending up in hospital, or one person for every 97 people who tested positive. About one-tenth of those, 1172 people, went to intensive care, and 1085 people died of COVID-19, or about one in every 1048 people in NSW known to have contracted the virus. Victoria recorded a similar COVID-19 death rate over the period.

But because case numbers were likely under-reported at the height of the Omicron wave, there were probably many more infections. Infectious disease expert Robert Booy estimates the death rate was closer to one in 3000, not one in 1000.


Irrespective of the level of reporting, the death rate during the Omicron wave has been far lower than that of last year’s Delta wave, in which there was the equivalent of one death for every 128 cases. However, the state’s vaccination rate was also far lower during the Delta wave.

Who was dying of Omicron?

The figures available show younger people made up a disproportionately high number of Omicron cases – the 20 to 29 age group, who were out enjoying post lockdown freedoms were particularly susceptible to infection. But as with all waves of the disease, people aged 80 and over were mostly those who died.

The NSW Health data has allowed us to take a more in-depth look into the story for people aged over 10.

These charts show a few things. Many people (630,055) who were vaccinated with either two or three doses caught COVID-19. We know that vaccination did not make you immune to COVID, but it certainly improved your chances of surviving. Those who were unvaccinated made up only 4.6 per cent of COVID-19 cases, but 22.8 per cent of deaths were among people who had not received any doses. The unvaccinated are grossly over-represented in terms of deaths.

If you caught COVID-19 after receiving two or more doses of a vaccine, you had one chance in 800 of dying. If you caught it unvaccinated, your chance of dying of the disease was one in 126. Again, the poor testing rate will likely muddy these figures, but Professor Booy said a clear message emerged: the single biggest driver in reducing fatalities was widespread vaccination.

These figures do not differentiate between those who had two doses and those with three. But, according to Professor Booy, booster shots dramatically reduced the chances of a person ending up in hospital, with international research indicating at least 90 per cent protection from hospitalisations for those who had a third dose.


And he warned that anyone who had not received their third dose needed to do so urgently. The sub-variant of Omicron, BA.2, which is thought to be 30 per cent more infectious, is taking root in Australia, potentially signalling another wave of the virus.

“It will find the vulnerable people,” he said.

Melbourne University clinical epidemiologist Nancy Baxter said even though Omicron appeared less severe and the fatality numbers were lower, the sheer number of infections meant a “substantial number” of people died and got ill in a short period.

“When you see a huge wave of disease like we did with Omicron it just kind of demonstrates how a really, really highly transmissible serious disease can paralyse us and cause a lot of deaths,” she said.

What about age group and vaccination status?

The disparity between the death rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated people becomes even clearer once this NSW data is divided up by age group.

The figures show that the vaccination rate increases with age: more than 95 per cent of those aged 50 and above have received at least two vaccine doses in NSW. But as people age, they become even more likely to be fully vaccinated. Despite this, they make up a larger portion of those who ended up in intensive care or dying from the virus.

While, among 80-89 year-olds, only 1 per cent are not fully vaccinated, this tiny group made up more than 20 per cent of those in their age group who ended up in ICU or dying. Almost one-third of 80-89 year-old COVID sufferers with fewer than two doses ended up in ICU or dying. With two doses, the rate was just 4.8 per cent, and among those who had received a third dose, it was 2.2 per cent.

Peter Collignon, an infectious diseases physician at the Australian National University, said in 2020 the death rate for coronavirus was roughly 1 to 2 per cent of all people infected (a figure which soared dramatically for those over 80). Post-vaccination, the risk of death still remained dependent on a person’s age and whether they had been vaccinated.

“If you’re a 30-year-old your chance of death was one in 10,000, even a year and a half ago, but being vaccinated sees that drop another twentyfold,” he said. “Those over the age of 70 and the unvaccinated remain at highest risk of severe illness.”

Professor Baxter said commentary that suggested it was somehow less tragic for people over 70, or those with underlying illnesses, to be dying “dehumanises and diminishes” the deaths of those people.

What do these figures mean for my state?

Professor Baxter said that the data for NSW and Victoria was comparable because of the similarities of the states’ outbreaks and the fact that both states’ caseloads over this period would have included people infected by either the Delta or Omicron variant.


But for the other states and territories, which largely sidestepped Delta and saw their case numbers rise over the Christmas holiday period once Omicron became the dominant strain, hospitalisation and death rates may be different from what the NSW data shows.

“It is really difficult to untangle,” Professor Baxter said. “We are likely to get a better understanding of the severity of Omicron with data from South Australia or Queensland, where it was likely to be pure Omicron.”

In Western Australia, the peak of the first Omicron wave is still looming and Professor Baxter said the state, which had kept its borders closed for an extra month to get more people boosted, will be a test case on the severity of the variant and the impact of booster shots.

“It will be really interesting to see whether they do better, worse or the same as other states,” she said.

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