

This was published 5 months ago

Palmer to launch his Titanic dream’s next voyage

By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman

Mining billionaire Clive Palmer’s days as an electoral chaos agent could be numbered, but our Clive has more than one ship in his fleet of vanity projects.

It’s been more than a decade since the mining magnate revealed his grandiose plans for Titanic II, a to-scale, faithful replica of the doomed ocean liner.

Iceberg ahead.

Iceberg ahead.Credit: John Shakespeare

By 2015, Palmer’s plans appeared to have sunk, only for Blue Star Line, the company he created for the project, to resurface three years later, with the price of the project reported to have blown out to the titanic figure of $1 billion, and since then, the whole project has looked becalmed.

But after years of mystery, false dawns and broken promises, we may soon learn the fate of Clive’s big ship, when the man delivers an update on Titanic II on Wednesday afternoon.

He’s even booked out a room at the Sydney Opera House for the special occasion. May God bless her and all who sail in her.



Now we’re not saying you can’t make it in the venture capitalism game in Australia these days without having money in home-grown $39 billion do-it-yourself graphic design behemoth Canva.

But developments this week at VC start-up Touch Ventures indicate that it’s not easy.


Touch, founded in 2016 as a spin-off from that other local new economy juggernaut Afterpay, itself a little troubled of late, lost its chief executive Hein Vogel – who says he’s off to spend to “spend more time with my family” for now, anyway – on Monday after a series of big losses and write-downs.


The travails of Touch – one of the few local VC outfits without Canva exposure – proves just how tricky it can be to find that magic, well, touch for picking winners.

Carbon-neutral parcel delivery service Sendle, for example, sounds like it could go all right in this day and age, but the $36 million Touch Ventures has chucked into that business in the past three years is now worth less than $16 million.

Touch’s shares rallied a little on the news of Vogel’s resignation, but you could get them for less than 8-cents-a-pop on Tuesday lunchtime, compared to the 40 cents the operation managed to get when it became a rare ASX-listed VC firm – there’s still only one other – back in 2021.


We brought news last week that the H.R. Nicholls Society – scourge of the Australian trade union movement since the 1980s – was looking for new leadership, after former Victorian state Liberal MP Louise Staley disembarked to head up the crew of embattled party leader John Pesutto.

Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto.

Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto.Credit: Simon Schluter

The society unveiled its new hierarchy on Tuesday and dammit, we’re impressed.

Replacing Staley as society president is Frank Parry, KC, battle-scarred barrister to the bosses whose 34 years in the industrial relations legal trenches, fighting for the likes of Qantas, the union-busting Registered Organisations Commission – and even on one memorable occasion the St Kilda footy club – should make even the most hardened ACTU ruffian think twice before trying anything.


Signing up as director is none other than former Australia Public Service commissioner John Lloyd, whose career, mostly spent keeping unions in line for conservative state and federal governments, has taken him around the nation, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, he’s been everywhere man.

The Nicholls’ new frontman Parry was out swinging on his first day on the job, aiming one at Anthony Albanese’s Labor government changes to the Fair Work Act, and, well, the whole piece of legislation just generally.

“The Act now operates to drive a wedge between employers and employees,” Parry said.

Albanese and his Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke, who never miss an edition of CBD, should consider their cards marked.


Despite everything, controversial neurosurgeon Charlie Teo retains a rare ability to draw B-grade television personalities and fading celebrities into his orbit like moths to a flame.


Teo, who CBD readers might recall has been crying poor of late, will host his annual Rebel Ball in May at Sydney’s rather garish W Hotel, with radio and television presenter Erin Molan – who sores her second CBD walk-on role in as many days – on MC duties.

Dress for the occasion? Black tie, with a touch of your rebellious side.

Last year’s event, attended by a motley crew that included former men’s test cricket captain Steve Waugh, once feared Labor powerbroker Graham “Richo” Richardson, and Nine presenters Peter Overton and Richard Wilkins, proved to be quite a night.

Teo took a swing at the Health Care Complaints Commission’s professional standards committee, which would later find him guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and effectively end his surgical career in Australia as “absolute f---ing b------t.” Charming stuff.

Other highlights of last year’s event included the auction, where one anonymous punter spent $160,000 on the top prize – two days with Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart, divided between the billionaire’s secret Bali hideaway and her Roy Hill mine.

So, quite the event coming up. But even in the unlikely event of CBD being allowed in the door, we just couldn’t quite justify the $1500-a-head price tag. Even if it is for charity.

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