

This was published 2 years ago


Online privacy is a farce. Click here to agree

Do you know that the weather on your phone is probably selling data about your location each time you check for rain?

This week I learned that my note-taking app scans my shopping list to identify things to sell me. And the app I use to track my kids’ chores and pocket money is selling my financial profile to advertisers. Also, my son’s favourite online game is sending information to a mobile analytics company. My music streaming service is in on the act, too, targeting my friends by helping itself to my contacts list.

Every move you make, they’ll be watching you.

Every move you make, they’ll be watching you. Credit: iStock

And the thing is, I consented to all of this. I ticked the box. I didn’t read the fine print.

Like most people, I have become habituated to the daily tedium of clicking “I agree” to lengthy terms of service agreements for apps, cookies and websites. Australians receive up to seven of these privacy consent requests every day.

We click without thinking because the value of losing privacy seems low for most of us. The worst thing that’s happened to me is that Google ruined the surprise when ads for “leather laptop folio” started popping up on the iPad I share with my wife a fortnight before my birthday. That’s probably a small price to pay for all the convenience and functionality that Google and other platforms offer in my digital life.

But those ads chasing us around the internet might soon be the least of our concerns.


Over the next decade, the average Australian home will contain more than six cameras across phones, laptops, security systems, doorbells, baby monitors and other devices. Digital assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa will be listening to every word we say. Tracking devices like Fitbits and Apple tags will know where we are at all times. More and more, “always on” sensors will increasingly be embedded in our environment, watching, listening, recording.

As our lives become more digital, the privacy decisions we take for granted today will become increasingly important. As important as who has the keys to our home, who can open our mail or read our medical tests, and even who is looking through our windows.


By clicking “I agree” today, we might be granting permanent permissions to companies to use that data in the future in ways that we may not envisage.


That’s why we need a different approach to privacy.

Our current approach is based on the principle of “Notice & Consent”. The regime requires digital companies to notify you of the data they intend to collect and how they intend to use it; and you are supposed to acknowledge and agree. The Notice & Consent regime underpins the main online privacy laws in Australia and around the world and is made operational by billions of “I agree” clicks.

In theory it sounds good, but in practice it’s false empowerment.

Very few of us are really informed. It would take that average person as long as one hour and 13 minutes a day to read all the privacy requests they encounter. Who has time for that? Apparently not many of us. Accenture has just completed research that found 69 per cent of Australians don’t read privacy terms and conditions. Which means we aren’t fully informed.


Even if I do read all those legal paragraphs, what choice do I have? I either accept everything or don’t access the service. These laws really just let the companies collect whatever data they like so long as the consumer can be pressured into agreeing.

The truth is that the Notice & Consent regime neither provides real notice nor elicits real consent. As a privacy framework, it’s disingenuous.

The government is currently reviewing Australia’s Privacy Act and released a detailed discussion paper at the end of last year. This should be an opportunity to replace Notice & Consent with a better framework.

We need to move to a model where the government takes the lead in sanctioning inappropriate use of personal data, rather than putting the burden on individuals to manage their own privacy across hundreds of digital companies. This could be implemented through a new standards-based approach under which companies must comply with minimum privacy requirements enshrined in law. This would give some protection to the 82 per cent of Australians who have “consent fatigue” and either don’t want to (or don’t feel up to) managing their own privacy.


For those consumers who do want to manage their own privacy, we need to offer more options. The choice of “I agree to all your terms and conditions” or “I don’t agree and can’t use your service” is too binary. Rather than force consumers to make decisions through multiple consent requests, digital companies should give individuals simple tools to choose the levels of privacy they want at any time. Already, many of the largest digital platforms have enhanced users’ ability to tailor their choices, and change their minds over time.

We also need to recognise that data has some public value. The flip side of empowering individuals to withhold their data is that there are many instances where we are all better off if we share. We saw this most dramatically in the pandemic, where revealing my private movements via check-in apps benefited the community by enabling tracking and tracing. We see it every day in policy where researchers’ ability to use private medical, tax and welfare data enables stronger policy development and evaluation which benefits us all.

Instead of endlessly (and mindlessly) clicking “I agree”, we need a new privacy framework that genuinely empowers individuals and limits corporate privacy abuses.

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