

This was published 2 years ago


Omicron: what’s going to happen next?


Omicron is so fast-moving we have seen how it has become the dominant variant within a very short time in places such as South Africa, London and Denmark.

This is not the first time we’ve been faced with what appears to be a seemingly unstoppable disease. Previous pandemics ended through a combination of public health measures with or without vaccines.

People queue for COVID-19 testing in North Melbourne on Boxing Day.

People queue for COVID-19 testing in North Melbourne on Boxing Day. Credit: Scott McNaughton

The Spanish flu was more deadly than COVID. Ultimately, the virus mutated so much that it got less deadly. But remnants of this are still with us today and that is why we need to adapt and live with COVID in a way that the public is able to tolerate.

For COVID, we have unique challenges. Unlike Ebola and SARS, it can be spread by people who don’t realise they have it. SARS made people too sick so they were unable to walk around infecting everyone and were only infectious while symptomatic. SARS-CoV-2 has a lot of walking well where it infects a lot of people but doesn’t kill enough of them to run out of victims. For most people, it’s so mild that it convinces others they don’t have to take it seriously.

How has Omicron changed our approach to this virus?

Before Omicron, our vaccines offered good protection against severe disease and infection. While they maintain good protection against severe disease with Omicron, they have mostly lost their mojo against infection.

Two doses of either Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines still provide moderately high protection (about 70 per cent) against hospitalisation (about 90 per cent with Delta), then up to about 90 per cent after a booster. However, two doses of either vaccine is less effective against symptomatic infection – for AstraZeneca this is very low, and even after a booster, protection wanes.

But the most important thing to remember is this – those who are vaccinated or boostered are far less likely to get very sick.


The main focus for the vaccination program needs to pivot back to preventing serious illness and death. Any additional protection that vaccines can provide against infection is an added bonus.

Having a breakthrough infection does not mean the vaccine has failed. If you test positive after being vaccinated or having a booster and have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, then the vaccine has worked as it prevented you from getting severe disease. The vaccines are flame retardants, not impenetrable firewalls.

Is Omicron less severe?

Omicron causes cold-type symptoms but that does not mean it will be mild for everyone and some will get seriously ill. Data from South Africa, Denmark, USA and UK suggest if you catch Omicron then you are 30-80 per cent less likely to become seriously ill compared with Delta.

A child greets Santa through a plastic shield in a shopping centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

A child greets Santa through a plastic shield in a shopping centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.Credit: AP

In South Africa, there was a 70-90 per cent reduction in risk of hospitalisation compared with Delta. The majority of the people who are hospitalised are unvaccinated and the elderly. The percentage of cases that were hospitalised was far lower for Omicron than previous waves for all age groups, including children.

For the first time, there has been an uncoupling between cases and hospitalisations, meaning that although there was such a steep rise in cases, there were fewer hospitalisations compared with Delta which means a less severe variant. The reason for this is unknown. It may partly be due to high percentage of people having previously being infected (natural immunity provides some protection) as vaccination coverage is only about 40 per cent, and additionally a less virulent variant.

Data from other countries also indicates that although Omicron is highly transmissible, it causes milder disease overall. In Denmark, whose excellent surveillance aims to capture and sequence every case, Omicron cases skyrocketed to the point where they are no longer able to capture every case and are monitoring hospitalisations instead. Early indications (in a country with high coverage of Pfizer) suggests 60 per cent fewer Omicron hospitalisations than Delta. However, this is early days and transmission so far predominates in the 20-30 year olds.

In the UK, many people have also had prior infection and have had AstraZeneca vaccine like here. There is a 45-80 per cent reduced risk of hospitalisations, but similar to Denmark, infections are mainly in young adults so far.

A technician inspects samples during COVID-19 antibody neutralisation testing at the African Health Research Institute (AHRI) in Durban, South Africa.

A technician inspects samples during COVID-19 antibody neutralisation testing at the African Health Research Institute (AHRI) in Durban, South Africa.Credit: Bloomberg

What will happen here?

Changes to the virus seem to have made it less severe in an individual, but reduced severity is also due to immunity as a result of vaccination and previous bouts of COVID.

Old age is still the biggest risk factor for severe disease. Boosters will help protect the elderly even further. The majority of Australians over 60 years and/or clinically vulnerable should be due boosters about now and in January and need to be prioritised for vaccination.

What about everyone else?

More than 90 per cent of the age eligible population are double dosed with Pfizer and because they are younger, are at lower risk of severe disease from Omicron, and this includes unvaccinated children.

Being an unvaccinated, older adult is the biggest risk for hospitalisation. With about 10 per cent of the eligible population unvaccinated and breakthrough infections common – that still remains a large number of people who are susceptible. Over the next 6-8 weeks there will be lots of infections, an increase in hospitalisations and furloughed staff. This will add further stress to healthcare services and needs to be avoided.

Queues at a pop-up vaccination clinic at Roma Street station in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Queues at a pop-up vaccination clinic at Roma Street station in Brisbane on Tuesday.Credit: Cameron Atfield

How do we prevent infections?

So, in the absence of any additional interventions, most of us will get infected at some stage whether we are unvaccinated, fully vaccinated or boostered.

Some public health measures will be important as this pandemic is a long way from being over. Melburnians set a lockdown world record which will be remembered as one of the most extraordinary periods in our history – a time when people completely withdrew from social life to slow the spread of a dangerous pathogen and denied people access to family, and denied children their social development. What was doable in 2020 and 2021 is no longer palatable for most.

To reduce infections now, some public health and safety measures are needed. The appetite for harsh measures, such as lockdowns, is no longer present. The critical issue is how to engage most people to adopt safe behaviours so they feel part of the solution, not strangulated, angered or made mentally unwell in the process.

People’s desire to socialise, live life and see their relatives is not abnormal in the face of potential danger to themselves and others, and this desire is unlikely to change. The fact that this was made illegal for so long is something that is very raw and painful for many people.


Recalibrating the response to the pandemic is critical and engaging the community essential. No individual measure is perfect. Something so simple as improving ventilation in workplaces, schools and other public places is not a personal imposition, won’t cause civil unrest but will help protect us from COVID and other common respiratory infections for years to come.

Vaccination mandates are no longer scientifically sound. We should not have the unrealistic expectation that our current vaccines will prevent every infection, nor that it will be possible to chase every infection.

Will this pandemic ever end?

COVID has been catastrophic with about 5.5 million already dead and countless others having ongoing symptoms. We live on a planet with so much global inequity that much of Africa is unvaccinated. In our region, health systems are so weak that basic medical care, such as oxygen, is not even available. Elimination is such a long way off when only about 40 per cent of schools have a tap and one billion people live in a slum.

So what’s going to happen next?

In South Africa, it ripped through the community over a few weeks and now they are at the beginning of the tail end of Omicron. This is in a population with high prior exposure and low vaccination coverage, and a predominantly younger population.

Viruses are most dangerous when they are introduced into a population that has never had contact with them before. The more “immunologically naive” people are, the more of them are likely to suffer from bad outcomes. In a population, like ours with high vaccination coverage, infection may achieve something close to herd immunity. This suggests that the next few months could provide us with significant protection against future strains of the virus.


But COVID is unlikely to ever go away entirely. The next mutation that displaces Delta and turns COVID into an illness that rarely requires hospitalisation is perhaps the best we can hope for.

A combination of vaccination and prior infection, attenuation of the virus into a less severe version, improved ventilation, availability of rapid testing that is freely available and improvements in treatment could turn this virus into what sceptics wrongly called it at the beginning of the pandemic: a bad cold or flu.

Perhaps Omicron is a key turning point in the pandemic. Variants will continue to arise and ongoing surveillance for severe disease is needed. But one thing is certain, unless we do more to improve global inequity, this will continue to go on and on for longer.

Let’s hope 2022 brings a new dawn.

Professor Fiona M. Russell is director of the Child and Adolescent Health PhD Program at The University of Melbourne, a paediatrician, infectious diseases epidemiologist and vaccine researcher at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

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