This was published 11 months ago
Why boxing has a better record on concussions than the footy codes
A number of your correspondents suggest the football codes have a better record when it comes to brain damage than combat sports (Letters, April 2). Alas, the reverse is true. The risks of combat sports, in particular boxing, have always been well known, which is why so few people participate in them. Nonetheless, rules around participation, especially of children, are now very strict.
The football codes, on the other hand, continue to deny scientific findings and to promote full contact versions of their sports for young children. Last year the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia called for full contact sport to be limited to over 14s, which, along with limiting contact in training, would dramatically reduce a risk that reflects lifetime exposure. The AFL’s response? Announce that helmets, which have no efficacy in preventing the internal brain damage that causes concussion and CTE, might be compulsory in lower grades in the future, a purely cosmetic measure.
John Sexton, Centennial Park
Legendary former world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali.Credit: Adrian Short
As a child in a care institution in the 1950s I was compelled to fight in boxing matches until, in 1957, its council banned the sport because of research done by Baroness Edith Summerskill showing how becoming “punch-drunk”, as happens to many professional boxers, can impair, even ruin, lives. We have long known this and, as the Muhammad Ali tragedy showed, it happens to even the most skilled. Maybe the only good thing to emerge from the Tszyu bloodbath therefore, is that it reminds the public once again what becoming “punch drunk” means for the brain. It can cause memory loss, slurred speech, drastic mood swings, depression and perhaps early dementia. Boxing will not be banned but a case can and should be made that it be better supervised at every level to avoid calamitous damage. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne
I concur with Ray Alexander’s comments about the nature of boxing. However, I go further by criticising those in the NRL media that actively support boxing. How can they support the huge measures taking by the NRL to mitigate the effects of concussion yet support the brutal sport of boxing and its horrible concussion outcomes? Michael Ford, Malabar
Boxing fans, who apparently enjoy the spectacle of two people trying to smash each other into submission or even death, should listen to Bob Dylan’s passionate song Who killed Davey Moore - says it all about this sordid industry, doesn’t it? Rob Venables, Bermagui
Football codes have finally taken reasonable affirmative action on trying to protect head injuries. About time, yet we watch boxers belt each other into submission and fight on with severe facial cuts. Governments need to step in and ban this gladiatorial madness. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach
In a world awash with blood, is it wise to still allow professional boxing to continue as a spectator sport? Surely we have not forgotten the brain injuries inflicted on the irrepressible Muhammad Ali. Combine boxing with popular online war games; the kind of savage violence, real and fabricated, we witness on our screens - the kind once considered too abhorrent for public viewing - is it any wonder that we now live in a more violent society? Bernard Moylan, Bronte
I strongly dislike and object to the photo of the very bloodied face of Tim Tszyu published in the Herald. It is very sickening photo which will disturb many people. Graham Russell, Clovelly
Unique community destroyed by previous housing decision
The pledge by the NSW housing minister to endeavour to locate public housing tenants “everywhere in our city” is to be welcomed (“From wasteland to million dollar views; Sydney apartment building with a message for the future”, April 2). Hopefully public housing tenants will never again be relocated from affluent areas. The displacement of approximately 600 public housing tenants from Millers Point and The Rocks, besides obliterating the class mix in the area, destroyed a unique community and the lives of many of the tenants were severely impacted. Critical social ties were shattered and many of the older tenants were no longer able to age in place. Alan Morris, Eastlakes
Galina, 94, moved to Greenway nearly 20 years ago.Credit: Rhett Wyman
Interesting to see Housing Minister Rose Jackson’s comments regarding the Greenway social housing building that, “It doesn’t matter if it is the wealthiest community in Sydney; there should be opportunities for public housing. I look forward to ….70 more Greenways”. I wonder what the social housing tenants who were forcibly removed from The Sirius building in the Rocks would think of that. Geoff Wannan, Dawes Point
It is good to see Jackson promoting social housing in all areas of Sydney and desirous of building “70 more Greenways”. She should have plenty in the kitty to achieve this, after all, we were assured by previous Labor and Liberal governments that all moneys raised by the sell-off of public housing, including the Sirius building, in areas such as the Rocks and Millers Point was earmarked for public housing projects. Gina Hay, Bayview
There has never been a more urgent need for public housing, in every suburb close to public transport for essential workers. The previous government sold off existing public housing in better suburbs for profit thus increasing the public housing shortage. The current NSW government’s aim is to build multi-storey housing near stations and transport hubs. This policy falls short and requires the government to acquire, at least, one domicile for every 20 built thus providing public housing where it is need and cease past planning mistakes by providing public housing estates in the extremities of the city. Brian McDonald, Willoughby
Brendan Jones is dead right (Letters, April 2). The Liberals do not have policies that will shape our future; merely short-term ideas with little value. In the case of superannuation, their view is that it is your money so let’s draw on it and get a home. What utter nonsense. All super funds, even SMSFs, have to hold the money in trust for your use at a later date. It is not like a bank savings account. The better idea is to formulate a housing policy that works for the younger generation which will complement superannuation growth for retirement. Michael Blissenden, Dural
3M must stop all chemical manufacturing immediately
In the US, 3M Company settles a class action for billions relating to the pollution and dire health effects of the “forever chemicals” it manufactures (“Defence ponders suing US polluter”, April 2). From the moment they were known to be so damaging to our health, virtually indestructible, and after use “linger for hundreds of years in the environment”, 3M ought to have ceased production. So why are we told 3M is “exiting all PFAS manufacturing by the end of 2025″. Shouldn’t they have “exited” production a long time ago? Frederick Jansohn, Rose Bay
Terrible censorship
The appalling censorship of UNSW student paper Tharunka would never have happened in my days as co-editor in 1974 (“Students act to dodge uni ‘censors’”, April 2). Back then we had a student union and the issue of censorship would have gone to a meeting of students to resolve. The abolition of student unions was a product of revenge by former Liberal students Tony Abbott, Peter Costello and Eric Abetz after they graduated in the 1970s from student politics to federal parliament in the 1990s. In our days Tharunka exposed corruption in the university administration, interference in academic appointments, conducted lively debates on all issues and defended student rights. Tharunka meant message stick. Bravo to “Noise” and an independent student voice. Jefferson Lee, Petersham
UNSW students Alex, Diya, and Pepse have started a rival student newspaper amid claims the current publication is being censored from covering controversial topics.Credit: Rhett Wyman
No joke
I thought the front page story on MPs being docked five per cent pay for bad behaviour was a day late Aprils Fools Day joke, but then I saw the MPs found to be behaving badly would be kept secret and I knew it was real (“MPs behaving badly face 5% salary clip”, April 2). Frank Walker, Coogee
Hydrogen risk
As a professional engineer retired from a fifty-year career, I am nervous about the enthusiasm of your correspondents (Letters, April 2) for hydrogen as a “wonder fuel” for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen is a difficult gas to handle safely. Yes, it can be done. But once it moves from specialist areas of industry, including producing green electricity on a large scale, to general usage, such as for vehicle fuel, the level of risk assessment needed goes up several notches. I experienced the aftermath of three hydrogen explosions, fortunately none with loss of life. But this was more by good luck than good management and extensive rebuilds followed each. John Court, Denistone
A correspondent rightly states that with “enormous resources of wind and solar radiation”, Australia should be producing green hydrogen. Only one question mate; where’s all the spare water for the raw material? John Elder, Annerley (Qld)
Pyrmont chaos
Under the guise of “Western Distributor Improvements”, Transport for NSW and the NSW government are using the streets in Pyrmont, one of Sydney’s most densely populated suburbs, as “traffic relief valves” for WestConnex congestion (“Council irate as rat-run pressure rises”, April 2). WestConnex has resulted in a marked increase in congestion in Pyrmont’s streets. Pyrmont has limited entry and exit points and the pressure on local streets and traffic on the Anzac Bridge and the Western Distributor will soon be compounded by the developments at Blackwattle Bay, the new Sydney Fish Market, the Wattle Street Hellhole depot site, Harbourside Darling Harbour, the Pyrmont Metro tower and the Powerhouse Museum all of which are either being planned or are under construction. Have Transport for NSW planned the “traffic relief valves” for the ensuing traffic chaos in and around Pyrmont? Adrienne Tunnicliffe, Pyrmont
Bad choice
The item about the dangers for pupils attending Fort Street Public School reminded me of the hazards I faced (alone) when attending that school in the late 1940s (“Parents ‘livid’ at injury risk at bridge cycleway choke point”, April 2). Leaving Mosman by tram, and alighting at the Argyle Cut stop, I had three choices: taking the underground passageways to Upper Fort Street with the likelihood of encountering stranger danger; climbing to the footpath beside the roadway, walking down to the subway, and walking back up again to school - safe but tedious - or if running late, racing across at the tollgates while cars were stopped to tender their cash, and ignoring the imprecations of the toll collectors. The last was risky, fast, and fun. John Flint, St Leonards
Cyclists ride past as Melanie Tait holds the hand of her daughter Stella Comin as they drop off her daughter Kiki Comin, a student at Fort Street Public School.Credit: Kate Geraghty
Mandatory fights
Couldn’t agree more with Bella Westaway (“Fighting with family at Easter? It should be mandatory”, April 2). Some of the most profound insights about myself and people I have gained were around post-dinner discussions, debates, or arguments that I have had with my family on a regular basis. While I learnt about politics, history, social values, and ethics, I also learnt the art and value of conflict management, being able to articulate what I wanted to say and most importantly that not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy. This has helped me, especially in these times when we are all so divided and unable to discuss politics, religion, or society without wanting to destroy the other. I can say with conviction that I have not “unfriended” anyone if they hold a view contrary to mine unless they physically or emotionally threaten me. While we can portray a different image to what we actually are to outsiders, often the discussions on the family dinner table will actually reveal what we really think about the world and people in it. Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy
Winning wine
Amanda Hooton makes a convincing case for the major health benefits of gardening (“Growth mindset”, March 30). My late husband and I established a small vineyard as our main garden on the north-facing slope of our Panton Hill property. A government subsidy helped with the initial costs including posts, wires, drip irrigation, netting and the pinot noir plants. Those vines grew so fast that barely 21 months later we had our first exciting harvest with the help of a happy Vietnamese team of pickers. We sold our grapes to Yering Station and celebrated our gardening success and health with a bottle of our own wine - bliss! Barbara Fraser, Burwood
What a beautiful article by Amanda Hooton! I am okay with tomatoes but my carrots remain aspirational; I keep trying though, and do find being in the garden as therapeutic as the article describes, even when picking the never-ending weeds. Amanda always finds such an appropriate way of bringing just a bit of herself into every article, which increases its relatability. Thank you and well done! Judi LeVine, Manly
All options
Tone Wheeler is on the money (“Prefab or pre-drab”, April 2). There are already numerous companies out there supplying high-quality prefabricated and modular homes. Limitations to the growth in use of prefab is the financial capital required to set up a factory to produce prefab panels or modular homes, securing a pipeline of work to make it cost-effective and, most of all, a change in society’s fixation that large fully brick McMansions are better than a well-designed modular lightweight clad home. I live in a weatherboard home that is over 70 years old and when originally built was no more than 100 square metres. If we want to get close to solving the housing problem then we need to consider all options including prefab options. Warwick Spencer, West Pymble
An existential crisis about the usage of language
It seems that we have reached the stage with the word “existential” that we had reached with “fulsome” some years ago - it took years to wean public figures off misusing “fulsome” and it still pops up occasionally. If it is intended to say that something is a threat to the continued existence of something else then that is what should be said. Leave the phrase “existential crisis” to psychiatrists, who understand its meaning. Graeme Morriss, Balgowlah
Right left?
Good luck with trying to teach left and right in schools - I’m in my 80th year and my husband still asks “do you mean your left or the proper left?” when I give directions (Letters, April 2). Obviously any early education instructions failed dismally. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick
Agent prank
Yes, Tim Overland, the secret is out and no doubt the Hills are alive with the sound of real estate agents’ phones ringing (Letters, April 2). Maybe we should just tell everyone the article was an April Fool’s Day prank and they should stay where they are. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills
Lift off
Bronwyn would be proud.
(“Bowen defends use of two jets for one photo op with PM”,, April 2). James Deli, Oatley
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