

This was published 4 months ago

When Anna is called to deliver a baby, the birth plan has not gone to plan

By Mary Ward

When paramedic Anna Esposito is on hand to help a mother deliver her child, the birth plan has not gone to plan.

Her most recent triple-zero call came from a family who knew they wouldn’t be able to get themselves to hospital. “We arrived at the house. It was very unexpected; they weren’t ready for it and it was very quick for them,” she said.

“That is the case with most emergency home births, they’re quite chaotic.”

Paramedic Anna Esposito and midwife Kerry Tosswill in the birthing unit at Nepean Hospital.

Paramedic Anna Esposito and midwife Kerry Tosswill in the birthing unit at Nepean Hospital. Credit: Steven Siewert

Esposito can count the number of births she has attended throughout her career on half a hand. Many of her colleagues are yet to attend their first.

More than 600 babies were born before their arrival at hospital in 2021, data from the state’s most recent Mothers and Babies report shows.

Midwife Kerry Tosswill, who is also divisional manger of women’s and children’s health at Nepean Hospital, said there was a need for paramedics to keep their birth training fresh, with some not having “attended” a birth since their training, completed with a doll.

“You can have the knowledge and the skill, but you need to have the hands-on experience.”

More than 200 western Sydney paramedics have now taken part in a Nepean Hospital maternity training program, designed to improve their skills at delivering emergency care to women giving birth outside hospital.

The program pairs paramedics with midwives for a full day inside the hospital’s birth unit, allowing midwives to share their expert knowledge about how to manage birth, including in an obstetric emergency.


It comes as the state’s upper house birth trauma inquiry prepares its final report, following six hearings and more than 4000 submissions.


Speaking at the inquiry’s final hearing last month, NSW Health Deputy Secretary Deborah Willcox said  she had “been moved personally and professionally” by the stories shared during it and apologised to mothers whose experiences “didn’t meet the expectation for the care they should have received”.

Tosswill said it was important for other health professionals who may become involved in birth to have a better understanding of trauma-informed and woman-centred care.

“The paramedics are always surprised to see it’s very calm and controlled,” said Tosswill.

“But that’s good. They can see that mothers and babies need calm and controlled. They can see that in normal birth care a woman might choose something, and whether it’s in the home or the hospital, we have to respect that.”

A typical day of activities in the program sees paramedics assist in all types of birth scenarios including vaginal births (including water births) and emergency caesareans, as well as how to provide care during obstetric emergencies such as shoulder dystocia.

It is primarily about teaching paramedics how things would run in a hospital, but Tosswill said the learning goes both ways.

“When we share stories, we [midwives] often think: wow, if we were out there on the road with just one person, how would we manage it?”

Nepean Hospital was the first NSW hospital to start a paramedic-midwifery program, which is novel in Australia.

“For midwives, provision of labour and birth care are day-to-day experiences, but paramedics experience labour and birth less often in the community,” said NSW Health Minister Ryan Park.

“When they do, the births are often unexpected and may sometimes be emergencies.

“This training ensures that our paramedics are best placed to provide care and treatment in these circumstances, fostering improved health outcomes.”

The NSW birth trauma inquiry is expected to hand down its final report in the first week of June.

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