

This was published 1 year ago


This is the year Australia can lift a brutal burden from its heart

Truth is an essential force for reconciliation and, on the 185th anniversary of the Myall Creek massacre, we offer an apology for our historical coverage.See all 7 stories.

Dhiirranhi ngiyani ganunga – We remember them. Just before sunset on June 10, 1838, a gang of armed stockmen rode onto the Myall Creek station in central NSW and slaughtered a group of Aboriginal women, children and elders. At least 28 Wirrayaraay people of the Gamilaraay nation were killed in that heinous and brutal act of frontier violence.

The Myall Creek massacre was just one of many, many massacres that occurred across the country from the earliest days of British colonisation in 1788 through to the late 1920s. But it was the first time white men were charged over the murders and brought to justice. Seven men were convicted at trial and hanged.

Linda Burney illustration by Aresna Villanueva.

Linda Burney illustration by Aresna Villanueva.Credit:

It has been 185 years to the day since that horrific day at Myall Creek, but the trauma and pain transcends generations – and the grief is still felt today.

Each year, on the June long weekend, hundreds of people, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, gather at Myall Creek to remember what happened there and reflect on the shared history.

For many years, descendants of the survivors, including Elder Aunty Sue Blacklock, whose great-grandfather John Munro was a boy when he escaped the massacre, have joined descendants of those who committed the atrocities at the memorial. One of the founders of the memorial site and service, Aunty Sue, has spoken about how the ceremony helps “lift the burden off her heart and off her shoulders”.

“To know that we can come together in unity, come together and talk in reconciliation to one another and show that it can work, that we can live together and that we can forgive,” she said.

The memorial service, now in its 23rd year, is a powerful act of reconciliation.

It’s so important that we confront the atrocities of the past and acknowledge the true history of our country, so we can move forward together into the future. Acknowledgments like the one today by The Sydney Morning Herald, and the public apology over its reporting of the Myall Creek tragedy, mark an important step in our truth-telling journey.


While it cannot undo the past, it can create a better understanding. The ability to look back at past wrongs and acknowledge the hurt and pain can help bring our country together. We’ve come a long way on our reconciliation journey, but we still have a long way to go.


Later this year, as a country we have an opportunity to come together in what could be one of the greatest acts of reconciliation, when we vote at the referendum.

All Australians will be asked whether they support a change to the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia through a Voice, as called for in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Uluru Statement came from the 2017 First Nations National Constitutional Convention – one of the largest gatherings of its kind of First Nations people from across Australia.

The statement called for the Voice – a permanent independent advisory body, made up of members chosen by First Nations people – to be enshrined in the Constitution. The Voice will enhance our democracy and ensure the policies and programs from the parliament and the executive are better targeted, and make a practical difference on the ground in communities.

Because the status quo simply cannot continue.


A successful referendum will show the world that we are a mature nation, a nation that acknowledges the past and acknowledges the rightful place of First Nations people.

Our country will be stronger and richer when we understand, recognise and celebrate more than 65,000 years of history and culture. It will be a defining moment for our country.

And I have great faith in the Australian people that, as a country, we will take this crucial next step towards a more just and equitable future.

The most recent national research survey by Reconciliation Australia found most Australians believe it is important for everyone to learn about the past and that a formal truth-telling process take place. Australians want unity and they want an approach that listens to the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and that ultimately empowers communities to improve lives.


There is no doubt that discussions about the true history of our country can and will be uncomfortable and painful. But if we commit to listening to each other and opening our hearts to the truth, we can look forward to a better, reconciled and united future for all Australians.

Just as we’ve seen through the experience at Myall Creek, Australians, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, can come together to reconcile the events of the past and lift the burden off our hearts.

So as we approach the referendum later this year, I encourage all Australians to have conversations at home, in your workplace, in your sporting groups.

To accept the generous offer of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and vote Yes at the referendum will move us forward on our reconciliation journey. The time has come for constitutional recognition and we must seize this moment, and move Australia forward to a better future, for everyone.

Linda Burney is the federal Minister for Indigenous Australians and the member for Barton. She is Wiradjuri.

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