

This was published 2 years ago

The NSW budget in five charts

By Matt Wade

The NSW government will spend $115 billion across the state in the coming year, but its revenue is forecast to reach only $104 billion. The result is a hefty deficit of just over $11 billion. But there’s much more to the budget than that. Here are five budget charts that shed light on the state’s finances, and the economic outlook for NSW.

1. On the economic rebound

The NSW economy has been below par for the past three years thanks to the disruptions of COVID-19. The onset of the pandemic in early 2020 triggered a rare economic contraction, followed by two years of anaemic growth. The budget estimates the NSW economy will have expanded by a lacklustre 1.5 per cent in the financial year to June 30.

But if Tuesday’s state budget is correct, there are better times ahead – it forecasts a growth boost to a very healthy 4.25 per cent in the coming financial year, followed by a solid 2.75 per cent growth rate in 2023-24.

The outlook for employment is especially rosy. The jobs market has recovered from the jolt of pandemic “much faster recovery than expected” and the budget predicts the unemployment rate to trend down to a historically low 3.5 per cent by 2022-23.

But the upbeat outlook comes with a warning: “the outlook remains subject to an unusually high degree of uncertainty and risks, primarily to the downside.”

2. Plenty of red ink

In last year’s budget the government predicted a deficit of only $1.8 billion for the coming financial year which starts next month. But Tuesday’s forecast is more than six times that at $11.2 billion. The deficit for the following year is also much bigger than previously forecast.


One reason for the blow outs is what the budget calls “the large investment in the health system to improve capacity and resilience, continuing support for COVID-19 and flood response”. But new spending decisions made by the government, including direct payments to households, are another big factor. This includes toll relief ($520 million over the next two years) and back to school subsidies which roll out a few months before the March 2023 election ($193 million).

3. Revenue v expenses

A challenge for every government is to keep revenue growth and expenses growth roughly aligned. COVID-19 made that impossible for governments across the world – the pandemic caused expenses to surge and revenues to slump.

NSW was no different – the state’s finances show a big gap between expenses and revenues has opened up during the past few years and the government is forecasting it to gradually narrow. But that won’t be easy. A lot will have to go right if the government is to deliver its next surplus as forecast in 2024-25.

4. Where the money comes from

The state budget is still recovering from the damage done by COVID-19. But the government has recently received some welcome revenue windfalls to fortify the coffers.

As this chart shows the GST is a major contributor to state finances, and it is forecast to chip in $11.5 billion more than previously expected over the next four years. Mining royalties will also be much higher due to a boom in global commodity prices.

But this year’s budget comes with a warning: Over the long run, as the population ages, revenues are expected to grow at a slower pace than they have historically. The best way to deal with this challenge, the budget says, is through reforms which boost the productive capacity of the economy.

5. Doubling the debt

The state’s debt position has deteriorated sharply since the onset of the pandemic. One key metric is net debt which takes account of the state’s liabilities and assets.

In the past two years that measure has jumped from $22.7 billion (3.6 per cent of gross state product) to $53.5 billion (8 per cent of gross state product) and is forecast to reach $115 billion (or 14 per cent of GSP) by June 2026.

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