

This was published 6 months ago

The huge spike in schoolgirls charged with assault

By Sally Rawsthorne

As passengers waited for the train at Burwood, the sound of shrieks filled the air.

On a platform at the busy station, a melee. Four girls were allegedly grabbing at three women, screaming, hitting and hair-pulling.

One woman hit the deck before a passerby was forced to intervene, the video uploaded to social media earlier this month shows.

Police arrived, charging four girls – aged 11, 12, 14 and 15 – with multiple counts of common assault. They were each given bail to appear in a children’s court later in February.

Crime statistics show this incident is not an anomaly – girls are increasingly being charged over physical violence. The number of girls charged with non-domestic assaults has almost doubled in the past decade, according to NSW’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, with 1299 girls charged in 2023 compared to 757 in 2014.

This pattern is also seen in domestic violence committed by girls, which has also seen a huge increase over the past 20 years. In 2004, 156 girls were charged with domestic assault. That number has more than quadrupled to 764 in 2023.

The number of boys charged with domestic assault has also sharply risen over time – 445 in 2004 compared to 1020 in 2023. However, the number of boys charged with non-domestic assault has fallen to 1604 last year from a 2008 peak of 2284.

The statistics do not provide an age breakdown of juveniles charged with assault.


The trend in NSW is backed up by nationwide data released last week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which showed an increase in youth offending – across all crimes, not just assault – for the first time since 2009.

There were 4922 girls charged with acts intended to cause injury across the country last year, the highest number since the ABS began recording this in 2008.

University of South Australia criminologist Rick Sarre said the increase was likely a reflection of changing attitudes towards police and violence.

“Particularly in relation to domestic [violence], there’s a general acceptance that if you go to the police, you’ll get a sympathetic ear,” he said.

Investigators are also taking non-domestic assault seriously, Sarre said, and “people are now having more confidence in the police”.

“That boys and girls [rates] aren’t much different didn’t surprise me, it’s a natural progression on how our society doesn’t tolerate violence any more.”

NSW Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jodie Harrison said the data reflects the complexity of the problem, both in and outside the home.

“Regardless of gender, violence is unacceptable and must not be tolerated. This is a complex issue and the impacts of it cannot be understood through statistics alone,” she said.

“The NSW government is committed to taking meaningful action to address the scourge of domestic violence in our state. If anyone is experiencing any form of violence, they should report it to police.”

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