

This was published 1 year ago

The groups of voters Labor risks losing over AUKUS deal

It seems Anthony Albanese has averted an ALP crisis thanks to the party’s official confirmation of its pro-AUKUS stance (“Facing war risk, ALP foils its own”, August 19). According to Peter Hartcher it is “one giant leap for Labor” in maintaining a façade of party unity, and in preventing a re-emergence of the Coalition as a viable contender in the next general election. Surely, however, Albanese’s main problem is not the Coalition. His problem is young voters and older Labor voters who will not back Labor because of its now-confirmed support for a dangerous and expensive Coalition-engineered defence policy, and its current inadequate responses to the problems of climate change, housing, taxation, and inequality. Clearly, these voters won’t opt to vote for the Coalition in 2025. They will instead turn to the Greens and relevant independents. The millennials - and many boomers - are out there, voting pencils in hand, ready to challenge a two-party system that is not working for them. Pam Timms, Suffolk Park

Anthony Albanese has averted a crisis at the ALP National Conference over AUKUS

Anthony Albanese has averted a crisis at the ALP National Conference over AUKUSCredit: John Shakespeare

Thanks to Hartcher I now see why the Labor government needs the Greens so much and needs to be seen to be at loggerheads with them as much as possible. Were it not for the Greens’ more ambitious social, justice and environmental policies there would be no middle ground to occupy, and the ALP would be under constant threat of self-destruction. As things are, Labor is left right in the centre. Meredith Williams, Northmead

I agree with Hartcher most times but take issue with his approach to Labor’s
dynamics at its national conference. It is not the primary, let alone the only, role of intra-party conversations to boost re-election chances and those of the leader. The role of internal debate should be to let members’ ideas surface, let them be critiqued, so the best can proceed as the considered policy. To use party conferences primarily as a leadership’s tool to maximise the chance for continued incumbency, is to hamstring the democratic process. Frederick Green, Annandale

The AUKUS debate within the Labor Party is burdened with contradictions. Australia, as a land mass, is militarily indefensible. As AUKUS members we are subservient to the US should there be a conflict. Australian nuclear submarines are an AUKUS commitment. The cost of these boats will be at the expense of available funds for sorely needed infrastructure, education and health services among other national priorities. The US has committed itself to defend Taiwan while we are party to the One China concept and therein lies a contradiction at the heart of our foreign policy. We are not masters of our own destiny but are, for better or worse, being swept along in the dust of American foreign policy. Peter Thomas, Rose Bay

I wish I had Anthony Albanese’s confidence in how the next ten years are going to pan out, let alone the years up to and beyond 2040, while promoting AUKUS at the Labor Party conference. For starters, who in 2010 could have forecast the global devastation caused by COVID, or in 2013 the circus that was and is Donald Trump? Making long-range commitments can be a risky business. Joan Brown, Orange


Fantastic Matildas but fickle media

How fickle is the media, its sports writers in particular? After the sensational quarter-final win over France, all the Matildas were superwomen and Tony Gustavsson was the coach for all seasons. Now, after successive defeats by England and Sweden, Gustavsson’s “decision-making” on team selections is called into question and it is claimed that all the players who backed up for the third-place play-off looked “tired”. Why descend into this demeaning blame game? Can’t we just accept that the Matildas were magnificent in reaching the semi-finals of the World Cup, and they were beaten by the better teams in the last two matches? Rob Phillips, North Epping

Matildas captain Sam Kerr

Matildas captain Sam KerrCredit: Getty

Our Matildas have done well despite the weight of that tricky apostrophe.
Toni van de Wall, Fairlight

Our Matildas are Magnificent, Astonishing, Tireless, Iconic, Legends, Delightful, Awesome and Spectacular - you are great role models and you’ve done us, yourselves and football proud. And this older (former) footballer says thanks for a wonderful few weeks. Marietta Hopkins, Woolooware

Am I the only new fan of womens’ soccer to cheer on Sweden thanks to their yellow strips, only to have my husband chuckle and remind me many times that I was supporting the wrong team? Annemarie Turner, Dapto

The sinking feeling of having lost, following the Matildas’ loss to Sweden, is a practice run for roughly half of us on the day after the Voice referendum.
Barry Lamb, Heidelberg West


I’ve just heard the final movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, the Ode to Joy, and realised that the feeling I get from it is the same as the overwhelming feeling I had when watching the Matildas in their warfare – Joy! What courage they show, what skill and also what kindness, to each other and to the other players. Lucy Costas, Carwoola

Much has already been said and written about the Matilda’s role in the Women’s World Cup: words hardly capture the roller coaster emotions of the multi-million audiences who have intently followed their progress through this tournament. The Matilda’s finishing 4th out of 32 other world-class teams is an extraordinary achievement and a High Distinction in academic terms. Karen Eldridge, Leichhardt

Sport has long been the thing that has brought Australians together. We love winners, especially the underdog, but we can be fiercely loyal to teams and individuals who we feel represent our identity and aspirations, even through the ups and the downs. We admire both the skill and the character of the athlete or player, though not always in equal measure, sometimes forgiving failings in one and not the other. The Matildas have graced us with both. The legacy of the World Cup is multi-faceted but being able to experience all of this at home and in our time zone is a gift that will keep giving to all Australians. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

PS, we love you

Not since the fall of Singapore has the Herald carried such jarring news (“Trials, triumphs, tantrums: my farewell fling after 18 years”, August 19). Reading that the flag has been lowered on Andrew Hornery’s “Private Sydney” column chilled hearts across the north shore. No longer will Hornery’s playful exposés of the eastern suburbs fast set prompt us to clutch our pearls on Saturday mornings. After a mere 18 years, vale PS. Greg Flynn, Turramurra

Andrew Hornery

Andrew HorneryCredit: James Brickwood

PS. I’ve enjoyed reading the tittle-tattle over the years. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay


Thank you, Andrew Hornery, for your witty, sometimes catty and entertaining column that I have enjoyed over the years. I wish you well for the future.
William Perry, Mount Keira

The photo in Saturday’s paper of the “Bondi biffo” between two media giants brought to mind THE greatest front-page headline ever. From the redoubtable NT News at the time: “Help, I’ve got a Packer up my clacker”. Priceless. Ron Wessel, Mount St Thomas

Thank you, Andrew, for your final PS. It has been wonderful and most entertaining: a must-do each time I pick up the paper. Bon voyage: enjoy your break away. Alison Stewart, Waitara

Science fail

I wondered why, in Science Week, Malcolm Knox felt a need to attack science (“Blind faith in anything, even science, is unscientific”, August 19). Turns out he is using “science” to stand for “experts” and authorities in general, and he detects pushback in the community to being told how to respond on issues like climate change and the Voice. He may be correct in surmising it’s a weary hangover from the pandemic but the timing is a worry. Are we feeling resistant to anything that looks remotely like concerted action? Let’s hope for a mood swing. Australians as a population are highly educated and socially progressive and are unlikely to settle for negativity and suspicion as our prevailing national vibe. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Cheated arguments

Education is our fourth-largest export at $40 billion (“Cheating scam spells trouble for universities”, August 19). Forty years ago, when I had the privilege to go to university, it was free. In the ’90s the government decided not to fully fund university education, yet on the other hand declared that everyone should get a tertiary degree. This forced universities to look for other sources of income: overseas students. How about we wind the clock back a bit? How about industry sponsors universities and pays a bit more tax; after all, they get the benefit of an educated workforce. Government uses this additional tax also to fund the universities and research. Universities raise their standards. Government reviews the entire student visa system; only those who can fully support themselves are permitted. It’s a vexed problem but, like housing, we need better policy to get better outcomes. Warwick Spencer, West Pymble


VAD and validity

The statement by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney that “making VAD (Voluntary Assisted Dying) legal does not make it a valid choice” shows once again how out-of-step they are with a community that continues to subsidise them via taxes (Letters, August 19). Their assertion that they will seek to dissuade residents in Anglican residential aged care from accessing VAD is to be condemned. VAD, which will become available in NSW in November, is a legal and compassionate medical choice. To seek to harass a dying person out of this choice, within their own home, no less, is an act of coercion. It is both unethical and cruel. The right not to participate in VAD should be respected. However, there is an obvious difference between conscientious objection and conscientious obstruction. Not for the first time, the Anglican Church has allowed dogma to trump compassion. Once VAD becomes law, the people of NSW will be watching closely to see how they treat our most vulnerable: the elderly and the terminally ill. Andrew Denton, Surry Hills

Thank heavens the board of Anglicare Sydney decided VAD will not be available at its residential aged care homes. Wouldn’t it be crazy if Christian compassion led them to allow terminally ill adults experiencing “intolerable suffering” to end their lives instead of living out their last months in misery?
Prue Nelson, Cremorne Point

Clift top

In 1998 I was travelling through Greece when I was asked by a friend to take a photograph of the Hotel Tempi in Athens – Charmian Clift and George Johnston had stayed there (“A hundred years on, Charmian Clift’s time has finally arrived”, August 19). The photograph started my own journey of discovery and I am so glad I found Charmian. At 47, I have now surpassed her by one year and her writing speaks to me now more than ever. Happy birthday, Charmian, and thank you, Nadia Wheatley, for keeping her memory alive. Simone Nassis, Clemton Park

Charmian Clift

Charmian CliftCredit: Nine Media


Energy burst

The owners of our remaining coal-fired power stations AGL, Origin Energy and Energy Australia have urged the government to “stick with its ambitious pledge to shift the grid to 82 per cent renewable energy by the end of the decade” (“Business rejects Coalition fight against ‘reckless’ renewables rollout”, August 19). Peter Dutton and David Littleproud continue attacks on Labor’s necessarily ambitious policies. Amazingly, the Coalition maintains its opposition to renewables, even proposing nuclear as the answer. Littleproud thinks we should give up on the targets; his only offering is pretty much business-as-usual plus nuclear power, which, on any analysis, doesn’t stack up. Fiona Colin, Malvern East

Dirty laundering

No gambling establishment is immune to corruption, and agencies responsible for enforcing compliance must be beyond reproach (“Crime cash call ignored”, August 19). Wherever big money is involved, criminals will do whatever it takes to protect their illegal empires and prevent exposure.
It’s not good enough to wait for investigations or trials before initiating effective reform. The government must introduce universal cashless gaming immediately to demonstrate genuine commitment and as a warning to criminals. Dirty money must be kept out of poker machines whether they’re being used for money laundering or not. Graham Lum, North Rocks

Parky to host star-studded heavenly chat show

Can you imagine what it must be like in the media afterlife? (“The everyman who went everywhere, met everyone”, August 19). Dame Edna welcoming Sir Michael and inviting him to sit down to chat with Muhammad Ali while Kerry Packer tries to get a word in. And of course Shane Warne is keeping them entertained with stories of cricket and ...? Our loss, their gain.
Nola Tucker, Kiama

Sir Michael Parkinson

Sir Michael ParkinsonCredit: Getty

Breaking bread

Richard Glover’s dietary fad is crummy (“A toast to a dog of a decision”, August 19). Bread is the staff of life and there is no better vehicle to convey heaps of delicious toppings into one’s mouth, especially cheese and vegemite. Alicia Dawson, Balmain

Deleted idea?

In the letter suggesting payroll tax be scrapped (Letters, August 19), the correspondent must have included a second, deleted paragraph: “And the government would replace the lost revenue by increasing/implementing tax on …”. Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Railway lesson

Sydney should learn from the homeless people in the railway signal box, and start converting places with unused space into rooms for the homeless (Letters, August 19). There must be plenty of sheds and parts of building complexes that could be used. Mark Anderson, Coogee

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