

This was published 7 months ago

Senators represent the people, not the party

Senator Fatima Payman is not only entitled to cross the floor, she is obliged to do so if her representative conscience is not quietened by her party (“Senator defiant as Albanese urges her to consider position”, July 2). In the end, all our MPs represent the people. The question is whether they uphold the people’s will if they see it at odds with the mind of their party. Congratulations to Senator Payman. Shame on the thugs in the ALP trying to bring her to heel for doing exactly what politicians should do. Peter Comensoli, Mangrove Mountain

Senator Fatima Payman arrives for question time on Monday.

Senator Fatima Payman arrives for question time on Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

In their political pile-on against a 29-year-old Muslim woman, Albanese and Labor are behaving less like a political party of diversity and more like a gang of biker thugs. Payman has a far greater moral obligation to oppose the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians than to adhere to quaint ALP rules. Michael Davis, Balmain East

Shame on the ALP for giving Payman such a hard time. They say they believe in a two-state solution for Palestine, but they won’t recognise Palestine. Makes no sense to me. Payman should not be punished for standing up for something a large proportion of the population believes is right.
Jacqueline Trenbath, Earlwood

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. The ALP is a committed supporter of diversity in its Senate team, as long as that Senate team’s views aren’t diverse. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Fatima Payman’s reasoned and firm Gaza stance reflects Mark Twain’s adage: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect”. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Senator Payman doesn’t know much about Labor if she hasn’t heard of Coventry. Viv Mackenzie, Port Hacking

Caucus solidarity has been a fundamental principle of the ALP since its inception over 120 years ago. Its origins come from the trade union movement where the collective good takes precedence over individual rights. I find it peculiar that only now some ALP supporters and unions such as the CFMEU are questioning the wisdom of this long-held belief. It seems the principle only applies to issues that do not affect Labor’s electoral popularity. Support for Payman’s stance is a far cry from when caucus dissenters were considered traitors or rats and were expelled from the party. Principle has been replaced by pragmatic populism. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

I must be living in some parallel universe, as I can’t see what the Greens and Payman believe Australia can do to shift Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition partners from continuing the war in Gaza. Netanyahu won’t even respond to the demands of the US government, the EU, hundreds of other nations larger than Australia, the UN and the International Court of Justice. What do the Greens and Payman seriously believe the Australian government can do? Mark Berg, Caringbah South

The latest tranche of letters seems very supportive of the actions of Senator Payman while the PM wrings his hands. Nothing is more damaging to a political party than disunity – the current stoush within the NSW Coalition is a case in point. She might have her supporters for standing up for her beliefs but Payman is doing nothing but damage to the party. Ross MacPherson, Seaforth


Fit to be President? It’s still up for debate

It would be interesting to know what kind of a track record Maureen Dowd has in predicting US election results (Letters, July 2). Professor Allan Lichtman, a historian from the American University in Washington who has successfully predicted the outcomes of the last nine presidential elections, says that the debates have no effect on election results whatsoever. He notes that both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry won all three debates but lost their elections. According to Lichtman, who is a sprightly 77-year-old, the only chance the Democrats have is if Biden remains their nominee.
Peter Nash, Fairlight

 Maureen Dowd

Maureen Dowd Credit: Peter Braig

Why does the US Supreme Court bother with legal argument? Surely, to save time, money and paper, they could just vote on any decision-making at the beginning. Their views don’t seem to change with legal argument. Why bother? Jan Syme, Newington

The White House is not a nursing home and neither is it a penitentiary, but by the end of the year it may be housing a president who should be residing in one of these facilities. Unless Joe Biden steps aside and changes the narrative, US voters will be making a decision based on which candidate will do the least damage to their country and consequently the world. Lyn Savage, Coogee

Are Jill Biden and the family, by insisting Joe Biden should continue his run for the presidency again, committing a selfish act of elder abuse? Leave the poor man to retire calmly into the sunset, unexposed to public and world scrutiny, humiliation and embarrassment. As for Trump, a man with no moral compass whatsoever, he should be hidden somewhere away to reflect upon his misdeeds.
Rita Zammit, Concord

So senior Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, believe that because Joe Biden is a good guy who was a good president he has a good chance of defeating his lying, cheating, bullying opponent in November. I can’t help but wonder what they will have to say when their good guy gets a whipping at the ballot box. Donna Wiemann, Balmain

After 52 years in the senate and eight as Obama’s vice-president, Biden probably knows more about the workings of the government than anyone else in or out of Washington. He has retained about 90 per cent of his cabinet members while Trump’s cabinet was a revolving door with about 25 per cent retention. A total of 2.9 million jobs were lost during Trump’s administration. Biden has rebuilt the infrastructure, lowered the cost of prescription drugs, rejoined the Paris climate accord, brought down the national debt and passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to help curb gun violence. He works for the people, while Trump lowered the taxes for the billionaires. According to Pew Research, faith in the US president has gone from 17 per cent for Trump to 72 per cent for Biden. Not a bad record for someone “in mental decline”. Victoria Harrington, Thirroul

Nippy for some, freezing for others

Whilst it’s helpful that the use of the concept of “feels like temperature” is becoming more widespread I feel that there’s a more important practical temperature that isn’t being addressed – relative temperature (“Chill winter wind can make a mockery of the maximum”, July 2). As someone who grew up in Guyra, I’ve come to realise that my definition of “a little nippy” is most Sydneysider’s definition of “don’t go outside without a puffer jacket” (why does anyone living in Sydney need one?), whilst my definition of “actually cold” is most Sydneysider’s definition of “human life is no longer possible”. Roger Gallagher, Merrylands

Early morning at Mistral Point, Maroubra.

Early morning at Mistral Point, Maroubra. Credit: Louise Kennerley

Reform resistant

Your correspondent (Letters, July 2) correctly identifies the inherent weakness in our form of government in addressing tax reform. In reality all entrenched democratic systems of government are weak in addressing any difficult reform. The hip-pocket nerve of taxation presents one of the most difficult. History suggests that hard reforms are mostly achieved in times of deep national crisis or even revolution. While few want to entertain such upheaval, it might be what it takes.
John Court, Denistone

Ban gambling ads

I am always appalled with the number of gambling ads that are shown during the 6pm news as well as most televised sporting events (“Fresh calls for ban on gambling ads”, July 2). Despite the warnings at the end of the ad, gambling is portrayed as a cool thing to do with your mates. In a society that already has enough issues with peer group pressure and personal image, the fancy apps which promote and glorify gambling should be banned from all media. Gambling may not give you cancer, but its negative effect can still ruin individuals and families. There are those who would baulk at an advertising ban because of the enormous income through taxation gambling provides.
Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Strangulation spreads

The findings of the research study into the prevalence of the use of strangulation by young people during sex were extremely alarming and show that there is an urgent need for a campaign highlighting the risks it represents for those engaging in it (“Sexual choking risking young lives”, July 2). Even in my role involving frequent contact with many young people I must confess to ignorance of its extent and therefore the necessity now to have it on the radar in future relevant consultations. Teachers and parents also should not shy away from this topic in their discussions with young people and allow it to remain hidden. Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

Our young adults are often coerced into experimentation of sexual acts through internet accessibility to porn way before independence and strength of decision-making is developed. Honesty and openness in education and family discussion is the only way forward for our young people as these life-threatening sex acts are as dangerous as any other risk-taking activity.
Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Choosing the way out

Jean Gordon has thrown down the gauntlet with her appeal to consider mental as well as physical health in the focus of voluntary assisted dying legislation (Letters, July 2). Everyone one of us who lives alone faces the unenviable choice of having to trade privacy and independence should we lose mobility, in the short or longer term. It’s a shared joke that we are only one fall away from disaster. Please spare us the assurances of worth to loved ones, when it comes to how we live. How many older people share Jean Gordon’s anxiety and unhappiness, and her lack of choice as an older person? Maybe it’s one of those questions no one dares ask for fear of overwhelming support for an inconvenient answer. Glenda Gartrell, Newtown

Thank you, Jean Gordon for outlining the issues around who can and can’t access VAD. This is a discussion that needs to be had. Unfortunately, your illness is not terminal within a sufficiently short framework. And if you choose not to have treatment for one of the many infections that overwhelm a paraplegic, your death will be torture too. Katriona Herborn, Blackheath

Applauding the tired

Dear Kathryn Hawkins, I would love to come and shake your hand for what sounds like an amazing, inspirational and devoted life of caring (Letters, July 2). ’Cept I am too tired too. All the best.
Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

The dangers of heat

I’m currently on the Greek island of Ithaca, the homeland of Odysseus the hero from the Trojan wars, where the temperature lately has been hovering around a cool 29 degrees (“Deadly allure of paradise isles”, July 2). However, most of Greece has been experiencing heatwave conditions of an unbearable 40 degrees plus during the last few weeks. For some bizarre reason far too many tourists think it is still OK for them to go for walks on islands in the middle of the day along isolated trails with no hat or protection from the blazing sun and little water. As a result the number of tourists who have died or disappeared while walking in the middle of the day has hit double figures. With the peak tourist season weeks away I hope visitors take precautions. Con Vaitsas, Patra Greece

Filiatro Beach on Ithaca Island.

Filiatro Beach on Ithaca Island.Credit: iStock

Retail power pain

Thank you George Carrard for continuing this important debate (Letters, July 2). One item that appears to have been missed is the actual cost to the consumer, regardless of energy source. By far the largest part of my electricity bill is not the wholesale generation cost, but network and retailer charges. The first, in particular, seem very large and, if I understand AusGrid’s latest submissions to the regulator, seem set to rise substantially again. Are these monopoly, privatised providers being appropriately regulated? I’ve not heard much from our politicians about how they are being scrutinised. Nor have we heard much from either side about the share of the overall system cost (not just individual generation costs) which will actually be borne by consumers. Like many in this cost of living crisis, I would like to know what my actual bills will be, rather than what appears to be a purely political conflict over methods of energy generation. Rob Ritchie, Mosman

Different cultures

I was reassured to see that Scott Hadley, the new MD of Chobani Australia/NZ (Australia’s - and my- favourite yoghurt), has “inherited a business with a good culture” (“Counter culture: Chobani plans mass retail expansion”, July 2). Nick Walker, Springwood

Kindness, care and respect, the new Australian dream (“Mostyn calls for kindness, care, respect in the house”, July 2). Let’s all dream. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Mostyn’s way

Governor-General Sam Mostyn’s call for kindness, care, respect in the house is not before time. Adding to that call, the Australian people should demand truth and integrity from our elected representatives, especially so we do not spiral down the kind of black hole that is ripping the US apart. Peter Allen, Castle Cove

All this hullabaloo by hyperventilators over her salary. It’s peanuts in the scheme of things. I’d pay her $1 million tax-free! Denis Sullivan, Greystanes

Footy solutions

NRL coach Wayne Bennett is upset about rules and refereeing (“The NRL wants the Top Gun of video refs. Please hurry”, July 2). Here’s what the NRL could do - all tackles, injuries and fights should be subject to possible post-game review regardless of whether the on-field ref has spotted an incident. The bunker referee can keep a record of incidents to review. Players should play with the knowledge that what they get away with on the field may be reviewed after the game. During the game the bunker should only review possible tries and the allowed captains’ referrals. There are currently too many delays for too many pedantic matters.
For sin bins and send-offs the penalised team should get a man back once the other team has scored a try. For a sin bin the penalised player can return and uses an interchange if any are left. For a send-off the penalised player is out of the game but is replaced on the field by a player from the interchange bench and uses an interchange if any are left.
And every time a coach whinges about refereeing throw some stats at them about their team’s error rates. Or, just ban coaches commenting on refereeing. Steven Lee, Faulconbridge

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