

This was published 4 months ago

Saving cash with the Czechs

Nick Walker of Suffolk Park has had better luck with beer prices (C8) than some: “Back in 1991, with a group of fellow backpackers, I visited the town of Plzen in what was then Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, the brewery didn’t have tours at that time, so they suggested we have a drink in the canteen. Twelve half-litre beers and two meals each later, the bill came to the grand total of $1.16 per person. Now that’s cheap beer and vittles.”

“Janita Rankin’s interaction with her grandson (C8) reminded me of the time when I was explaining to my first grandchild that, when my father was young, people didn’t travel in vehicles powered by an engine but were pulled by horses,” remembers Don Firth of Wooli. “‘Gee,’ he replied. ‘How did they do that with aeroplanes?’” Wouldn’t have been an issue in Turkey, what with Pegasus Airlines on the job.

Where there’s a will, there’s got to be a grammatical conundrum. A number of readers have responded to the query from our friend Tom Wilmot (C8) regarding the “will” versus “shall” position. Allan Gibson writes: “The Ode is taken from Laurence Binyon’s For the Fallen, published in The Times in September 1914, the fourth stanza with line 16 reading: ‘We will remember them’.” Marion Barrett of Roseville explains that “as a 73-year-old, I recall being taught that, grammatically, first-person pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘we’ are usually followed by ‘shall’, not ‘will’, but in this case Binyon used the technically incorrect ‘will’ for emphasis.”

Merilyn McClung of Forestville has a question for the bakery brains trust: “I always thought rock cakes (C8) with a little hollow filled with jam were called drop cakes. Can C8 readers confirm or correct my understanding, please?”

“As a 17-year-old bus conductor on the old double-deckers, I hated the old currency (C8), when everyone paid in pennies,” says Peter Pocock of Hornsby. “The bag around one’s waist grew heavier as the day wore on. A great relief at the end of the shift to unload the weight. Mind you, the exercise, especially up and down stairs, kept me fit.”

“Ah, Decimal Currency Day. I was in 6th class then (now year 6) and they gave us all a one-cent coin as a souvenir,” recalls Andrew Taubman of Queens Park. “I promptly swallowed mine but it never emerged. So fie to those who say I’m worthless!”
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