

This was published 1 year ago

It’s an L of a thing

The fire and brimstone consequences of leaving out the letter ‘l’ in the word ligneous (C8) were alluded to by many readers, with David Hastings of Thornside saying: “‘Ells Bells, Ian Roache’s obfuscational spade would have a hefty haft with its igneous rod!”

From his career in carpentry, Scott Illingworth of Kiama agrees “with knockometer (C8), but have always used clawosaurus equally to describe the thumb detector”, while Paul Stone of Little Bay feels it would be reasonable to add a ‘nail’ to the list of metal insertion devices.”

Another red elastic band (C8) story from Janice Creenaune of Austinmer. “My father, a linotype operator by trade, used his ‘downtime’ to use similar bands to increasingly grow a ball. He would carry it daily in his Gladstone bag to and from work for years and build it daily as it grew increasingly heavy. It has remained in the family as a wonderful memory.”

Rosemary Keam of Kempsey fondly remembers when “Ray Howard, late lamented Postmaster extraordinaire of West Kempsey, once presented me with a box of official rubber bands (C8) to help power our Tiger Moth bi-plane.”

Prompted by the contribution about involuntary assisted descents (C8), Denis Sullivan of Greystanes recalled having the privilege of flying several times in the DMR helicopter piloted by the doyen of Sydney helicopter pilots, Noel Dodwell. “I asked Noel about those predicaments, and he said all helicopter pilots practiced that manoeuvre – turning the power off and landing using the energy in the spinning blade – regularly. As for Noel’s reputation among helicopter pilots, while attending a party in the ’70s I mentioned Noel’s name to a Channel 9 helicopter pilot and he genuflected, with arms raised in reverence, as though I’d been talking to God!”

As a former restaurateur, Randi Svensen of Wyong confirms that “Leoni Hubbard’s Band-Aid story illustrates why, in the food industry, blue is used for anything that might mistakenly end up in a meal. Blue food is very rare, so a blue Band-Aid will stand out like a sore thumb (sorry, I had to get that in).”

Glyn Bradford of Hawker (ACT) was surprised to find “a recipe for tuna, peas and pasta bake in a major supermarket magazine recently. This was a staple I cooked in the early ’70s for my girlfriend (now wife) and I as university students. She never wanted to eat it again. Wonder what other share-house recipes will make a comeback?”

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