

This was published 7 years ago

'Imagine if everybody knew': the information CPR Kids founder Sarah Hunstead wants all parents to have

By Kim Arlington

Sarah Hunstead is not a fan of kids running with things in their mouths. In her 15 years as a paediatric emergency nurse, she has treated a child who accidentally swallowed her pocket money, a girl who speared her tonsil with a chopstick, and youngsters who came a cropper while eating frankfurters, boiled lollies, cherry tomatoes.

It's hard to shake the image of the skewered tonsil as Hunstead deftly wields her chopsticks during lunch at The Century in Pyrmont. Over dumplings, duck pancakes and the Heavenly Braised Four Vegetables, Hunstead tells me about the surprising number of children who wind up in the emergency department through their determination to stick things – a Matchbox car, for example, or the stuffing from a car seat – in places they don't belong.

It was a baby's drowning that galvanised Sarah Hunstead to start CPR Kids.

It was a baby's drowning that galvanised Sarah Hunstead to start CPR Kids.Credit: Kate Geraghty

"Some of the stuff they do is absolutely extraordinary but it's always logical to them, even if it isn't to us," Hunstead says. "Why did you put seven peas up your nose? 'Because you told me to hurry up and finish dinner'."

Twice she has been on shift with children who choked on grapes and later died in intensive care. And she still thinks of the little girl whose hat was blown off by the wind. She chased it into the road, and was hit by a car. Hunstead and her husband Paul, a fellow paediatric nurse, stayed with the family as they let their daughter go.

"I want to get out there and arm parents with these lifesaving skills," says Sarah Hunstead.

"I want to get out there and arm parents with these lifesaving skills," says Sarah Hunstead.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Hunstead considers herself lucky that she can "count on two hands the number of children I have seen die on my shifts". But every day hospital staff comforted parents who were distraught that they did not know how to help their children.

"That was one of the catalysts of starting CPR Kids," she says. "Why should only health professionals have this skill set?"

Juggling act

Hunstead was on maternity leave in 2012 when she launched CPR Kids, teaching first aid skills to parents at home. She started with a business name and two resuscitation dummies. Since then she and her team of nurses and midwives have taught thousands of classes, hosted by parents, mothers' groups and maternity hospitals throughout Sydney.


Hunstead, 37, admits she will often "drop the balls" while juggling her business and family life. Lately, though, she has kept a fair few in the air.

Harper Collins will publish a new edition of her book A Life. A Finger. A Pea Up A Nose this year. She has expanded the business to train parents through non-profit organisations, as well as in corporate workplaces in every capital city. And last month Westpac announced it had partnered with CPR Kids to develop the Rescue Rashie, an innovative design that puts simple CPR instructions on children's swimwear.

It was a baby's drowning that galvanised Hunstead to start CPR Kids, and an earlier close call that got her thinking seriously about the idea.

"There was a little boy who came into the emergency department who had essentially drowned in his backyard, in a water feature that filled up during heavy rain," she says. He was out of his mother's sight for less than a minute. She found him face down, blue and not breathing. "So she started CPR. She knew what to do."

For over an hour, he had no signs of life. Hospital staff eventually got his heart beating again. "He's had a long recovery but is now a completely healthy child," Hunstead says. "If he hadn't had that immediate CPR, and that oxygen going to his brain, he would have either been brain damaged or he would have died.

"That put this little seed in my head: imagine if everybody knew this."

The baby who drowned had slipped under the bathwater. "This time the mum had no idea what to do. It's not the mother's fault that she didn't know."

Hunstead remembers thinking: "I need to do something about this. I don't want to patch them up any more, I want to get out there and arm parents with these lifesaving skills."

"No parent should bear the burden of thinking, 'I should have known what to do'," she says.

Hunstead tested the concept by holding classes for friends. Enthusiastic word of mouth soon had dozens of parents signing up.

Full disclosure: my sister-in-law was among those who took an early class. A few months later, she saved my nephew from choking. The experience had a profound effect on my sister-in-law: she now works for CPR Kids.

"The classes are not about scaring you with all the stuff that can go wrong," Hunstead tells me. "It's empowering you to know what to do if it happens."

Hunstead, who grew up an only child in the outer Melbourne suburb of Patterson Lakes, says: "It was always innately in me to look after people."

From the age of 8, when her parents divorced, she cared for her mother, who was mentally ill and battled addictions to alcohol and prescription drugs. "I was running the house, looking after her, because she just couldn't function. Sometimes my job was literally keeping her alive. I used to make myself responsible for everything so if she wasn't well, it was my fault."

Hunstead excelled at school. She started studying biotechnology at university and planned to become a paediatrician. But when her mother's health deteriorated, she switched to a nursing degree at a university closer to home.

She was 22 and had just finished her degree when her mother took her own life.

There was, she says, an element of relief. Hunstead no longer spent her days worrying, on constant alert, but her mother's death left her feeling adrift. "She was the centre of my universe," she says. "I never actually envisaged life outside of her. I needed to find out who I was."

Landing a graduate position at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne helped. So did moving interstate and joining the emergency department of the Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick, where she made a close network of friends and met her husband.

As newlyweds they spent six months in Kenya, establishing the infrastructure to deliver mobile medical camps now staffed by members of the local communities.

'It won't happen to us'

Hunstead says she always knew she wanted to work with children.

"Mum was in and out of hospitals a lot, so from a young age I witnessed ... how adults can react to illness. One of the big things with children is they're just so resilient, they don't feel sorry for themselves. [They] just want to get better and get on with it."

Hunstead – who had two girls under 2 – acknowledges that raising children can be a tougher prospect than nursing them. She describes parenting as "the hardest thing I've ever done", but says becoming a mother made her more understanding of parents who might be hysterical in the emergency department.

"It made me realise how things like sleep deprivation, all of that intense focus on the child, can make you think things and do things perhaps your rational mind wouldn't normally do," she says.

While she can forgive overwrought parents, she is frustrated by Australians' "she'll be right" attitude.

"We're very much a push-away society; we've got that whole mentality of 'it'll be right, we'll be right, it won't happen to us'. That's great – until something happens."

Hunstead says CPR Kids had a "huge spike" in enrolments after 19 people drowned in NSW between Christmas and the first week of January.

"They realise that they aren't immune – they see families just like them experiencing tragedies," she says. "They don't want to be that family on the news; they want to know what to do in an emergency."

Hunstead says teaching first aid is not just about equipping people with skills, but also the confidence to know how to use them. One of the most rewarding aspects of her work is helping the clients of organisations such as Wesley Mission and Anglicare.

"We may only get through one subject," Hunstead says. "At the end of the class it might be that they're not leaving their babies in the bath alone any more [and] that's a big plus. It's the simple stuff that saves lives."

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