

This was published 11 months ago

Humanity rises above political sniping

Once again, In the face of catastrophe and in the worst circumstances, the best Australian characteristics shone through (“Senseless”, April 15). No one asks or cares if those in need are Labor, Liberal, National or Green voters, what their religion is, or what their socio-economic status is, as strangers help others without a second thought. Our sense of “fair go”, equality and mateship is always evident. We must ensure that our sense of unity and common sense of humanity remains strong, and there should be no place in Australia for politicians who seek to use division and fear for political gain. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Floral tributes at Bondi Junction mall.

Floral tributes at Bondi Junction mall. Credit: Steven Siewert

Of course our hearts go out to the victims and their families of the Bondi Junction tragedy. But I notice that the perpetrator’s parents apologised for their son’s behaviour. We all know he had a severe mental illness which was the cause of his behaviour. We can’t and shouldn’t blame or hold the parents responsible for his actions. Perhaps we should take time to reflect on what they must be going through too. John Rome, Mt Lawley (SA)

Having spent 14 years as an official visitor in a number of maximum security jails across NSW, I was continually reminded by staff that inmates were “more mad than bad”. Psychologists employed by Corrective Services did their best, but there was little in the way of treatment, let alone rehabilitation. The tragic events over the weekend illustrate once again that seriously disturbed people are either in prison, or walking the streets, when they should be in virtually non-existent psychiatric hospitals. Chris Bult, Soldier’s Point

Your correspondent Bernie Bourke hit the nail on the head; “mental health must take precedence in our health system”. The Bondi assailant was almost certainly having an incident of delusions and a warped and frightening reality, and would have probably known that it was coming on but had nowhere to go to get help in our overstretched public hospital system. Mental health hospitals offering secure beds and treatment at any time are urgently required. We used to have them once. With the advent of psychotropic drug treatment and welfare cost-cutting, many were closed down in the 1980s. Alan Carruthers, Artarmon

Perhaps we should have followed the line of NZ after the Christchurch terrorist attack when then-PM Jacinda Ardern stated she would never publicly mention the name of the shooter as it was the victims that should be remembered and urged others to do the same. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

The terrible event at Bondi Junction demonstrates the limits of our mental health system. The perpetrator had an obvious and well documented history of mental health issues. In the end his rampage, which has resulted in grief and horror, shows that someone with profound psychiatric problems, if allowed to roam free, can create havoc and mayhem. There has to be some way for them to be monitored. Convicted persons released on parole are required to clock in at a police station. Surely there must be an effective way of keeping track of people with mental health issues in a way similar to parole officers. Julia Bovard, North Sydney


What happened at Bondi Junction confronts us with acts of horrendous evil having neither meaning nor purpose. Let us focus on the goodness and courage of the police, paramedics and members of the public who ensured more lives were not taken. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Was the Bondi Junction attacker targeting women? Given that there is so much violence against women, with one in three experiencing physical violence since the age of 15, and one woman dying every nine days, why are governments doing next to nothing to control violent and misogynistic content on the internet which promotes and normalises a “lad culture” that fuels such behaviour? Australian governments on both sides of politics have criminalised and controlled political terrorist material on the internet. Why do they give a free pass to gendered violent material? Chris Dickson, Bexley

The many bouquets of flowers, news reports and social media comments indicate how deeply the events of Saturday afternoon have been felt. If each of us gave a donation to Lifeline, Beyond Blue or other mental health support organisations, imagine what could be done to support those who have experienced this and other traumas. Sally James, Cromer

Where are women safe? It appears that we’re not safe out for a morning jog, we’re not safe shopping at the mall, we’re not safe walking home after an evening out. We’re not even safe in our own homes. Those with mental health issues are not automatically murderers of women. Men whose egos are wounded when their partner leaves and/or misogyny are the culprits behind these weekly murders. When will it stop so that women can be assured of our safety? Where else can we go? Lise Corcoran, Paddington

The Bondi Junction attack makes it imperative that, in future, mental health problems are dealt with in a timely fashion. The police should be able to apply to the court to commit someone for psychiatric care and resources should be provided for that person to get help. Currently it seems like if you have mental health problems and don’t have the means or wherewithal to access help, you are on your own. That cannot continue. Boris Feigin, Narwee

The Waverley Men’s Shed, the only one in the eastern suburbs, needs to move premises; we call upon the governments to find a suitable space for this organisation. There is a growing community need for the training of more counsellors, psychologists and social workers to work in mental health together with medical and nursing staff. Whenever men’s health is not addressed by governments, women and children suffer. Mental health programs need support and ongoing funding in all communities particularly in the current economic climate. Audrey McCallum, Kensington

Peter Dutton claims that Anthony Albanese did not show leadership at a point of national importance, unlike John Howard after the Port Arthur massacre. As well as being deeply offensive, this overlooks the fact that Howard could only achieve the sweeping gun control legislation because he had the total support of the Labor opposition under leader Kim Beazley. Now that is a comparison between opposition leaders at a time of national importance worth making. Colin Hollis, Jamberoo


In the midst of the horror, we might spare a thank-you to John Howard. Imagine if that man had had a gun! Renata Ratzer, Seaford

On the eve of Anzac Day, in praise of “Bollard Man”, Damien Guerot and his friend Silas Despreaux, we return the Villers-Bretonneux inscription “N’oublions jamais les Français”. Jennifer Giles, Elizabeth Bay

Capital gains trump rent in landlords’ income plan

Your correspondent Mustafa Erem, in suggesting that $750 a week rental on a $1.4m house is a very low return, omits the obvious fact that most landlords are in it for the capital gain, which eclipses the weekly return when you are doing it all with someone else’s money (Letters, April 15). In very rough terms, the profit after five years – taking into account capital gains tax for someone on the highest tax bracket with all the negative gearing concessions, on this house, increasing in value at 9 per cent a year with interest rates at 6 per cent on a mortgage of 80 per cent of its value – would be about $420,000 or more than $80,000 a year. But that’s $80,000 on a $280,000 outlay (the 20 per cent deposit), not the full value of the house. It equates to about 30 per cent a year. Take inflation into account if you like, but it’s better than putting $280,000 into the bank. Kevin Hunt, Kenthurst

Is owning a rental property a good investment?

Is owning a rental property a good investment? Credit: AFR

As landlords, my husband and I own a three-bedroom house in Kiama. It is not negatively geared. According to Domain, there are only 11 similar properties to rent. Rents for all available properties range between $700 and $1200 per week. Our rent is $480pw, with a pool. If we wish to increase the rent we must give 90 days’ notice, regardless of whether there is a current lease. I inherited the property from my parents. Now, what situation do you think I would prefer? Jacqui Reed, Concord West

Don’t blame landlords. The housing affordability crisis is caused by Labor’s capital gains tax and its 100 per cent discount for the family home. This attracts massive tax-free investment, greatly facilitates money laundering and worsens inequality. Labor’s short-sighted tax has created the greatest tax-free, intergenerational gravy train this country has ever seen. The landlord is only coming along for the ride, while providing essential rental accommodation that has proved beyond the capacity of government. William Lloyd, Denistone


Mr Erem has forgotten that your investment is in the property, which (hopefully) provides capital gain, which is taxed favourably. The rent and the ability to have it partially repay any loan you take out to purchase your investment or provide you with an income stream is only part of the equation. Sheryl Black, Coffs Harbour

Weep not for landlords, Mustafa Erem. The return of 2.8 per cent per annum is inflation protected because rents tend to rise with house prices. Moreover, landlords have benefited enormously from rising house prices. Who’s to say they won’t continue to do so? Mike Bush, Port Macquarie

The good doctor

How lovely reading about Dr John Wiseman (“Seven decades on medical front line”, April 15). Dr Wiseman did work for some time in a very busy clinic in Morwell. In those days, the doctors worked long hours making home calls as well as servicing the outlying districts. He delivered one of my babies when my regular doctor was away. A happy, caring man. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

Still working at 96, Dr John Wiseman is Victoria’s oldest doctor.

Still working at 96, Dr John Wiseman is Victoria’s oldest doctor.Credit: Simon Schulter

Nats betray the bush

The Nationals claim they are working to ensure rural communities do not disproportionately bear the costs of decarbonisation (Letters, April 15). Sounds fine in principle but what about the other side of the equation? Rural communities disproportionately bear the costs of global warming. Yet I see no tangible commitment on the part of the Nationals or the Coalition to harness the real or potential benefits of the new technology-led transition for rural electorates. Community energy schemes are a case in point. These have been championed by independent MP Helen Haines as a way to improve local resilience, not merely to export the benefits generated by energy development. Jim Allen, Panorama (SA)


OK, National Party, your next step is now obvious: dismantle the Coalition, allowing you and the Liberals to chart your own quite distinct courses for future power generation. You can then take your respective funded policies to the next federal election. You won’t do it, of course, and we all know why. Lewis Winders, Sheffield (Tas)

Wind farms provide greater benefit to the rural communities that host them than the Nationals who represent them ever will. From financial support for community groups to the economic boost from building the farms along with long-term employment for locals, renewables offer a revival for localities that politicians have ignored for decades. Little wonder the Nationals fear them. Andrew Brown, Bowling Alley Point

E-bikes the way to go

Margot Saville is right (“The EV revolution has stalled. Can these nifty bikes kick it back into gear?”, April 13). The e-bike, a most under-rated mode of transport, extends inexpensive travel to not just those elite riders clad in Lycra. E-bike speeds with pedals are limited in Australia to only 25 kilometres per hour but, in the congested peak hour traffic of our cities, this is fast enough to not cause major irritation for drivers. At other times, they are innocuous. Whether riders own an e-bike or use one of the ubiquitous rentals peppered around our streets, motorists and authorities need to encourage their increased adoption as this would actually reduce traffic congestion while being of benefit to community health and the environment. John Kempler, Rose Bay

Melbourne mum Susan Oryzak and her family don’t own a car.

Melbourne mum Susan Oryzak and her family don’t own a car.Credit: Jason South

War, weaponised

Iran says it was responding to the Israeli attack in Damascus (“Israel readies for growing conflict”, April 15). Now Israel says that it will harm anyone who harms it. And so it goes on. And so it has done in the past. No-one knows how it all began or how it will end. Sensible people don’t take sides in this tit-for-tat. But the opposition wants us to. What will that achieve? It criticises Anthony Albanese’s response, yet he condemned the Iranian attack just as Joe Biden did. The Coalition says Albanese should have mentioned the security of Israel, yet he did say just that, and he broadened it to include the whole of the Middle East, as an even-handed response should. The Coalition wants the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to be listed as a terrorist organisation, yet we would apparently be out of step with the G7 if we did that. This situation won’t be solved by acting like children in a schoolyard. David Rush, Lawson


Sir Isaac Isaacs was our first Australian-born and first Jewish governor-general (1931-1936). He was a strong anti-Zionist, believing Judaism was a religious identity and not a national or ethnic one. He opposed the formation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and said that “political Zionism must be sharply distinguished from religious and cultural Zionism, to which I am strongly attached”.

Presciently, Isaacs said “the Zionist movement as a whole makes demands that are arousing the antagonism of the Muslim world of nearly 400 million, thereby menacing the safety of our empire, endangering world peace and imperilling some of the most sacred associations of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Besides their inherent injustice to others, these demands would, I believe, seriously and detrimentally affect the general position of Jews throughout the world”. Jennifer Dewar, Double Bay

For Peter Dutton to claim Penny Wong’s statements on Palestine are “the most reckless act of a foreign minister I have seen in my 22 years in parliament” is laughable, especially given those years include John Howard’s support of the invasion of Iraq. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Feedback overload

Jo Stubbings’ amusing rant about customer feedback surveys no doubt struck a chord with many readers (Letters, April 15). One serious flaw in the format of many of these questionnaires is asking only how the customer service operator performed, which is an entirely different question to how the company did in resolving your issue. If I say someone was great, that doesn’t mean I’m satisfied by the service provided by the company they work for. And while the temptation is to vent one’s frustration about the latter by giving the customer service person a one-star rating, that is obviously unfair, given they have no control over their employers’ unreasonable or illogical policies and practices. Even if they are an actual human being. Ross Duncan, Potts Point

Many writers have complained about the barrage of messages from businesses seeking a review of services provided. The simple answer is that they are automated prompts to your initial contact. Middle managers have been removed from businesses on their quest for higher and higher
profits. This automated service is an attempt to fulfil middle management functions. Ignore these requests or seek a payment to complete the survey. Barry O’Connell, Old Toongabbie

Women are better sports

Yes Peter FitzSimons, worrying times for sure, but was it intentional or just a reflection of reality that every example of this disease you referred to (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) was male (“Attack if you will, but I stand by every word on concussion debate”, April 13). Because there are still plenty of good sporting broadcasts to watch; it is just that they involve women playing the game. After years of following the Sea Eagles, playing grade rugby for Gordon, et cetera, I never watch male games anymore and instead I watch only the Matildas, women’s cricket, et cetera. If ever the males revert to better behaviour, on and off the field, please let me know. Denis Williams, Sydney

Hunger games

And tucked away in this article, along with ways that we are saving money such as less food delivery, less eating out, fewer car journeys to save on petrol, is the zinger of cost of living stress relief: skipping meals (“High prices mean less fruit and veg and more nuggets”, April 15). There you go Australia, just stop eating and we’ll be fine. Monica Turik, Fairfield West

Art attack

I do hope Jason Lau feels much better now the contumelious lasses will be deprived of their ladies-only lounge (Letters, April 13). One would have thought that given his visit was on April 1, he might have made his complaint as a wee joke. Unfortunately, the case and the outcome are a sad indictment on a bit of quirky art and fun at MONA. Bruce Hall, Avalon

High Tea for Two, Ladies Lounge at Mona, curated by Kirsha Kaechele

High Tea for Two, Ladies Lounge at Mona, curated by Kirsha KaecheleCredit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford

Mmmm … alliteration

Hi Maurice Critchley from Mangrove Mountain (Letters, April 15). Would you consider changing your surname to say, Monaghan, so you can join the highly esteemed “Meroo Meadowers” chapter of Herald letter writers? Bruce Woodhouse, Bardwell Park

The alternate alternative

The Australia Post website says letters will now be delivered “every second business day”. But nowhere have I been able to find out what this means. Is it Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday and Thursday? I am just glad that the answer (whatever it is) isn’t being sent by mail!
John Lees, Castlecrag

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