

This was published 3 months ago

Hero, villain, or both? Untangling Assange’s divisive legacy

Two contrasting Herald opinion pieces on Julian Assange caught my eye. In the first, Jaqueline Maley introduced some difficult concepts for our consideration (“The freedom messiah is free, but a few women won’t join the cheer squad”, June 30). This was done objectively through her disciplined and professional skills. In time, she may or may not change my thinking, but she has engaged me with the ideas she presented. Then there was the piece by George Brandis (“Just don’t call him a hero. Assange’s recklessness may have cost lives”, July 1). It reveals a superior tone which transforms the issue into a vehicle for mockery, derision and oversimplification. Whilst journalists of the calibre of Jaqueline Maley strive to lead us to new considerations, the ideological iterations of Brandis only reinforce our prejudices and divisions. John Oakley, Wollongong

Julian Assange and the PM

Julian Assange and the PM Credit: John Shakespeare

Brandis suggests with conviction that Assange’s actions may have caused loss of life. I wonder if Brandis has the same compassion for the thousands of civilians killed in the illegal Iraqi war, a disastrous war that led to the birth of al-Qaeda. Trevor Parmenter, Breakfast Point

Brandis claims Assange shouldn’t be treated as a hero because his unredacted data dump “may” have cost lives, possibly so, but Brandis didn’t provide any facts to back his assertion. Brandis conveniently forgets that the war that Assange was releasing information on was initially based on a false premise of weapons of mass destruction, and the resultant war did, in fact, cost lives, tens of thousands of lives of innocent civilians. Ross Hudson Mount Martha (Vic)

I have great sympathy for Assange and the judicial and territorial overreach to which he was subjected, over such a long time, by the US. But we should not forget that WikiLeaks published the Hillary Clinton emails, which led to an FBI investigation that was closed, then reopened just 11 days before the 2016 US election, but closed again only two days before. The FBI flip-flops were weaponised by Trump, and if Clinton had won only 80,000 more votes in three close states, she’d be president. So you could posit that WikiLeaks and Assange gave us Trump. John Burman, Port Macquarie

When Brandis says he was briefed by our intelligence agencies, are these the same agencies that wrongly claimed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and, as a consequence, put ADF lives at risk and resulted in killing 200,000 innocent Iraqi civilians? Ian Ferrier, Paddington

For once, I agree with George Brandis. Some of the media coverage of Assange’s return was nauseatingly unctuous, and if he’s a “hero”, then the bar must be pretty low. Just dropping nasty stuff from a great height doesn’t seem to me to be particularly skilful. And being canonised for doing so (if there was a risk to others’ safety) is over the top, to put it mildly. We’re quick to look for so-called heroes, and the starry-eyed adulation Assange got is no different to that regularly lavished on sporting personalities who are elevated to demigod status simply for being good at kicking a ball, hitting one with a stick or moving the fastest. That’s hardly the stuff of true heroism either, even without the self-awarded victimhood. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

George Brandis, we are not calling Julian Assange a hero. It is just that he has suffered enough and deserves his freedom. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

US presidential debate was a three-way disaster

The Biden/Trump debate was a complete car crash, but I have a very different take from the commentators (“Joe can serve four more years in job”, July 1). There were three parties involved and all were awful: Biden, Trump and the moderators. Yes, Biden sounded frail, but if you could actually make out what he was saying the content was mostly fine apart from those awful memory lapses. But the worst of the three were the moderators, whose behaviour was inexcusable. They let Trump routinely avoid the questions; he lied, blustered and went off on nonsensical tangents. I am none the wiser about what he thinks of policy direction. Why have all the commentators given Trump a free pass on this, yet have eviscerated Biden? We need another debate. Biden needs to channel his inner mongrel, the moderators need to do their jobs and Trump needs to answer the questions and be fact-checked live. Judy Hungerford, Kew (Vic)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and President Joe Biden during the debate hosted by CNN.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and President Joe Biden during the debate hosted by CNN.Credit: AP

I, too, am an octogenarian, older than Biden, who through no fault of his own has created an impression of inevitable senility for anyone in their 80s. At 80 you don’t necessarily fall up steps and down steps, forget where you are and need an attentive wife to steer you around. Of course, all guarantees of normalcy are off, if like Biden and Trump you are afflicted with a neurological condition and/or a gross personality defect. The 80s can be great, and reaching this milestone surely beats the alternative. Trevor Somerville, Illawong

After watching the presidential debate I could come to no other conclusion but that Joe Biden must go. He was so much better in the debates four years ago, and he was a fine vice-president under Barack Obama, uttering many words of wisdom, but now he is a shadow of his former self. This presents an opportunity for Kamala Harris to become the first female president of the US. In this dark hour for the Democrats, the time has arrived for Harris to step up; “cometh the hour, cometh the woman.” She is up against a felon, an instinctive, pathological liar who adores the two most brutal dictators of our time, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un. She must run for the sake of democracy, the US and the free world. Frank Carroll, Moorooka

Hopefully, in the interest of saving the American democracy, Joe Biden will listen to his family and leave the way open for the Democrats to have a fighting chance to keep Trump at bay. Biden cannot win and he must stand down. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

American exceptionalism at work again. Chris Downs, Stanwell Park

For the past few years many observers/commentators have been derided for pointing out President Biden’s mental decline. Labelling these realists as conspirators or biased, or else themselves in mental decline, those whose job it is to brush things under carpets only took out the long-handled brooms last Friday – better late than never is a lie. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

Labor, let conscience speak

I am Jewish, and a Labor voter in most cases (“PM extends senator’s ban from caucus”, July 1). I support Senator Fatima Payman for giving voice to what so many of us feel so strongly. I hope that instead of a reprimand, more Labor parliamentarians are accepted as representing their electorates. I know that in Wills there is a groundswell of support for Palestine. Courageous representation is what we need. Labor, hear our voice and we will be pleased for it. Melanie Lazarow, Brunswick

Labor senator Fatima Payman

Labor senator Fatima Payman Credit: James Brickwood

Payman has my admiration. She displays personal integrity in her stance on Gaza and has the courage of her convictions. We could do with more like her in Australian politics. However, in an increasingly diverse caucus, denying one’s deeply held principles or crossing the floor to uphold them should not be the only alternatives available. Abstention must be regarded as an acceptable third position. Meredith Williams, Baulkham Hills

If you want a parliamentary representative to represent your community’s needs and viewpoints, vote for a capable independent. Chris Bilsland, Lane Cove

I could never vote for a Liberal government, but my admiration of Bridget Archer is only exceeded by my admiration for Payman. Both women reflect the values of the majority of Australian women and it is time for both parties to take note. Have they noticed that the teals are women? Our sympathies lie with the mothers and children of Gaza and the main reason for that is due to the male-dominated Israeli government. Carole Hayes, Newtown

If Labor is so insecure that it cannot allow MPs to vote their conscience, then it isn’t much of a party. Barry Henson, Upper Orara

Dutton out of step

China, the largest electricity market in the world, installed 1.4 GW of new nuclear in 2023, minuscule compared to nearly 300 GW of wind and solar (Letters, July 1). China installed no nuclear in the first four months of 2024, and almost 80 GW of wind and solar. The US and India are following suit. Peter Dutton’s outspoken advocacy of nuclear is out of step with the rest of the world. Nuclear is so expensive that money thrown at it may well be enough to back up wind-solar with batteries and small-scale pumped hydro. George Carrard, Oatley

Non-partisan tax reform

Most people believe the tax system needs reform (“Who knew? This governing caper is grounding”, July 1). The problem is each person believes the reform needed is the one that will benefit me. If a reform is undertaken that is not beneficial to me, I vote the government out at the next election.

The real problem with tax reform is that our type of government is not conducive to reform that is best in the long term, but painful to some in the short term. If you want tax reform, use an independent body to set the rules. Take the responsibility away from those who rely on the popular vote for their job security. Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Retired? No. Just tired

The suggestion that women retiring at an average age of 54 is purely menopause-related quite possibly oversimplifies a more complex set of conditions (“Why are women retiring at 54? It’s not because we’re sick”, June 29). I am 54. Two years ago, I ended my 30-year career as a teacher in favour of a bunch of smaller, less stressful, less lucrative jobs. I have children living at home, a husband, an ageing parent needing support, an old house that needs work and multiple health conditions. I’ve spent my life being a parent, a step-parent, a single parent, a re-married parent, a friend, a “housewife” while also being a full-time teacher and a community volunteer and somewhere in there I’ve tried to do a few things that are just for me. I’m tired! I am of a generation where absolutely everything has been expected of women. And while I haven’t strictly retired, I think I’ve just ground to a halt. Kathryn Hawkins, Normanhurst

Tired woman

Tired woman Credit: iStock

My life is torture

I am glad Narelle Onley and Lynne Spender were able to access voluntary assisted dying (“Narelle watched her husband die a painful death, so she chose hers”, June 29). I wish I had that option. I have been a paraplegic for 15 years, and I am also by choice a very solitary person. During those 15 years, I have continued to live alone, with assistance once a week for housework. I am fortunate to have loving siblings, their children and many friends, and I am close to all of them, but I have also always needed significant periods of time on my own to maintain my mental equilibrium and happiness.

Unfortunately, voluntary assisted dying in all states focuses on physical health rather than psychological well-being. After an accident, I am now in the unhappy situation of needing to live in residential care. I have no control over who enters or leaves my room and am constantly exhorted to join in communal activities. In Huis Clos (No Exit) Jean-Paul Sartre said;“hell is other people”.

I would be happy to undertake psychological examination and assessment, with my life’s testament to the choices I have made which reflect my solitary nature and preferences. Please remember those of us who might have to endure this torture for many years, and make the voluntary assisted dying legislation more flexible. Jean Gordon, Tugun

Reason for republic

Surely, the awarding of the King Charles coronation medal to Ben Roberts-Smith is another compelling reason for us to ditch our mindless subservience to an English king and his remote monarchy and establish our maturity as a republic (“WA governor hosts Ben Roberts-Smith to receive medal from King”, June 29). The award is meant for valiant and honourable Australian holders of the Victoria Cross. To award it automatically to this man of dubious character is to lessen its worth and it demonstrates how little thought the king or his minions have given. We no longer accept knighthoods and should no longer accept English military awards. Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo

Kings of the castle

I still have a photo taken in February 1981 of two mates, myself and our VW Golf hire car parked at the huge front doors of the castle (“First peek for public at Balmoral castle”, July 1). We walked around the outside and looked through some of the windows. We left the grounds and not a person or security in sight. John Gilford, Gladesville

Party confusion

I have long thought that if the Nationals indeed care about rural communities and their sustainability, they have more in common with the Greens (“NSW Liberal Party mulls Coalition split as row intensifies”,, July 1). Liberal and Labor are almost indistinguishable. Perhaps a realignment in the parliamentary seating is needed? David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

EU regrets

The people of the UK are finally waking up to the fact that getting out of the EU wasn’t such a great idea (“Most Brits say it was a mistake to leave EU”, July 1). The promises of con artists like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson have proven hollow. Like the promises made by that greatest of the con specialists, Donald Trump, to gullible voters in the US. It will all end in tears. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

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