

This was published 4 years ago

Harry Seidler, the 'great disruptor' of modern Australian architecture

By Julie Power

"It really is out of this world": The Harry Seidler-designed Berman House in the Southern Highlands.

"It really is out of this world": The Harry Seidler-designed Berman House in the Southern Highlands.Credit: Wolter Peeters

hat would Harry do? Since 1961, not a tap nor a tile in the home that internationally celebrated modern architect Harry Seidler designed for the Weinreich family was changed without his advice.

With its circular dining room and round table set with lime-green table mats and orange napkins under a massive skylight, the Weinreichs' glass-fronted home in Sydney's east is frozen in the swinging '60s.

"I wanted light because we were in the darkness during the Holocaust," says Aneta Weinreich, now in her 90s. Nearly all of Aneta and Joseph Weinreich's families were killed by the Nazis in Poland.

What would Harry do? Joseph and Aneta Weinreich in their Seidler-designed home.

What would Harry do? Joseph and Aneta Weinreich in their Seidler-designed home.Credit: James Brickwood

Born in Vienna in 1923, Harry Seidler was an Austrian Jewish refugee who was interned during the war.

When the young architect arrived in Sydney in 1948, he found "deadly, dull suburbia" and an oppressive "sea of red brick and tile".

Seidler, who died in 2006, brought modernism to Australia in the late 1940s and 1950s when the country was considered "the arse end of the world", says award-winning architect Shaun Carter. "Seidler had big ideas and big talent – as big as his personality – and he almost grabbed Australia by the scruff of the neck and shook it."


His award-winning designs changed the skyline, lifting it higher and higher, and transformed how we lived and worked in Australia and overseas. They included Sydney's Australia Square tower, a circular skyscraper that contrasted against the rectangular blocks that surrounded it; McMahons Point's Blues Point Tower, which Seidler said was one of his best yet still attracts controversy; the Australian Embassy in Paris; and, in Darlinghurst, the Horizon apartments and their curved balconies.


The Weinreichs' love affair with Seidler's optimistic vision of the future began years earlier when they visited the home that the 27-year-old Harry Seidler had built between 1948 and 1950 for his mother Rose.

At its first open house 70 years ago on December 17, 1950, Rose Seidler House's whopping large glass walls prompted this masthead to warn "People Who Live In Glass Houses Must Warn Their Guests". The Herald reported a man bumped into the glass, thinking it was an opening to the garden: "Neither he or the glass was damaged."

One of the most talked about houses in Sydney: Rose Seidler House.

One of the most talked about houses in Sydney: Rose Seidler House.Credit: Harry Seidler, Copyright Penelope Seidler

The Herald visited people who still live in Seidler-designed homes and apartments, and remain true to his original vision decades later, and spoke to architects about how his vision shaped the way Australians live today.

The 'great disruptor'


Crowds flocked, often four deep, to Rose Seidler House. It was one of three modernist houses that Seidler built for his extended family on a former pottery clay mining site on Clissold Road, Wahroonga.

"It was a sensation, the most talked about house in Sydney," architect Penelope Seidler, his widow and director of Seidler & Associates, told visitors in December.

It made such a splash that Mrs Seidler recalled hearing about it as a 12-year-old from her father Clive Evatt, the then-housing minister. It was nothing like the surrounding brick homes and bungalows, including the nearby heritage-listed Georgian home "Parklands" where Penelope grew up.

From that moment on, Seidler – described as the "great disruptor" by leading architect Caroline Pidcock – was rarely out of the media.

Seidler "supercharged the modern architecture movement" in Australia, leading the way with new approaches on how to live in this country and sculptural solutions to sun control, says Pidcock.

While other architects shied from controversy, Seidler sought it, says Carter, the founding architect of Carter Williamson Architects.


Within a few years, Seidler's determination to modernise Australian architecture was described as a "crusading zeal" in newspaper interviews. He won dozens of awards, including five Sulman Medals (the prestigious award for architecture), clients and media attention.

People magazine described Seidler as an impatient young man, and "a convert to a new religion" of modernism, in an article in 1950 heralding "the High Priest of the Twentieth Century".

Before arriving in Australia, Seidler had worked and studied with the who's who of modernism. They included Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus School; Marcel Breuer, the architect who also designed the eponymous famous mid-century chair; and Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. The Chinese architect I.M. Pei, who designed the famous Louvre glass pyramid, was among his classmates studying under Gropius at Harvard.

Seidler said his time studying in the United States with Bauhaus artist Josef Albers had taught him more about visual perceptions than "any architecture school".

Harry Seidler in People Magazine in the 1950s.

Harry Seidler in People Magazine in the 1950s.

Sydney lapped up Rose Seidler House, a tiny, space-aged cube of 150 square metres. Glass walls let the light in, and gave a view of the bush that surrounded it. It was also lit from within by an internal terrace decorated with a bright Brazilian-inspired mural painted by Seidler himself.

It also had an unusual sloping entry ramp – ready for take off into a pool that never materialised – down its side.


At that time, most Australian homes were adaptations of designs from cooler climates with small windows. The use of glass and the flexible layout with separate areas for children and adults was "more suited to an ambitious young country with a warmer climate", says Carter.

Soon after the building was completed, Seidler said the contemporary architect thought about an "environment for living" rather than of empty box-like rooms. "He designs actual spaces in the interior for specific purposes and designs the furnishings and equipment that go into them," he told the Sunday Telegraph in 1952.

It was different inside too. With his mother's approval, Seidler had furnished the new home with kitchen cupboards with doors of different primary colours, built-in cupboards, adjustable shelves, and Eero Saarinen and Eames furniture he'd brought from New York.

It also had the latest in modern technology: a dishwasher, which Seidler later said was then the "newest thing in the world", plug-in radios, exhaust fans and drainage that was hidden from view.

Penelope Seidler gives guests a tour of Rose Seidler House in December.

Penelope Seidler gives guests a tour of Rose Seidler House in December.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Seidler wasn't Australia's first or only modernistic architect, but he "put design on the map and in the papers", says Ian Innes, director of heritage, assets and museums, at Sydney Living Museums.

Working with photographer Max Dupain, Seidler developed a Sydney modern look that captured homes like the Weinreichs and created an image of what modern architecture should look like, Innes says.


Each new project resulted in a fight with councils filled with people Seidler disparaged, variously, as "butchers and grocers" who made "idiotic judgments" on aesthetics and couldn't read sophisticated plans.

Councils said glass walls weren't really walls. Walls were bricks or tiles. They said his ceilings in the split-level designs were too low. They wondered about drainage. (He often hid it inside the buildings.)

They queried the shape of his roofs. Some were arched, like the "igloos" of the garage at the Williamson house at the Spit. Some had waves, such as Meares House in Birchgrove and the Berman house at Joadja. Many were flat, like Rose Seidler House. Others were butterfly shaped, like the Meller House in Castlecrag.

And councils questioned the modern engineering that used reinforced concrete to create cantilevered balconies and floors, and made building on steep rocky sites possible.

Julian Rose House in Wahroonga, designed by Harry Seidler.

Julian Rose House in Wahroonga, designed by Harry Seidler.Credit: Max Dupain, Copyright Penelope Seidler

In 1952, the Herald reported on a knockout win by Seidler against Ku-ring-gai Council where council opposed his use of glass, saying it was a "brick area".

The media coverage popularised the discussion of architecture, says Innes.

'Seidler approved'

When John Zwar, a young scientist in Canberra, asked Seidler in the mid-1950s to design a modest family home, he gave Seidler freedom to choose everything, including the brightly coloured doors.

Ted Meller House in Castlecrag.

Ted Meller House in Castlecrag. Credit: Marcell Seidler, Copyright Penelope Seidler

Zwar told author Milton Cameron his friends thought him mad for following Seidler's advice faithfully. "What, you're letting your architect dictate your taste?"

Seidler's teacher at Harvard in the US, Walter Gropius, believed in democratising architecture by giving people of all incomes access to high-quality housing that was full of light, well ventilated, durable, flexible, cost effective and used the latest in technology.

"Let us together create the new building of the future, which will be everything in one form: architecture and sculpture and painting," said Gropius.

The Zwar family, with Nick Zwar as a child, at their Seidler-designed house in Canberra.

The Zwar family, with Nick Zwar as a child, at their Seidler-designed house in Canberra.Credit: Zwar family

Many average Australians approached Seidler wanting something other than the traditional brick box. The smallest and least expensive home designed by Seidler was one in the southern Sydney suburb of Miranda that was 80 square metres and cost £2000. It was built for a sign writer, Ralph Heydon, with "an acute visual sense" who "just had to have a modern house", said Seidler.

Seidler's associate Colin Griffiths told a 2008 panel that Heydon was typical of clients who had embraced modernism but had modest budgets and tiny sites. "It was really such a pleasure to do those," said Griffiths.

The Zwars sometimes grumbled that the split-level house was noisy because of the open plan. They were reluctant to change it, though, says Zwar's son, Professor Nick Zwar, executive dean of health sciences and medicine at Bond University.

The house had charm and it was light, says Zwar, who grew up in the home. “In the sunny dining area and with the full-length windows, you had a sense of space and the beautiful blue Canberra skies. You’d wake up to look out at gum trees and magpies.

“It was so different from other houses kids grew up in. They had walls and doors."

The Zwar house in Canberra.

The Zwar house in Canberra.

He remembers his parents asking, "What would Harry think?" before making changes to the home. Much later, Seidler also oversaw extensions to accommodate the Zwars' growing family.

Some of Seidler's early clients were European migrants. Like the Weinreichs, many believed that only Seidler – an Austrian Jewish refugee – would understand their desire for a home that would take them into the future instead of anchoring them to the past.

Weinreich's son Henry, a fashion designer who appeared as a mentor on Project Runway Australia, sums up his parents' attitude: "We've survived the war, we've survived Hitler, we survived Stalin; we are not going to be jailed inside our own homes."

Henry Weinreich with his parents Joseph and Aneta Weinreich inside their Seidler-designed home.

Henry Weinreich with his parents Joseph and Aneta Weinreich inside their Seidler-designed home.Credit: James Brickwood

Fourteen years after Seidler's death, Mrs Weinreich's finger still points up to the heavens to ask what Harry would do. Failing a response from above, she calls Seidler & Associates.

The Weinreichs have changed nothing. Last week they sat eating Polish cheesecake on German crockery and cutlery at the table, where Aneta wrote her book, The Right Time to Speak, about how she survived the Holocaust and where Joseph and son Henry are now writing the older man's story.

With the exception of the baked cheesecake, it was all ordained by Seidler, who took Mrs Weinreich shopping to select everything. She says he gave advice on what flowers to buy (gladiolus still unopened) and what art to hang – a John Coburn painting hangs near the front door.

"It is all Seidler approved," she says.

Weinreich House in Vaucluse 1962, including a painting by John Coburn.

Weinreich House in Vaucluse 1962, including a painting by John Coburn.Credit: Max Dupain, Copyright Penelope Seidler

Many owners are not as loyal, yet still advertise their homes as Seidler-designed when they have been altered beyond recognition, says Seidler's daughter Polly, a lawyer.

"I often have to explain to real estate agents that the house they are selling has been so altered that nothing of Seidler remains, so it is contrary to consumer law, let alone false attribution, under the artistic moral rights provisions of the Copyright Act, to use the name Seidler to describe what they are selling."

Harry & Penelope Seidler House

A kangaroo hops through the garden of the 1967 home that Harry and Penelope Seidler built for themselves in Killara.

"It's cosy isn't it?" asks Mrs Seidler. Despite the heft that comes from the concrete form and the size, it is a restful nest.

Penelope Seidler at her home in Killara.

Penelope Seidler at her home in Killara.Credit: Kate Geraghty

It is filled with her cross-stitch work, photos, art, mementoes, tiny models of famous buildings and mid-century furniture. Harry Seidler's clothes still hang in the wardrobe. Architecture books pack the study where nothing has changed, and his plans and designs still fill the drafting room that overlooks the creek.

Compared to many of the smaller homes that Seidler built, it feels like a concrete mothership.

But the themes are similar. Like others, the home is sited to the block; its split levels follow the fall of the gully down to the creek that runs through the property. The kitchen and dining room face the north to get the sun, while the study and bedrooms get less light. The children's playroom and bedrooms, monastic by today's standards, are on a different level from the living room.

Penelope Seidler at her husband Harry’s drafting desk at her home in Killara, with sculptures by Hilarie Mais behind.

Penelope Seidler at her husband Harry’s drafting desk at her home in Killara, with sculptures by Hilarie Mais behind.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Seidler said of his architecture: "It shall be comfortable, it shall be solid, it shall stand up to the wear and tear, and delight, it should be a pleasure to be in and work in."

"Modern-medieval, I call it," Mrs Seidler told Monocle Films in 2016.

The house won the 1967 Wilkinson Award for residential architecture, the third in a row for Seidler.

A cuckoo clock in the kitchen sounds. Mrs Seidler had wanted to buy it when she saw it in a shop in the Black Forest in Germany. Did Harry want it? No, but they compromised, buying a plain clock in wood. Over time, though, the man that young Penelope Evatt married on her 20th birthday in 1958 loved its old-fashioned call.

Marrying Seidler, then 35 and controversial, was like going from the "frying pan into the fire", says Mrs Seidler, 82.

Harry and Penelope Seidler in 1958.

Harry and Penelope Seidler in 1958.Credit: Marcell Seidler, Copyright Penelope Seidler

Seidler's experience in the internment camps had given him "a healthy disregard for stupid laws", she says.

Along with 2300 men aged 16 to 60, mostly Jewish and nearly all civilian refugees fleeing Nazism, Seidler had been shipped from an internment camp on the Isle of Man to a similar camp in Canada in 1940.

"The surprise was that we were received as German prisoners [of war]," said Rabbi Schild, now 92, who was on the same ship as Seidler in 1940. He told Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail that they were greeted by soldiers carrying machine guns, and initially housed with Nazi prisoners of war who taunted the Jewish refugees.

In the camp, Seidler attended informal architecture lectures. When asked what he was going to do when he was released from camp, Seidler replied: "Obviously I am going to study architecture."

A design for a small house he drew while in the camp was praised by inmates. The only criticism? The windows were too small.

Blues Point Tower

When the NSW government said it was going to zone the harbourside McMahons Point as industrial in 1957, Seidler and other architects agreed to help the local progress association convince politicians that the site would be better suited to high-density residential living.

Together they came up with a concept that included a flight of apartment blocks going up the hill, with the tallest at the top, and staggered so they didn't block each other's views.

In the end, only Blues Point Tower went up – on the site where the earlier concept had located a hotel.

Surrounded by water on three sides, the 25-storey building (plus ground floor) with 144 apartments stood out. Completed in 1962, it was then the tallest apartment block in Sydney.

Blues Point Tower at McMahons Point.

Blues Point Tower at McMahons Point.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Seidler thought the building one of his best, and was particularly proud of its "scintillating facade" with its placement of windows in alternating spots.

Even today, dwarfed by buildings like the under-construction Crown Casino directly across the harbour, it is still controversial.

Treasurer Dominic Perrottet recently put it at the top of his wish list of buildings he'd like to see removed.

But those who live there love it, and its views.

After nearly 60 years, the block is showing the signs of age.

Felicity O'Brien, a resident since the 1970s who is on the strata committee of the owners' corporation, says they are determined to restore it to "what Harry would've wanted".

The committee is now discussing a heritage restoration project, which the strata committee expects to cost millions, with Seidler & Associates. Called a "windows, doors and balconies" project, it will also see the concrete exterior restored to the original colour that Seidler preferred.

"The strata committee is dedicated to carrying out the work in a way that Harry would've liked," says O'Brien.

Harry Seidler pictured in 1991 on the balcony of his Milsons Point office-penthouse with Blues Point  Tower at left in background.

Harry Seidler pictured in 1991 on the balcony of his Milsons Point office-penthouse with Blues Point Tower at left in background. Credit: Robert Pearce

When the then 31-year-old Ingrid Reynolds moved into her apartment on the 16th floor of Blues Point Tower in the early 1970s, it was very social. "There were lots of eligible men around," she says.

Just back from working in London, Reynolds, now 79, wanted modernity, water views, and a quick trip by ferry to a new job at Circular Quay. When she went to visit a flat for sale in Blues Point, she was sold – it had views across the bush to the west. "I said yes, and here I am."

Her two-bedroom apartment is "untouched, original Harry," she says apart from a bathroom renovation. Wallpaper was also added at some stage, something Seidler didn't use.

Blues Point Tower residents Felicity O'Brien and Ingrid Reynolds.

Blues Point Tower residents Felicity O'Brien and Ingrid Reynolds.Credit: Nick Moir

Responding to changing times, the flats were pitched at young female professionals like Reynolds. For example, a 1971 photo essay of the tower showed single professional women partying by candlelight, ironing in the kitchen and reading on a single bed.

Now on the heritage committee of the NSW chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects, Harper says Seidler's work shaped the way Australians wanted to live in the 1960s. Homes and apartments were efficiently planned, light-filled and sited to suit the landscapes.

Reynold's neighbour O’Brien has one of the best views in Sydney, from Barangaroo to the Sydney's north. "We just love living here, and we wouldn’t live anywhere else," says O'Brien.

Berman House at Joadja

For Seidler, nothing came close to the Southern Highlands house he designed for the Berman family in 1999. Its roof curls like a wave crashing on a walkway jutting out about half a kilometre above the Wingecarribee River below.

"A level roof would be rather a dull thing to do on such a marvellous site," he said in 2001. "Thanks to modern technology, we can bend and twist steel like spaghetti into any configuration we want."

Andrew Martin, the owner of Berman House, which was built in 1999.

Andrew Martin, the owner of Berman House, which was built in 1999.Credit: Wolter Peeters

The steel structure of the roof responded to the site's remote location. It allowed Seidler to do more with less, and prefabricate and assemble the roof on site using fewer elements than a timber frame.

Seidler saw architecture as a piece of art; "frozen music" was the term he used. He told Architectural Digest in 2001 that at Joadja he had wanted to defy gravity, and create something in three dimensions that was "poetic and beautiful".

During the coronavirus lockdown this year, the house represented isolation and peace to its current owner, who decamped there for the duration. "It is my happy place," says investment manager Andrew Martin.

It was also perfect for retailer David Jones during isolation, which used the suspended walkway jutting out over the valley for its virtual fashion show.

Buying the four-bedroom house in 2009 in the midst of the global financial crisis was a bold decision, says Martin. So the family rents the secluded home out as a luxury getaway – at around $2000 a night – attracting architects and mid-century design lovers.

Architect Antony Westwood is also "in love" with the house, which he worked on as a new graduate with Seidler in the 1990s. It was one of Seidler's most dramatic designs: "The stone anchors the building, and the use of glass and steel make it looks like it is hovering. It really is out of this world."

Nothing escaped Seidler's attention, he says. He designed the kitchen, the bar stools, coffee tables, and even trestle beds that the original owner's children would use for sleepovers.

Inside Berman House at Joadja, with new non-Seidler furniture.

Inside Berman House at Joadja, with new non-Seidler furniture.Credit: Wolter Peeters

For all the glamorous houses, Westwood says Seidler built many humble and simple family homes including social housing. "That impressed me about Harry; he came from a generation who survived war, and wanted to build a better world. That is where his ideology came from ... he saw modernism as an aesthetic and a way of building better quality houses and built environment."


Seidler said modernism wasn't a style, but a marriage of art, technology, and social needs that was always changing and adapting.

"It was a conviction that what man's eye seeks in our era, in our time, is not the ponderous solidity of traditional architecture where everything was built to four walls around a room and spaces that were finite," said Seidler. "But rather our eyes seek transparency, lightness, being able to look through things," he said in an interview included in the video Frozen Music.

In his first years with Seidler, Westwood was often called out like an informal handyman to help those people who wouldn't do anything without consulting Seidler: "I'd change lightbulbs and unclog sinks," he says.

He helped Joseph Weinreich in Vaucluse choose and install lights, design a wall for a letterbox, and replace tap fittings.

Many clients remained loyal to the Seidler vision for decades.

That's because, says Carter, they saw their homes as art.

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