

This was published 8 months ago

Getting away with murder: Kate McClymont on her run-in with Australia’s most corrupt cop

Samantha Selinger-Morris, the host of Please Explain, sits down with the Herald’s chief investigative reporter Kate McClymont to discuss the life and times of corrupt cop Roger Rogerson.

Roger Rogerson, pictured here in 1990, and the Herald’s chief investigative reporter Kate McClymont.

Roger Rogerson, pictured here in 1990, and the Herald’s chief investigative reporter Kate McClymont.Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

Samantha Selinger-Morris: Roger Rogerson died at 83 years old on Sunday. You’ve covered all sorts of corruption, all sorts of notorious criminals for more than 30 years. So through that lens, I’d love to ask you, why is Roger Rogerson so renowned? What makes him stand out amid what have really been tons of corrupt cops over the years who’ve walked our streets?

Kate McClymont: None have ever been as corrupt as Roger Rogerson. The astonishing thing about him was that at one stage, this was NSW’s most decorated police officer. So you’ve got the two sides: here’s the public side, this brave, courageous police officer. And then you’ve got the reality of him killing people while he was a police officer, engaging in organised crime, orchestrating organised crime, and basically letting some of the nation’s most scary and dangerous criminals actually get away with their crimes. It’s hard to even imagine that that is possible.

It does beggar belief. Can you give us some specifics - take us through some of the most notorious crimes that he committed?

Roger Rogerson joined the police force in 1958. So we fast-forward and by the 1980s, he’s working in a notorious squad called the armed hold-up squad. Somewhere along the line, he gets into bed with the chief armed robber in the state – who’d also been to jail for rape, and was a heroin dealer – Arthur “Neddy” Smith. So they join forces and Roger says, “Neddy, OK”; they actually work out where to rob banks; “We won’t be there, we’ll be turning a blind eye. And in return, I need a cut of things. I also need information on other criminals so I can look like I’m doing great stuff.”


So at the same time, he was eliminating Neddy’s rivals. And when the pair fell out, Neddy Smith basically said, “Roger gave me the green light to do any kind of crime I wanted, except for murder” - which he did anyway. He ended up doing a life sentence for a murder. Here is one of the state’s most decorated officers in league with one of the state’s most serious criminals.

Where it actually went wrong for Roger was in 1981. Neddy Smith organised for Roger Rogerson to meet an up-and-coming criminal, Warren Lanfranchi. And Warren had shot at a police officer, had also been involved in a heroin ripoff, and he knew he was in trouble. So Neddy Smith had organised for him to meet Rogerson in a laneway in Dangar Place in Chippendale in Sydney’s inner west. And with him, he took $10,000 to pay his way out of trouble. So waiting for him in Dangar Place was Roger Rogerson and a number of his colleagues. Roger shot and killed Warren Lanfranchi and it was interesting that in the inquest later, evidence was given from people who were nearby that they heard one shot followed by a six-second delay and another shot – which was basically Roger shooting him, then walking over to the body and making sure that he was dead.

Warren Lanfranchi and girlfriend Sallie-Anne Huckstepp.

Warren Lanfranchi and girlfriend Sallie-Anne Huckstepp. Credit: Fairfax Media


When the inquest came around, it was revealed that Lanfranchi’s girlfriend at the time, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp said, “He had $10,000, he also did not have a weapon, he was not going to confront somebody of the likes of Roger Rogerson.” And Roger tried to say “he pulled a gun and that’s why I shot him in rapid fire” but as I said [there was a] six-second delay. And it was interesting that at the inquest that they were not satisfied that Roger shot [Lanfranchi] while trying to preserve his own safety. They did not come to that conclusion. It was in the line of duty, but they weren’t convinced that Lanfranchi had fired. A gun was never found, the $10,000 was never found, but interestingly two women who gave evidence about Rogerson and Neddy Smith, both died. One of them was Sallie-Anne Huckstepp. She’d gone on 60 Minutes, she’d gone on A Current Affair, she was saying there is something really corrupt in NSW Police. So she was a danger to them and her body was found in a pond in Centennial Park in early 1986.

But the other person Lyn Woodward, who was giving similar evidence to Sallie-Anne Huckstepp, she disappeared while giving evidence and was never seen again. No one ever knows what happened to her, but it’s widely believed that Rogerson organised to have her killed. While he got away with the Lanfranchi shooting, it was such big publicity at the time that somebody could be shot dead in basically inner-city Sydney that the spotlight was now on just the darker sides of Roger Rogerson.

This was 1981. So in 1984, Michael Drury, an undercover detective, is in his own home in Chatswood, he’s 31 years old. He’s got two little kids, he’s feeding one of the kids in a high chair, and he’s shot twice in the chest. He thinks he’s going to die and gives a dying deposition to say “I, as an undercover cop was going to be one of the chief witnesses against a Melbourne major drug dealer, Alan Williams. Roger Rogerson, one of my police colleagues, offered me a bribe to somehow lose the evidence or not give evidence against Alan Williams.”

Former police officer Michael Drury, who survived an attempt on his life.

Former police officer Michael Drury, who survived an attempt on his life.Credit: James Brickwood

And as it turned out, Rogerson was charged both with the bribe and with the attempted murder of Michael Drury. And he was acquitted of both. And the most astonishing thing about this was that even the drug dealer, Alan Williams, gave evidence that “yes, we organised for a $50,000 payment to be made to notorious hitman, Chris Flannery, to do away with Michael Drury and Roger Rogerson was involved,” and he got off.

Funnily enough, the person who supposedly pulled the trigger, Chris Flannery, he disappears as well. He’s a notorious hitman, known as Rent-a-Kill. And guess what? His body has never been found either. And as Neddy Smith was later to tell police, Roger actually said to me, “Come on, mate. Chris was becoming a problem to us all. He had to go.”


These were the things he was doing while he was still in the police force.

I’d love it if you could take me back, if you can, a bit by telling me who was Roger Rogerson. I mean, before he joined the police force in 1958, he had just turned 17. Do we know anything about his life before then?

He grew up in Bankstown in Sydney’s south-western suburbs, and then he went to Homebush High School. His parents had emigrated from the UK. His father, Owen Rogerson was a boilermaker and his mother Mabel did home duties.

He graduated from Homebush High School. [He lived] a fairly quiet life, he married a woman called Joy and they had two daughters. (He later married Annie Melocco.) We fast-forward now to 1986 – so he’s been in the force for almost 30 years. And they finally drum him out on numerous misconduct charges, he’s already been acquitted of bribery, suspected of murder. But all they could come up with to get him out of the force, was six of nine misconduct charges were found against him.


But it was after he left the police force that he actually went to jail. And we were mentioning earlier about him being acquitted of the bribery charge against Michael Drury. Now, obviously this took Rogerson by surprise because he knew he had done it and I think he was expecting that he was going to go to jail for this. So he was overheard talking to his wife and others about the secret bank accounts he had set up in false names, in preparation for him going to jail. So he actually went to jail for that. And he did two stints for that same crime because he was initially sentenced and then he got out on appeal, lost the appeal, and went back to jail. And then we fast forward to 2006 when he’s again, back in jail and this time, he’s caught lying to the police integrity commission over dealings with a contractor at Liverpool Council, whose … nickname, according to Roger, was Mr 10 Per Cent, because you had to pay him 10 per cent of your contract in order to get the contract.

Kate, I really want to turn to why it took so long for Roger Rogerson to actually be convicted of any crime, to be sent to jail when there were allegations against him, and so much testimony against him for so long that he had actually been guilty of heinous crimes, including murder. Why did it take so long for him to be held to account?

Someone was telling me the other day that their father got a call from Roger Rogerson, and the father had been a witness to a robbery. Imagine getting a call from Roger Rogerson and saying, “You go to the police, you open your mouth, and you know what will happen?” So did the man talk? No, he didn’t. So I think the thing is that the legend of Roger Rogerson and the danger he posed did actually make people think twice about crossing him.

But it was interesting that modern technology finally caught up with him because in 2014 – this is just the most extraordinary thing – Rogerson is 73, he’s got a dodgy hip, he walks with a cane and yet, he gets arrested for the murder of a 20-year-old aspiring drug dealer Jamie Gao; Jamie is murdered in a warehouse in Sydney.

Murdered: Jamie Gao.

Murdered: Jamie Gao. Credit: Facebook

And just to be clear, that’s because this footage of Jamie Gao – it was caught on CCTV.

Yes, exactly. And also mobile phones, you can track where people went, you can look at conversations. In the days when Rogerson was at his peak murdering spree, there weren’t such things. People couldn’t bug your house, they couldn’t go to your WhatsApp messages. They couldn’t do even traffic [cameras] or the CCTV footage in shops, at lights. It’s very hard to get away with things.

I want to go back a bit – you’ve mentioned that Roger Rogerson was a terrifying individual, and therefore he successfully intimidated people, so they wouldn’t give testimony against him. But of course, there were all these examples where Sallie-Anne Huckstepp and other people actually did give testimony or did speak out against him, and they might have disappeared. So I wanted to know how that reflects on the police force. What does that suggest about the police force that he was palling around with hitmen, unsupervised, no one above him seemed to have [any idea], they weren’t worried?

It was often joked that Rogerson was the best that money could buy. And I think it was one of those things that NSW Police were absolutely notoriously corrupt. And the Victorian Police loathe to have anything to do with the NSW Police because their witnesses would be murdered or would disappear. It wasn’t until the Wood Royal Commission in the 1990s – and the Wood Royal Commission was into police corruption – that this was exposed in all its ugly, ugly ugliness.

Rogerson in 1982.

Rogerson in 1982. Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

Is there an argument to be made that Roger Rogerson was actually a product of his environment, that he didn’t enter the police force at 17 aiming to be as corrupt as possible and just go about murdering people for his own financial gain? But actually, that he was mentored by this culture that was so corrupt, and that he joined it?

I think yes, and no. I think it was a corrupt culture. Especially in the police at that time, it was basically “might is right”. We know that x is a heroin dealer, we know he’s done a lot of bad things. So we’re just gonna plant a gun on him. We’re gonna plant some drugs on him. We’re going to make up his statement – and this was what was called “verballing”. Which was, “the person said, yeah, fair cop, gov. Yep, I did it. Yep. Yep, I did all this.” Funnily enough, they usually didn’t sign these statements. But this was a culture of anything goes. It was like, we have to do bad things in order to catch bad people. But it completely got out of control.

So initially, the motive behind it, do you think there was some good to it?

It was what they called “noble cause corruption”. So we’re corrupt, but there’s a noble cause behind it.


I wanted to ask you about your personal perspective on Roger Rogerson. Because you actually had a run-in with him. He, I believe, attempted to sue you for defamation. So can you please tell me about that, and what sort of insights you personally gained into his personality?

He could, from all accounts, be quite charming. I, of course, never saw that side of him. And he did threaten to sue me for defamation – not for all the things that I’d written about him suggesting that he was a murderer. He took offence that I had said in an article that he was pals with another crook cop, whose name was Craig McDonald, but Craig’s nickname was Snidely Whiplash after the baddie in Dudley Do-Right cartoons. Of all the things that he took offence at that … anyway, he didn’t go ahead with that. But after another article that I wrote, he did get a message to me that he and his associate at the time wanted me to know that if I was a man, they would have broken my jaw by now. So thanks, Roger. So very kind of you.

Roger Rogerson is escorted out of court during his trial for murder in 2016.

Roger Rogerson is escorted out of court during his trial for murder in 2016.Credit: Daniel Munoz/Fairfax Media

There are numerous unexplained disappearances that are linked to Roger Rogerson, and he was either listed as a person of interest or even a suspect. So with his death, does this mean that these are likely to never be explained?

I think that they are likely never to be explained. I understand that before he suffered the brain aneurysm, Roger was frail and ill and was in the hospital wing at Long Bay Jail, and that police had tried to appeal to his better side saying, “Could you tell us what really happened in these cases, it would be really helpful to the families to know what went on” and – no joy there.

You mentioned what the NSW Police culture was in the ’70s and ’80s and perhaps even a bit beyond. But what about now – the culture of the police force now? Could we ever get a cop as corrupt as Roger Rogerson?

Yes. I think that you could only because history throws up these narcissistic psychopaths every now and then. I just think it would be harder to get away with the level of corruption – we’re talking about multiple murders here. We’re talking about letting people commit robberies, deal heroin, all those kinds of things. I just think that modern-day technology makes it harder to get away with those things.

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