

This was published 1 year ago

From the Archives, 1973: Bomb blast at News Limited offices

Fifty years ago, the News Limited offices in Holt and Kippax Streets, Surry Hills, were evacuated just before a bomb exploded in the toilets on the fourth floor.

By Staff reporter

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on April 15, 1973

A bomb wrecked part of the lavatory at the offices of News Limited in Holt and Kippax Streets last night. The explosion damaged toilets, cracked hand basins and destroyed a door.

Employees of New Ltd in the street after they were evacuated from the building before a bomb exploded in a toilet block on the 4th floor. April 14, 1973.

Employees of New Ltd in the street after they were evacuated from the building before a bomb exploded in a toilet block on the 4th floor. April 14, 1973. Credit: John Pinfold

The building was evacuated after a man phoned saying he had planted other bombs in the building. News Limited publishes “The Sunday Mirror”, “The Sunday Telegraph” and daily newspapers.


Employees evacuated the building soon after 7pm and only minutes after the explosion. No one was hurt. They returned about 8.30pm after an extensive search by police and fire brigade found no trace of a second bomb. There was a strong smell of cordite after the blast. “The Sun-Herald” building was also evacuated for 45 minutes after a similar call. No explosive device was found. Production of some papers was delayed.

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