This was published 1 year ago
From the Archives, 1843: Proposal for an ‘aerial carriage’
One hundred and eighty years ago, the Herald’s letter page was a cruel place, as young Francis Forbes (son of the Chief Justice of N.S.W.) discovered when he shared his vision of a steam-powered flying machine.
By Francis Forbes
First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on June 8, 1843
To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.
Gentlemen, Many years ago I planned an Aerial Carriage, but was unable from circumstances to bring my invention forward.
Illustration of the Aerial Steam Carriage, patented in England in 1842 by William Samuel Henson and John Stringfellow.Credit: File
It is simply by combining the principle of the kite with that of the Archimedean screw fan, that the whole object is to be attained and although it is impossible for me without experiment, and the construction of a working model, to predict success, yet I have always been most sanguine as to the result, and have been for some months past endeavouring to construct a working model, anxiously looking forward to the time when I might have had the means of carrying out my plan.
I mentioned the idea to several persons in England as well as here, and, although I met with nothing but ridicule, I still think it possible that my invention may have been pirated and although I should be the last person to detract from the merit of a bona fide co-inventor, yet I feel it due to myself to make such enquiries as will satisfy me that I have not been unfairly treated. With this object I have enclosed to my friend, Dr. Bland, a list of persons to whom I can remember having mentioned the invention.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Skellatar, Muswellbrook, 3rd June, 1893.
Aerial carriage (Extract)
To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald
Gentlemen - I was much amused by a letter in your paper of this morning, signed Francis Forbes, asserting the writer’s claim in the above invention, and complaining that he may have been unfairly dealt with...
Now, although it cannot be denied that the Archimedean screw-fan might, under very favourable circumstances, be used as an ascending power, it will be evident, to any person who considers the matter at all, that the weight of any mechanical contrivance capable of working an Archimedean screw-fan of sufficient size would considerably counter-balance the ascending power of the screw itself, and thereby render it wholly useless, without at all taking into consideration the weight of the carriage itself, passengers &c.
The principle of the kite as a continued locomotive power is almost too ridiculous to need comment...
I am, Gentlemen
Your obedient servant
Sydney, June 9.
To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.
(June 27)
GENTLEMEN-Having explained my principles, I shall not trouble on further, than to express my most unmitigated contempt for the profanum vulgus, who at the present moment are waiting either to boot or applaud the proposed invention, according as it may fail or succeed, without having the least idea of the principles on which success may be hoped for.
I will however, tell your corespondent A. B. that I have tried the following experiment - A kite pulling a string with a force of 10 lbs, that string made an angle with the horizon of 45 degrees, and owing to the curve the string made, the tangent to the string when it met the kite could not have made less than an angle of 65 degrees with the horizon.
Now, if your correspondent A. B. is sufficiently acquainted with the principles of mechanics, he will see that by resolving this force it may be placed by a horizontal force of 4 lbs. 3 oz. and a perpendicular force of 9 lbs; that is, a force of 4lbs. 3 oz. , acting horizontally, will support a weight of 9 lbs.; this horizontal force I proposed to effect by means of an Archimedes-screw, vanes, or fans.
Since however, reading Aeronaut’s last letter, I am inclined to think that a direct vent of steam at the extremity of the axis or axes of the vanes would affect the purpose better.
Yours, &c.,
Skellatar, Muswellbrook, June 13.
Francis Forbes is believed to have died in California in 1849.