Pauline McGinley of Drummoyne read with interest about Australia’s presence in the Disgusting Food Museum (C8) in Malmö and is hoping for a bit of rationale: “In the interest of balance, I do hope that the Swedes have included their fermented Baltic herring, Surstromming. It has a powerful, pungent smell and is a very much acquired taste. Once smelled, never forgotten.”
George Manojlovic of Mangerton reckons “if musk sticks, Vegemite and witchetty grubs are the worst Australia can come up with, we are a nation of wimps. I can’t wait for a potentially embarrassing social situation where I can ask ‘who opened their Surstromming?’”
“I do find it more than amusing that the Swedes find the food of any culture ‘disgusting’ when the Swedish version of a Hawaiian pizza called an ‘Africana’ consists of ham, banana, pineapple, peanuts and curry powder!” says Mark Baldwin of Terrigal. “Even the noted kitchen maestro Adam Liaw raised an eyebrow at that concoction.”
Wendy Illingworth of Kiama joins the “why bother” (C8) coterie: “My friend orders a quarter strength turmeric latte on almond milk in a mug and insists on ordering it herself to save anyone else the embarrassment.” Another new member is Tom McDonald of Bellambi: “A colleague once ordered a decaf caramel soy latte, only to be told ‘no mate, we sell coffee here’ by the barista.”
“In these uncertain times the word ‘oligarch’ really doesn’t quite cut it any more,” reckons Martin Field of Noosa Heads. “I wonder if any of your wordsmiths can come up with one that combines: shyster, huckster, carpetbagger, snake oil salesman, grifter, and mountebank?”
“Formula One driver Jack Doohan, son of famous motorcycle champ, Mick Doohan, is a likely starter in the 2025 Melbourne Grand Prix at Albert Park for the Alpine team this weekend,” notes Bernie Carberry of Connells Point. “In a wonderful NRLesque quote, he professes that he is going to ‘keep two feet on the ground’.”
With the benefit of stints at both Ansett and Jetstar (hey, don’t judge him!), Andrew McCarthy of Toormina can assure all that “readers should not be alarmed over pilot incapacitation (C8). An old joke among airline ground engineers is that eventually there will only be one pilot and a dog in the cockpit. The pilot’s job will be to feed the dog. The dog’s job will be to bite the pilot if he or she touches anything.”
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