

Debating Albo’s dress sense. It’s a tie

“I remind Stephanie Edwards (C8) that as a schoolgirl, she absolutely nailed the St Trinians look and since has unfortunately chosen to leave her gorgeous locks on the hairdresser’s floor,” notes Andrew Cohen of Glebe. “Just saying, and unlike her, I like Albo’s fluoro lime tie and besides, it makes him less likely to be involved in any kind of accident as it’s probably visible from the International Space Station.”

Bill Irvine of Goulburn is wondering why it is Jodie who is expected to police the prime ministerial necktie: “Is it fair to expect that women will always have better clothing and colour sense? Isn’t there an image and appearance consultant on retainer to the Labor Party?”

Ancient Greece by Train (C8), is a perfect anachronism,” reckons Lyn Langtry of East Ryde. “My favourite, which comes from an English textbook, is a cartoon of two backpackers struggling towards Stonehenge. One says to the other, ‘I wish they’d built this closer to the railway station’.”

“Phil Bradshaw observes that Donald Trump displays many Elons of hubris (C8),” says Jonathan Vincent of Emu Heights. “It would be well over 1000, so Trump’s hubris is better measured in kiloElons.”

Ross Warden of St Ives is also working up a formula: “How many Elons to make one Trump? How many Trumps to make one God? If Trump is an imperial measurement, would Putin be the metric equivalent?”

“While eating musk sticks the other day, a family member informed me that they were made from the anuses of deer,” reports Kerrie Wehbe of Blacktown. “Do with that what you will.”

Lois Janik of Concord is buying into John Swanton’s theory and suspects that a number of rubber barons need to get out of the gutter: “I think there is a conspiracy of tyre businesses regarding roofing screws (C8). I’ve had two flat tyres driving to local shops in the last six months from the very same screws!”

“Interestingly, the depiction of Cyclone Alfred on maps clearly indicates a kidney shape as it travels west,” observes Janice Creenaune of Austinmer. “Could it possibly be raising awareness for World Kidney Day (WKD) which will take place on March 14? Greater understanding of genetics, diets, treatments and funding are essential.” And Kate Fraser of Scone wonders “if it is mere coincidence, that, given recent weather events, one of the words in last Thursday’s Target Time was ‘levee’?”

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