

This was published 3 months ago

Cloud-seeding program over Snowy Hydro suspended

By Angus Dalton

Snowy Hydro has suspended its cloud-seeding operation, which over a decade has thrust at least 366 kilograms of silver iodide into storm clouds to precipitate more snow onto the peaks of the Snowy Mountains and boost the production of hydroelectricity.

A cloud-seeding trial began in 2004 and Snowy Hydro established a permanent program in 2013 after analysis found the technique was boosting snowfall on the mountains by an average of 14 per cent.

Snowy Hydro’s cloud seeding program aims to boost snowfall during winter so there’s more meltwater – and more hydroelectricity – come spring.

Snowy Hydro’s cloud seeding program aims to boost snowfall during winter so there’s more meltwater – and more hydroelectricity – come spring.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

More snowfall in winter means more meltwater come spring, which bolsters the system’s energy production. But cloud seeding can only occur in certain conditions and the number of hours Snowy Hydro has spent cloud seeding plunged by more than half between 2019 and 2022.

Snowy Hydro normally fires up 20 or so propane burners that release silver iodide over popular ski fields including Perisher and Thredbo over winter.

“The low frequency of cold fronts and warmer-than-average temperatures in winter 2023 impacted both natural snowfall, as well as the opportunities for snowfall enhancement via cloud seeding,” a spokesperson from Snowy Hydro said.

“But this was not related to Snowy Hydro’s decision to pause operations for 2024 and is to be expected from time to time with Australia’s highly variable climate. The purpose of the review is to ensure that it remains a commercially viable part of Snowy Hydro’s operations.”

The area bordered in red is the 2110 square kilometre zone in which Snowy Hydro has conducted cloud seeding each winter.

The area bordered in red is the 2110 square kilometre zone in which Snowy Hydro has conducted cloud seeding each winter.

Asked how much extra snowfall cloud seeding generated each year, and how much extra hydroelectricity the program produced, Snowy Hydro said the information was commercially sensitive.

Australia has long been a front-runner in investigating cloud seeding. In 1946 Bernard Vonnegut (whose brother was the famous novelist Kurt) discovered that silver iodide triggered the production of ice crystals when sprayed into water droplets at sub-zero temperatures.


The next year, the CSIRO began using air force jets to fly dry ice and silver iodide into clouds to see if they could trigger rainfall.

Over the following decades some results were promising – CSIRO scientists reported 30 per cent more rainfall in cloud seeded areas over Tasmania – but much of the experimentation was inconclusive, and the technique remained contentious.

Part of the problem was that running experiments in such a variable natural environment made it extremely difficult to tell if cloud seeding was increasing rain and snowfall.

But over the last 10 years advancing research has confirmed cloud seeding can produce 5 to 30 per cent more snow and even create precipitation where none may have fallen, Professor Steve Siems, a cloud seeding expert from Monash University said.

How does cloud seeding work?

Cloud seeding can’t conjure a rain cloud out of nowhere. But it can help trigger rain or extract snowfall from an existing cloud that might not have produced precipitation otherwise.

The technique used by Snowy Hydro is called glaciogenic seeding. When water in clouds is below freezing but hasn’t formed ice, the particles of silver iodide act as an “ice nuclei”, providing a structure for ice crystals to grow on.

Once the ice crystals grow large and heavy enough, they fall as rain or snow. This only works under specific conditions, but the two places in Australia where cloud seeding has been used – over the Snowy Hydro and Hydro Tasmania – have some of the best conditions in the world for cloud seeding, Siems said.

“We get very, very pristine air off the Southern Ocean. We don’t have a lot of dust or pollution in the air. We get some of the cleanest air in the world coming off the Southern Ocean, so it doesn’t have the ice nuclei.”

While planes distributed the seeding agent in Tasmania, Snowy Hydro sprayed tiny amounts of silver iodide across a propane flame on the ground to send particles up into suitable clouds.

Controversy and conspiracies

While advancing research over the past decade has confirmed cloud seeding can produce precipitation, there has been much community scepticism over the practice, and it’s a favourite bugbear for conspiracy theorists.

The practice came under fire in 2016 when it emerged Hydro Tasmania had cloud seeded the day before deadly floods. An independent investigation found the seeding had no effect on the extreme weather that caused the flooding, but the reputational damage was done, and Hydro Tasmania ceased its seeding program.

Pics showing cloud seeding generators and measuring equipment in Kosciuszko National Park.

Pics showing cloud seeding generators and measuring equipment in Kosciuszko National Park.Credit: Scott Hannaford

Siems has been part of multiple myth-busting efforts by news agencies to show various natural storm disasters, from Dubai to Lismore aren’t the deliberate doings of a cloud-seeding government. “I think that’s part of the world we live in nowadays, with QAnon and misinformation,” he said.

More reasonable concerns relate to the environmental impact of silver iodide and disrupting natural weather systems.


Silver concentrations in the Snowy Mountains have increased since 2013 but remain “several orders of magnitude” below guideline values, according to the Environmental Protection Authority. Silver occurs naturally in the environment and Siems said the amount dispersed per year over the mountains is equivalent to the amount that could be delivered by a dust storm.

Research is ongoing on the effect of cloud seeding on reducing rain or snowfall downwind, although often precipitation produced by cloud seeding wouldn’t have fallen anyway, Siems said.

Some jurisdictions in the US are using cloud seeding to disrupt hail storms because the seeding generates many small hailstones rather than large and damaging ice chunks. Other applications under considering include using cloud seeding to create rainfall over bushfires, which probably wouldn’t work.

“These are rare events,” Siems said. “I’m more sceptical towards those things because it’s just so much harder to get any statistical confidence.”

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