Want the look? “Many moons ago when my late husband started work at the ABC mail office his mother bought him a smart and rather pricey new raincoat and matching rain hat,” recalls Kerry Giuffre of Daceyville. “On the first rainy day, he proudly donned the outfit but quickly removed the hat after being told it made him look like a pox doctor’s clerk (C8).”
“Great advice from Keith Sutton (C8),” says Jean Stiller of Bowral. “Only one problem. Have you tried folding these plastic notes in half? Impossible!”
Having received his computative comeuppance, George “Form Guide” Zivkovic of Northmead writes: “Yes. Simple and clear as mud now, thanks David Markham (C8). Hopefully Granny will still give me a pass mark for showing full working out, even if I forgot to add on half of the lady’s stake? Move over Eddie Woo, I say. If Australia has a maths problem in its schools, look no further than employing ex-bookie’s clerks as consultants in the application of practical mental arithmetic.”
“Forget about the bookmakers,” says Anne Keys of Boggabri. “My mother was a bookkeeper in the 1950s and made out accounts for fruit growers who sent crops to the dried fruit factory. Calculate the value of say, 12 tons 7 cwt, 2 qrs, 6 lbs of plums with a price per ton in pounds, shillings and pence.”
Last week, Michael Bellemore of Croydon attended the monthly business meeting of the Orthopaedic Department at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. “The main agenda item discussed in the first half of the meeting was wait reduction. More specifically, reducing wait times for patients needing surgery. The main agenda item discussed in the second half of the meeting was weight reduction. More specifically, reducing the weight of obese children.”
It’s not easy turning green. “The other day while in the fruit market, I noticed purple broccolini for the first time in my life,” writes Peter Miniutti of Ashbury. “I decided to try some but was astonished that, after I steamed it, all the purple was gone and I was left with plain old green broccolini. I didn’t know growing vegetables was a dying art.”
Self-inflicted? Unkle Cyril of East Corrimal was rather quick to warn us to “stand by for an attack by the apostromaniacs on your five-eighths (C8) blooper”. And promptly followed it up with: “God, it should be five-eighths’ blooper.”
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