

This was published 1 year ago

A light gallop

Michael Hassett of Lismore Heights can vouch for saddle light navigation (C8): “In 1972, I was in a survey party working west of Moree and staying on a grazing property. One afternoon, after helping the property manager move a mob of sheep way out to the back paddocks, we found ourselves about 3 kilometres from the homestead in fast-fading light after sunset. The manager was riding a horse and I, being a city slicker, was only trusted to drive a tractor. The tractor was basic in design and function – brakes in name only and no lights. In response to my question about finding our way back to the house, he said that the horse knew the way and he, the manager, would have a smoke. I was to follow the glow of his cigarette.”

Parisian Browning Essence (C8) is one thing, but there’s another retail curtailment putting the Christmas menu in doubt this year: “Also needed for my Christmas cake is a cup of mixed peel, which has been missing in supermarkets all year,” claims Katrina Avery of Fullerton Cove.

Katrina might need to go large, according to Geoffrey Leeson of Stanmore, who had the same issue but “found a bulk supplier, so have enough now for a couple of years”.

Also taking the cake is Doug Lindsay of Wamberal: “I have a 100ml bottle of Queen Parisian Browning Essence in the cupboard if anyone wants it, and am prepared to send it. There’s no ‘best before’ date, but it would have belonged to my mother who passed away over 20 years ago.”

There’s a lot of love out there for our friend Paul Roberts (C8): “I knew Paul at NSW Teachers’ Federation Councils and Conferences,” writes Bob Hall of Wyoming. “His speeches, and more so, his asides during others’ speeches, were great entertainment.”

Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook reminds us that “It wasn’t just Column 8 that Paul opined his musings. He featured regularly in Big Questions in Saturday’s Herald, edited by Granny’s colleague Harriet Veitch.”

Traversing from Kazakhstan to a couple of other “stans”, Jennifer Dewar of Double Bay remembers that “During three weeks in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in 2013, we found both the wine (C8) and the local dish, plov, unpalatable. We happily resorted to vodka, which helped digest the Plov, but occasionally led to afternoon naps on the bus, so we often missed important features of the landscape.”

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