

This was published 2 years ago

New research confirms some melanomas may be harmless - but which ones?

By Stuart Layt

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When it comes to deadly cancers such as melanoma, researchers are trying to walk a fine line between early detection, and avoiding having people undergo invasive procedures to catch a cancer that might never have bothered them at all.

New research from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute has uncovered a surprising finding – almost a third of melanomas picked up during routine skin checks might not ever have been a problem for the people who had them.

New research has confirmed some melanomas will never cause an issue, reiterating the growing issue of cancer over diagnosis.

New research has confirmed some melanomas will never cause an issue, reiterating the growing issue of cancer over diagnosis.Credit: File Image

The researchers found this out by following a cohort of 40,000 skin cancer patients over seven years, as outlined in an article published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

Lead researcher Professor David Whiteman says they found that detections of melanomas were “significantly higher” for people who had some sort of skin check before joining the study, compared to those who had not had skin checks.

“When you follow the groups over time there’s a difference in the rate of melanoma in those two groups,” he says.

“The rate of melanoma in the screened group is about 30 per cent higher than in the unscreened group.”

Whiteman says because the two groups were otherwise identical in terms of other causal factors, the difference could be attributed to screening picking up melanomas that would not have developed into life-threatening cancer.

“That shows up at a group level, but importantly there’s still no way of telling at an individual level which melanomas will cause trouble,” he says.


The findings seem to fly in the face of all current public health campaigns about the dangers of skin cancers, and melanomas specifically.

Australia leads the world in both overall rates of melanoma as well as deaths from the cancer, with well over 1000 people around the country dying every year from melanoma.

With that in mind, Whiteman insists his team is not advocating for any change to current policies around skin cancer screening or treatment methods, and he urges everyone to get their skin checked regularly and speak to their doctor about treatment options.

But he says the findings do indicate that there is a lot of work still to be done to learn why some melanomas spread out of control, while others appear to sit dormant.

“I need to stress, all of the cancers we looked at were melanomas, it’s not that they were misdiagnosed,” he says. “But some of them, while being cancers in appearance, are not cancers in the way that they behave.”

He hopes that if researchers can discover why some melanomas do not become aggressive cancers, it could lead to better treatment or even prevention therapies.

“If we can find a way to distinguish the melanomas with a good prognosis from the very nasty melanomas, we might be able to offer patients better information about their condition and more appropriate treatment options,” he says.

“It would also help alleviate pressure on the healthcare system as melanoma treatment is very, very costly.”

The findings are the latest in an increasingly long list of studies that indicate cancers more generally may be being over diagnosed and over treated.

Major research released in early 2020 in the Medical Journal of Australia found that in 2012, one in four cancers were over diagnosed in men, while for women the figure was one in five.

Over diagnosis in this context refers to the detection of a cancer which is very low risk to the patient and has a very low likelihood of spreading and causing health problems.


Prostate cancer was the most over diagnosed cancer, the researchers found, with more than 8600 cases over diagnosed.

Research co-author Dr Thanya Pathirana from the Griffith University School of Medicine, says they found melanoma was not far behind, with 8300 melanomas over diagnosed in men and 5600 over diagnosed in women in the 2012 figures.

The new research from QIMR used different cohorts of patients from later years, but Pathirana says their findings matched those of her team.

“These new figures are very much in line with our findings, and it highlights the ongoing issue of over diagnosis of cancer specifically,” she says.

While there has been a push for early detection of multiple forms of cancer in recent years, Pathirana says there is always the danger that screening programs become a “double-edged sword” – catching many nasty cancers early, but also diagnosing cancers that would never have caused an issue.

Her team’s research estimated that Australian men are 17 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime than they were 30 years ago, while women are 10 per cent more likely.

Patrhirana says a cancer diagnosis and the subsequent treatment can be life-changing, and if that is done to a patient who might have never developed a life-threatening disease, then that patient has suffered a net harm.

Like Whiteman, she stresses that existing screening programs save lives and should be kept in place, and that people should continue to be screened regularly for cancers like melanoma, prostate and breast cancer.

But she says more needs to be done to understand why some cancers can kill, while others lie dormant and never cause an issue.

“To be on the safe side, most guidelines recommend treating cancer aggressively, and that’s a problem because we need more research to give us reliable indication of whether this cancer will cause trouble,” she says.

“Until then, we need to do everything we can to educate patients about the risks, both of their cancer and the treatment for it, so they can make an informed decision.”

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